Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/23

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A. ABBEYLIKX. See " DE VESCI OF ABBEYLIEX " in Queen's eounby, Viscount [1.],ct. 177(5. ABBOTS LANG LEY. " BAB( >X OF ABB< ITS LAXGLLY," co. Hertford. See "RAY- MOND," Lord, or. 1731, ex. 1753. ABERBROTHYvICK. I.e. "LORD' HAMILTON, AVANE, ABERBROTHWICK and BOTH WELLH AUG H " [3.]. See " ARRAN," Earl of [a.], a: 1581, attainted 1585. Barons [s]. 1. James (Hamilton), 2nd Marquess op Hamilton [S.L j | ago received from James YI [S.J the lands, patronages and titles belonging to the Abbey of Aberbrothwiek, the same being, by charter, dat. 5 May 100S, erected into a temporal Lordship in his favour with thr. title of a Lord of Parliament, i.e. "LOUT) ABERB ROTH WICK " (8.J. See "HAMIL- TON " Marquees of JB.J, sr. 1 St'O, under the Second Marquess. ABEECARX. See "LEAN OYER OF LL AX OVER and ABERCARN, " co. Monmouth, Baton, cr. 1S59, ex. 1S07. ABLRCORN. Barons [S.]. l. James Hamilton, styled^) "Master of PaMfljr," a and I 1G03 a P" °^ Claud (Hamilton), 1st Loiin Paisley [S.], by Margaret, da. of George (SeTon) 6th Loud SbTON [S.], being l'.C. and Gent. Earls IS 1 u ^ Mudclmmbcr to James YI [S.J, obtained in 1CO0 the office " of Sheriff of co. Linlithgow to him and his heirs male, and in 1(501, I. 160G. a grant of the lands of Abcrcorn, &o., in that co., subsequently erected into a free Barony. On 5 April 1003 he was cr. BARON OP ABERCORN, co. Linlithgow [SA to him and his heirs male and assigns whatever. In 1604 he was on the Commission which treated of a proposed Union of Scotland with England. On 10 July 1606 he was cr. LORD PAISLEY, HAMILTON, MOUNTCASTELL, and KILPATRICK, and EARL OF ABERCORN [S.] to him and his heirs male whatever. On 20 May 1615 he was appointed one of the Council of the province of Mxmster, having previously by Privy Seal, Vi'estm., ol March 1613 obtained a Royal Warrant "to hold [in Ireland] the place and precedency (") The eldest sous of Scotch Peers are said to Ic Peers, and (presumably as such) were declared, in December 1708, incapable of sitting in the House of Commons as members for any shire or burgh in Scotland. For the sake of uniformity and con- venience, however, they are here described in the same manner as are the eldest sous of English or Irish Peeja.