Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/279

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BASSET. 257 de Drayton."?') He m. Margaret, widow of Urian St. Pierre, da. of Roger Somert, feudal Lord of Dudley. He d. 4 Aug. 1265, being slain at tie battle of Evesham, fighting against the King, who, however, continued the estates to his widow and son. This lady soon afterwards took the veil. II. 1265. 2. Ralph (Basset) Lord Basset de Drayton, s. and h. He served in the French and Scottish wars. On "23 June (1295), 23 Ed. I, 6 Feb. (1298-9), and 10 Aprfl (1299', 27 Kd. I, he was sum. to Pari. He m. Joan da. of Reginald Ohev( c ) of Ruthin by Maud, da. and h. of Henry de Lokuchami- of Wilton, co. Hereford. With her he obtained the manor of Olney, Bucks. He d. 31 Deo. 1299, and was bur. at Drayton. JII. 1290. -3. Ralph (Basset), Lord Basset de Drayton, s. and h. From 29 Dec. (1299), 28 Ed. I, to 25 Feb. (1342), 16 Ed. Ill, he was Biuu. to Parl.( a ) In (1306) 34 Ed. I, being with the King in Scotland, he received Knighthood with the Prince of Wales. He was subsequently Steward of the Duchy of Aquitttine and distinguished himself by his proud defiance of the Kmg of France. He was Constable of I 'over Castle, Warden of the Cinque Ports, &C, He m., da. of Thomas (Beai'chasip), Karl ok WaRWICE, by Catherine, da. of Roger MOBTIHBR, feudal Lord of Wigmore. He d. 25 Feb. ,1343-4), 17 Ed. III. IV. 1343-4 4. Ralph (Basset), Lord Basset de Drayton, grantl- t0 son. aud h., aged S years in 1343, being s. and h. of Ralph Basset, by Alice, da. of Nicholas Aidley, which last Ralph was s. aud h. ap. 1 390. of the last Lord and d. v. p. about 1335. When of age he joined the army of the Black Prince, and was at Bordeaux 8 Jan. 1335-6. He was sum. to Parl.( d ) from 26 Dee. (1357), 31 Ed. Ill, to 0 Dee. (1389), 13 Ric. II, aud greatly distinguished himself in the subsequent wars with France. £G.. 136S. On 30 Oct. 1386. nt the age of 51, he was a deponent in the Scropo and (Irosvenor controversy. He m. Joaue (sister to John, Dike of Bhitanny and CorxT of MontfoKT in France, Earl of Richmond in England), da. of John (DE DitECX), Co.mtk DE MoNiTOUT by Joanna of Flanders. He (/. s.p. 10 May 1390. Will dat. 17 Jan. 13S9-90, pr. 1 Aug. 1396.(°) He was far. under a "goodly monument in Lichfield Cathedral," wheu the Baron;/ became dormant, or, possibly, fell into abcyuncc between the heira of his two great auuts.(') by the house of Rydell, retained Undic, the devise of the Bassets, ami only changed the colours thereof [from gold and red] into silver and black. But, about the time of Ed. Ill, Simon Basset, Baron of Sapcote (descended from the forenamed William) and Sir John Basset of Bloro [also so descended], both of them (I know not the cause why) at one instant (as I think) relinquished their devise of Undic and invested themselves into Ridels" [i.e. the 3 piles with certain variations]. ( b ) As to the writ of 49 Hen. Ill beiug "the first writ extant," see "Courthope," p. XXV. (°) See " Dugdale," p. 713— which seems more probable than the statement in contradiction of it at p. 379 of the same. ( d ) There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of Pari. (°) In E. P. Shirley's " Stemmata Shirleiana," 2nd edit., 1873, p. 370, is an accurate copy of this will, of which the abstract giveu in "Test. Vet.," p. 125, is very mis- leading. (') The heirship of the last Lord is somewhat doubtful. As to many of the estates the heir was found to be, according to one imj., Thomas, Earl of Stafford, grandson to Margaret Basset, sister to the grandfather of the deceased ; but. according to another "»?., the heirs were (1) the said Earl of Stafford and (2) Alice, wife of William Chaworth, descended from Maud, a sister of the said Margaret. These findings were confirmed by another inq. (1403), 4 Hen. IV, on the deatli of Joan, widow of the last Lord Basset. The heirship to these estates was possibly so found in accordance with some old entail. It is certain that the last Lord devised all his estates to his nephew O'inon ueveu "), Hugh Shirley, and the heirs ruale of his body, with rem. to William Stafford (br. to the Earl of Stafford), and to divers others. It is certain, also, that the Shirley family inherited, by this devise, considerable estates in the counties of Nottingham Leicester and Warwick (touching which Sir Ralph Shirley had a memor-