Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/216

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194 AUBIGNY. VI IL IGi't. Loiiii George Stuart, Lord of Aubigny ttfstf., 4th but •2nd surv. s. of Esme, Duke ok Lennox, &r [S.], and Kahi. ok March, <fcc. [K.], appears to have inherited his father's French possessions, doing homage for the Lordfhip of Aubignj/ 5 Aug. 1636. He in. Catharine, da. of Tkeophilus (Howard), 2nd Earl of SnflpMc, by Elizabeth, 2nd da. and coheir u f George (Ho.MK), Earl ok Diniiar [3.] He </. 23 Oct. 1642, being slain tx parte Regit at the battle of Kdgehill, and was hin: at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.!") l c ) He was one of those included in "THE LOYALISTS' BLOODY ROLL, or a list of those Lords, Baronet-, Knights, Commanders and Gentlemen (with their King and Archbishop) that were slain in the late wars in defence of their Kin" ami Country; as also of those executed by High Courts of Justice or Law Martial." See Prestwieh's " Respubliea," 4to. London 1787, pp. 131-143. The list contains names and descriptions of the following who were slaiu, viz.— " Earls and Lords," la ; " Baronets and Knights," 42 ; " Colonels," 4!); " Lieutenaut- Colonels," 34 ; "Sergeant Majors," 42 ; "Captains," 102: •' Gentlemen Volunteer.*," 39, " with many more ; " Those who were " executed," 35. In all 358 persons. The King, the ARCHBisnor and the following Peers wkiie Executed. Thomas (WentwHk), Earl ok Strafford, at Tower Hill, 12 May 1641. William {Laud). AucHBisHOP ok Canterbury, at Tower Hill, 10 Jan. 1644-5 The King, at Whitehall, 30 January 1648-9. James (Hamilton), DUKE OK H.V.MILTON [S.]. ) Henry (Rich), Karl ok Holland. at Westm. 9 March 1648-9. Arthur ( Cupel I), Lokd Cakell. ) James (Graham), Marquess of Montrose [S.], at Edinburgh, 21 May 1619. 3mies( Stanley), Eahl ok Derby, at Bolton, eo. Lancaster, 15 Oct. ltfol The " Iiurhund Lords " who were slain (alphabetically arranged) are as under. Aubig.ny, George StuaH), Lord ; slain at Edgebill 23 Oct. 1642. Caknahyon, Robert ( Uofmer), Earl of ; shun at Newbury Sep. 1643. DAunneaU, Baron, a Dutchman ; slain at Nottingham. Denbigh, William (Peilding), Earl ok ; mortally wouuded at Birmingham, 3 April 1643. Dunbar, Henry (0'onstuble), Viscount [S.]; shun at Scarborough Castle. Falkland, Lucius (Cur;/), Viscount [S.] ; slain atMaraton Moor July 1644. Guanoison, William ( Villiers), Viscount [I.] ; mortally wounded at Bristol, (I. Aug. 1643. Kingston, Robert (Picrrcpont), Earl of ; slaiu at Gainsborough.

  • Lichkikld, Bernard [Stuart), Earl of ; slai.i at Rowton Heath 29 Sep. 1645.

Lindsey, Robert (Bertie), Karl ok; His Majesty's Lieut-General ; slain at Edge- hill 23 Oct. 1642. NORTHAMPTON, Spencer (Complon), Karl ok ; slain at Hopton Heath 19 March 1642-3. Stuart, Lord John, yr. s. of Esme, 3rd Duke of Lennox fS.] and or. of George " Lord Aubigny " and of Bernard, Earl of Lichfield, above-named. He was a Gen. of Horse, was slain at Alresford 29 March 1614 in his 22nd year, and bur. in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. •Lord Bernard Stuart, yr. s. of Esme, 3rd Duke of Lennox [S.], 2nd br. to bora Aubigny " and " Lord John Stuart," (both of whom are included in this " roll "), was a: Eahl ok Lichkibld 1644-45 but (L before the warrant |«tssed the seals. He must not be confused with his nephew Charles Stuart, (afterwards Duke of liichinoml) who was a: Earl of Lichfield, 10 Dec. 1645.