Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/246

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224 BALLYMOTE — BALMERINOCH. BALLYMOTE. i.e. " Ballymote, Baron of," co. Sligo [I.] Sec " Taaffe," Viscount [LI cr. 1G2S. BALLYOBEXODE. See " Xorbury of Ballyorexode," co. Tipperary, Baron [I.], cr. 1800. BALLYSHAXXOX. See "Foliot of Ballysiianxon," co. Donegal. Baron [I], cr. 1619, ex. 1630. BALLYTEAMMOX. ■i.e. "Monck of Bally trammon," co. Wexford, Baron [[.], a: 1797. See Monck, Viscount [I.], a: 1S00. ■i.e. " Monck of Bally trammon, co. "Wexford, Baron " [U.K.], cr. 1866. See " Monck," Viscount [I.], under the 4th Viscount. BALMERINOCH. I. 1C06. 1. The Hon. Sir James Er.rnixsTOXE of Bamtoun, 3rd b. of Robert, 3rd Lonu Eli'Hinstoxe [S.] by Margaret, da, of Sir John Dhommoxd, was appointed a Lord of Session, under the designation of " Lord Imiernochtie," 4 March 15S6 ; one of the eight Commissioners of the Treasury in 1596, a Secretary of State in 1598, and on 1 March 1605 President of the Court of Session. He acquired many grants of lands, of which those belonging to the Cistercian Abbey of Balmeriuoch, co. Fife, were erected into a Barony in favour of him, his heirs male, and heirs of tailzee and provision, by charter 20 Feb. 1603-4, and on 11 July 1606 he obtained a charter including the honour of a Lord of Pari., whereby he was cr. LORD BALMERINOCH [S.], and took his place in Pari, accordingly. He was however found guilty of the fabrication of a letter (in 1599) purporting to be from James VI [S.] to Pope Clement VIII, and was on 1 March 1C09 sentenced to death and attainted, but subsequently pardoned. He >«. firstly Sarah, da. of Sir John Menteth of Corse. She was living 14 Dec. 1592. He m. secondly Marjory, da. of Hugh Maxwell of Tealing. She was living as his wife 23 Dec. 1597, and 12 Aug. 1601. He d. at Balmerinoch 1612. II. 1613. 2. John (Elphinstone), Eord Balmerinoch [S.], s. and h. by 1st wife, was restored in blood by Royal letters 4 Aug. 1013. He was a leading Covenanter, taking a most active part against the King being one of those who implored the assistance of Luuis XIII of France against him. His trial and conviction in 1635 (by a majority of one) as to a petition to the Crown against grievances, greatly exasperated the feelings of the Scotch towards the Monarchy. Ho was President of the Pari. [St.], 1641, &c, was one of those who were against rescuing the King from his imprisonment in 16 18 and sat in the Pari. 4 Jan. lb'49, where those who were concerned in the " engagement " were proscribed. He m. Ann, whole sister of Robert, Eahl ok Somerset, da. of Sir Thomas Keh of Feniihtrst, co. Jedburgh, by his second wife Janet, da. of William Scott of Buccleueh. He & suddenly 1649, and was bur. in the Logan cemetery at Restalrig.(*) III. 1649. 3. John (Elphinstone), Eonu Balmerinoch [S.], s. and h. b. 18 Feb. 1632 at Edinburgh. By reason of the heavy debts of his father and of several law suits lie was forced to sell nearly all his estate. In 16ti2 he was fined by Pari. £6000 Scots for bis compliance with Cromwell's Government. By the death of his uncle James (Elphinstone), Lord Coupar [S.], in 1669, he sue. (*) The Barony of Reatalrig hail been obtained by the first Lord on the resignation of the noted Robert Logan, 16 May 1605.