Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/294

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272 BATTLESPEN — BAYNING. BATTLESDEX. See " r.ATncnsT of Battlesden, co. Bedford," Baron, cr. 1712 BAVEKT. 1. Roger Bavext, attended the expedition into Gascony in 1207, obtained ; charter for a market at Mareham, co. Lincoln, ] 302, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD BAVENT), 8 Jan. (1312-3), 6 Ed II, to 14 March (1321-2), 1;". Ed. II. Wm attainted in 1322, but restored in blood and honours (1327), 1 Ed. III. Again sum. to Pari. 27 Jan. (1332-3), 6 Ed. Ill, to 1 April (133;-.), 9 Ed. III. He I about 1335, but none of his posterity (if such ever existed) were afterwards sum. to P«rL<«) BAYHAM OF BAYHAM ABBEY. i.e. " r>AYH.M of Bayiiam Abbey, co. Sussex," Viscount, sec " CAMDEN," Karl, cr. 1786, Barony by- Writ. I. 1313, to 1335. BAYXIXC OF IIORKESLEY, AND BAYNING OF SUDBURY. Barony and l. Sin Paul Bay.xixg of Great Horkesley, Essex, Bart., Viscountcy. * alH ' u - °f P 1111 ' & of St. Olave's, Hart street, London, Merchant, Alderman and Sheriff of that city, by Susanna, da. and coheir nf J. 1G2S. Edward Nwidex of Mistier, Essex, MM bap. 23 April IMS, at St. Olave's afsd., and on 24 Sep. 1611 was (v.p.) cr. a Baronet, being subsequently (IP July 1614) Knighted ; on 1 Oct. 1616 he sue. his father ; in 1017 was Sheriff of Essex, and, on 27 Feb. 1627-8, was cr. BARON BAYNING OF HOR- KESLEY, co. Essex, and on S March following VISCOUNT BAYNING OF SUDBURY, co. Suffolk. He in. Anne, Dow. Viscountess Dorchester, da. of Sir Henry Gi.emham of Glemham, Suffolk, by Ann, da. of Thomas (Sackville), 1st Earl OS DOBSET. He rf. at his house in Mark Lane, London, 29 July 1629, and was bur. at St. Olave's afsd., leaving vast estates in Essex and Suffolk, and £153,000 personalty. Will dat. 12 July and pr. 14 Oct, 1629. Inq. post mortem 5 and 6 Car. I. His widow il. at Westm. 10 and was bur. 31 Jan. 1638-9 at Gosfield, Essex. Will, &c, as "Viscountess Dorchester" (being a higher precedence than Viscountess Bnyning), dat. 1 and 3 Sep. 1638, pr. 15 Jan. 1638-9. II. 1G29, S, Paul (Bayxixg), Viscount Baykixg of Sudbury, to and Baron Bayninc; OF Horkesi.ey, and a Baronet, only s. and h. 1638. bap. 4 March 1615-6 at St. Olave's afsd., paid £18,000 fine to the King for his Wardship. Matric( b ) at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 15 June 1032 ; B.C.L., 1033. He m. Penelope, only da. and h. of Sir Robert Naunton, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries and Sergeant of State to James I, by Penelope, da. of Sir Thomas Perrot. He d. s.p.m. 11 June 1638, at Little Bentlcy Hall, Essex, and was bur. at Little Bentley,( c ) when all his honours became extinct. Will dat. 6 Dec. 163 1, pr. 9 Oct. 1638. His widow, who was 6. at Charing Cross and bap. 2 Oct. 1620 at St. Martins in the lields, m. Philip Herbert, stifled Lord Herbert, afterwards 5th Earl of Pembroke (who d. 11 Dec. 1669), to whom she was first wife. She rf. before 1650. (») He is said to have left a s. and h., Roger Bavent, who rf. 23 April 1355, leaving John his s. and h. then aged 20, said (by Vincent) to have rf. s.p., leaving Eleanor las sister and h., who in. William de Braose. Their grandchild and h. m. Sir Hugu Shirley. See " Steinmata Shirleiana," edit. 1873, p. 30. (!•) In the Matric. reg. he is culled " Baro de Naylund, Essexiensis, Vicecomes Baynmg de Sudbury." ., . (<=) Of his two daughters and coheirs (who both rf. s.p.) Penelope, the yst., wile oi Hon. John Herbert, was bur. 1 May 1057 at Wostm. Abbey ; and Ann, the eldest, isi wife of Aubrey (de Vere), 20tU Earl of Oxford, was bur. there 27 Sep. 1659.