Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/282

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260 BASSET. III. MOO? J. Ralph (Basset), Lord Basset m Sapcote, g, sadfc, but never sum. to Pari. He tif. Elisabeth, 1st da. anil, in her issue coheir of linger (ColvilO, Loud Oi.yii.l. by Margaret, da. of Sir Richard Brawn! He rf. 1328. 1Y. 1-"il'U. /. Simon (Basset), Ltmu Hasset me SapcoTb, & and 1, but never sum. to Pari. He «,:(••) Isabel, da. and Coheir of William (Buteler), Lokd Botsusu i*f Wkmmk. V, 1001 ■'>. Ralph (Basset), Luftb U asset i>ij Sapcote, s. and p i -'-il ne becamOj by the death of bis cousin Hubert, Lord L 01 ' 'J O'lvill, .me i.f the two coheirs of the estates and Barony uf that

  • ° family, inheriting, accordingly, the Castio and Honour of Bytham, co.

1*78. Lincoln, Thornton Steward, en. York. e. Iii consequence, probably, of these -positions he was sum. to Pari. S Jan. (1370-1 1, ii Ed III," ami li Oct (1372;, -10 Ed. Ill, the writs being direeted " Haduhjho Basset de Sapcote. "( r i He fought gallantly in the French wars and was one of the hemes of Crecy. He in, firstly about 1318, Sybil, <la. of Sir Giles AsTI.KV. lie m. secondly Alice, da. of John DbrDT. He (/. s.p.iu. in 1378, when the Barony fell into ttbeyrtnvc between his two daughters and coheirs. (-) His widow who Mi Sir lb. bel t TofCHET and, afterwards, Sir Anketine Malloky, it. a widow HI 2 ami was Inn: at Stamford. Will |>r. ti*j Oct. 1412 in the Bishop's court, Lincoln. BASSETC) DE WELDOJf. Barony by /. Richard Basset of Great Weldon, co. Noithanipton, "Writ s. and heir of Ralph 1!. of the tame, whom he sue. about 12!'4, nas, on 20 Jan. (1200-7), 25 Ed. I, sum. to attend the King at Salisbury, I. 1299. but such summons cannot be considered in the light of a ttgvUa writ of summons to Parl.( l >) However, on 0 Feb, (1298-9}, 27 Ed. I, he was sum. to Pari, asa Baron, (LOUD BASSET DK WICLDOX), the writ being directed " Kicardo Basset de Weldon." He tl. in 1314, being slain in the battle of Strevelyn against the Scots. those persons do not a]ipear to have been Harons by Tenure, and that of those who were Barons by Tenure and summoned on those occasions, many were never included in any sub.-eipient summons to Pari. The writ of [1291] 22 Edw. I has, however, on one occasion (in the case of the Barony of Rons] hewn admitted as a writ of summous to Pail, at the bar of the House of Lords, but the last ' (ieneral Report of the Lords' Committee appointed to search for matters touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm,' appears to confirm the objections here expressed." ( d ) See " Family of Chester of Chicheley," by R. E. Chester Water*, where there is much valuable information respecting the family of Basset of Sapcote after their alliance w ith that of Colvill of Bytham — pp. 197-199, (<■') This writ of 1371 and the sitting thereunder, doubtless constitute the only Barony of Basset de Sapcote that is capable of proof. ( r ) There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of Pail. ■ (K) These were (1) Alice, da. by the first wife, then aged 30, ami wife of Sir Laurence Dutton, afterwards wife of Sir Robert Moton of Peekleton, (2) Elizabeth, da. by the 2nd wife, 6. at Castle Bytham, July 1372, then aged 7 (sic) ami wife of Richard lircy. afterwards (1 303) Lord Orey de Codnor, The representatives of the Barony «f drey Codnor represent this moiety of the Barony of Basset de Sapcote. The other moiety, after vesting in Reginald Moton of Peekleton (the great grandson of Dame Alice Moton abovenamed, who inherited the estates of Sapcote and of Castle BytfoHn), became again divided between his two daughters ; of whom the family of Vincent ot Peekleton (at one time) represented one, and that of Polo of Radbnrne the other. The estates of Sapcote and of Castle Bytham were sold by the Pole family early in the seventeenth century. (•; See p. 256, note "a." ( b ;Seep. Ill, note "b."