Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/239

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BALCARRES. 217 was tod 8. of David, 9th Karl of Crawford [S.] He sac. bid 1st br. John L. in the estate of Balcarres hi Jan. 1000-1 , being then aged H years, and was served h. to hini 111 May 1601. Was Knighted 161:2. lie devoted himself to science and literature, particularly t' 1 chemistry and to the search of the (then widely sought) " Philosopher's stoue." When Charles I visited Scotland he was (shortly after the coronation at Holyrood) er. 27 Juue 1633 LORD LINDSAY OF BALCARRES [S.], to him and his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Lindsay. The original " signature " was for his being er. " Lord Lindsay nf Balntitt and Vismant ef Uulcums " [S.]() He m. 1612 Sophia, da. of Alexander 1 SeTON), 1st Eaul ok [S.], sometime Chancellor [S.], by his 1st wife Lilias, da. ol Patrick (Diiimmond), 3rd Loud Duimmond [S.] by Elizaheth, da. of David (Lindsay:, 9th Eaul ok Ciiawkoiid [S.] abovenamed. His wife's neither, the said Lilias, was consequently his own first eousiu. In the disputes which led subsequently to the Civil war, he stedfastly adhered to his King. Ha d. March 1610-1 and was Jar. in the Chapel of Balcarres. His will, dat. 1 June 1640, appoints his wife, who survived him, his sole exceutrix.() II. 1041. I, Alex^ndeii (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of Balcaimes PirUKl EM' "> iin Ht " W * ! 6 Julv ltil!j alul elL ;lt tllc school at

  • " ms 1 J rMdington and at the University of St, Andrews. Unlike his father

I. 1651. he took the part of the Covenanters against the King, but, notwith- standing, was made P.C. [S.] 16 Nov. 1641. Ho was at the battle of Marston Moor, 2 July 16 44, and commanded a troop of horse at the battle of Alfonl, 2 July 1645, where, however, he was defeated by the Royalists under Montrose, after a hard fight. On 2!) Dee. 1645 he was one of the Commissioners [S.] to the King at Newcastle, whom he urged (though to no purpose) to adopt measures so as to avoid his being surrendered to the English. After this he appears to have stood high in favor with the King who appointed hiin Governor of Edinburgh Castle. On the arrival of Charles II in Scotland he got many of his relations and friends to espouse the Royal cause. On 9 Jan. 1850-1, bv patent dat, at Perth, he was it. LOUD LINDSAY AND BALNEIL, and KARL OF BALCAItKES [S.], "sibi. ejusoue heredibuB masculis tallin et provisions in ejus infeofamentis expressis, se u ex- primendis." He was Hereditary Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh (an office afterwards surrendered by his widow) and High Commissioner to the gen. assembly of the Kirk. He was in command of the troops north of the Forth and by mortgage and by sale of his plate raised £8,000 for the Hoyal cause. After the King's defeat at Worcester in Sep. 1651, he capitulated with Cromwell. He again took anus for Charles II in 1653, but, his estate being sequestrated, joined that King on the Continent in 1653. He was considered the head of the Presbyterians or Scotch Constitutionalists, and was the King's Secretary of State for Scotland. He m. in April 1610 (contract 22 and 23 April) his first cousin Anne, 1st of the two daughters and coheirs of Colin (Mackenzie), 1st Eaul op Seakohth, by (his mother's sister) Margaret, da of Alexander (Slton), 1st Eaul ok Di'Mkkrmline [S.] afsd. He d. in exile, at Breda, 30 Aug. 1659, aged 41, and was bur. at Balcarres 12 June 1660. His widow, who was on intimate terms with Richard Baxter, the well known divine m. (as his 2nd wife) 28 Jan. 1670, Archibald (Campbell), Earl ok Aiigtll [8.1 who was beheaded 1685. She rf. 2 and was bur. 29 May 1707 at Balcarres. Fun. entry in l.vnn oftlf.o * Earls [S.] H. Barons [S.] III. 3. i Lindsay), Eaul or Balcarres, Are. J. l(J59 r s. and h. He d. ("a large stone beuig found at his heart "( b ) ) at Balcarres, 15 Oct. 1662, aged 12, and was there bur. on the 21st. , ^.^. ee "Lives of the Lindsays " (a work of great research) by A. W. C Lindsav

  • m Lord Lindsay, afterwards (1S69-S0) Earl of Crawford [S.], 3 vols. 8vo., 1849.