Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/209

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ATHOLE. 187 revival of that order( a ) by James II, against whom, however, he joined in the Revolution shortly afterwards. He m. Amelia .Sophia, da. and, in her issue, sole h. of James (Stanley), [xviith] 7th Eakl OF Dkuby and 1st LORD Stkangb, by Charlotte, da. of Claude (db la Tuf.mouii.le), OCRS OF Thoi:ars in France, 4c. He d. 7 May 1703 and WAR bar. 17th at Diuikeld, eo. Perth. Fun. entry at Lyon office. Marquesses [S.h 3, or S, Jonx (Murray), Marquess of it Athole, &e. [S.], s. and h., b. 24 Feb. 1(159 at Knowsley, 00. Lancaster, the seat of his maternal uncle Charles „ , '.1703 (Stanley ), 8th End of Derby, lie, having been a zealous (May), supporter of William III, an one of the Principal Secre- Countesses [S.] tariea of State [S.L 4c, was in his father's hfe-time cr. ...... by patent dat. 27 July 1688 fat the Castle of Altre, near • vxx > J Perth) EARL OF TILLII5AUDIN/ 0 ) VISCOUNT GLEN ALMOND, and LOHD MURRAY [S.j/oWi/c. In Dukes [S.] 1(506 lie was Hum Commissioner to the Pari. [S.] till I 1703 (Jvmo) 109S. On the accession of Anne he was made P.C and LORD Phivv Seal in April 1703, a month before he shc. to his father's honours. On 30 June 1703 (a month ;ifter succeeding to the Map. qneasate, 4c.) he was cr. DUKE OF ATHOLE, .MARQUESS OF TILLIBARDIN, KHj OF XTRAT1ITAY ANf> STKATHAUDLE, VISCOUNT OF BALWHIDDER, GLENALMOND AND I S I.ENLYON, AND LORD MURRAY, BALVENIE, AND GASK.( C ) all in the CO. of Perth [S.l. with a spec, rem., failing the heirs male of his own body to those of his father. K.T. 5 Fob. 1703-4. In 1705 he resigned his office nf 1'rivv Sea] and warmly opposed the Union of Scotland with England. Having joined the Tory party he was elected a IlEP. Peek [S.] in 1710 and (again) 1713, Lord High Commissioner' to the Gen. Assembly of the Church of Scotland 1712 to 1714, an extra- ordinary Lord of Session 7 Nov. 1712, and Pmvv Seal (for second time) 1713 to 1714, Lord Lieut, of co. Perth 171 5. His then eldest sou and h. ftp, being attainted for high treason in that year, he procured an act of Pari. (1 Geo. I) for vesting his honours and estates, after his death, in his next surv. son James Murray. He m. firstly Katharine, da. of William (Dorur.a.s, afterwards Hamilton), Dukk of Hamilton fS,] liy Anne, swo jure, Di"ch+:ss ok Hamilton [S.] She was bap. at Hamilton 24 Oct. lliC2, il. and was Mr. there 17 Jan. 1707. Fun. entry at Lyon office. He hi. secondly in 1710 Mary, 2nd da. of William (Ross), LOHD Ross [S.] by Agnes, da. and h. of Sir John'e. He ,1. at Huntingtower. co. Perth, 14 Nov. 1724, in his 66th year, and was Inn: 26th at Dunkeld. Fun. entry at Lyon office. On his death the titles conferred on him in 1 676 for life became, of "course, extinct. His widow d. at Huntingtower 17 Jan. 1767, having survived him 43 years. [John- Murray, styled Marquess hp Tuluuardixe, 1st s. and h. ap. by 1st wife was, on 22 Jan. 1706, a Student at the Univ. of Leyden. He was Col. of a regiment in the service of the States of Holland. He d. unm. v.p., being killed at the battle of Malplaquet 11 Sep. 1709.] ("J) The Scotch order of THE THISTLE (or St. Andrew) was revived (or rather instituted) by King James II on 29 May 1687 ; eight Knights being nominated on 6 Jane following. These eight original Knights Were as under : — 1. James (Drummond), 4th Eaiii. ok Pkhth. 2. George (Cordon), 1st Duke OF Gordon. 3. John (Murray), 1st Marquess OF Atmolk, d. before Dec. 1703. 4. James Hamilton, styled Earl op Arran, afterwards (169S) Duke of Hamilton. 5. Kenneth (Mackenzie), 4th Eaul OF Seafoutii, d. before 1703. 6. John (Drummond), 1st Eahi. of Mklfokt. 7. George (Douglas), 1st Eaul of Dumbarton, d. before 1708. & Alexander (Stuart), 5th Eaul of Moray, d. before 1703. No additions were made to the order till 31 Dec. 1703 (2 Anne), at which time, out of the above eight Knights, only two, viz. the Duke of Cordon and the Duke of Hamilton were recognised as such. Perth and Mil fort, the only others who were then living, were pasted ever, having (as had Seaforth and Dumbarton) adhered to tlieir founder and gone with him in exile to St. Germains. (») See p. IS6, note