Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/297

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BEAU CHAMP. 275 BEAUCHAMP DE SOMERSET. Barony 5. JoiIN BbaTJCHAMF of IIauhe,( a ) co. Somerset, s. bv Writ Racl h. of John B. of the same, by Cicely, da. and h. of William de Vivoxia and Maud, one of the seven daughters (coheirs to their L 1209. mother) of William (Frrrkus), E*rl o? Derby, sup. his father (1234), 12 Ed. I, being then aged ten years. Ha was in the Scutch wars, and received summons, 26 Jan. 1296-7, to attend the King at Salisbury.^) He was sum. to Pari as a Baron (LOUD BEAUCHAMP DEC) SOMERSET), 29 Dee. (1299), 28 Ed. I to 22 Jan, 1335-6, or 24 Aug. 1336,(<l) 9 Ed. Ill, the writs beiug directed "Jo. de Bollo Campo do Somerset. "( e ) He was made K.B. with the Prince of Wales iu 1306. In 1321 (11 Ed. II) he sue. to the extensive estates of iis mother, which included Stin-min.ster Marshal, Dorset ; Bullingham, SO. Cambridge ; Sc. Governor of Bridgewater Castle, 1325. He tl. 1336. II. 133G. 7. John' (Beauchamp), Lord Beauchamp de Som- EKSKT, s. and h. He was sum. to Pari. 24 Aug. lSSe^' 1 ) or 29 Nov. 1336 to 24 Feb. 1342-3, by writs similarly directed. He served in the wars with France. He m. Margaret. He if. 1313. His widow d. 19 Nov. 1361, a nvonth after the death of her son. III. 1343, S. .Tons (Beauchamp), Lord Beauciuoif de Somerset, to s. iiud h. aged twelve years at his father's death. He was sum. to Pari. 13GI. by writs directed as above, 15 Nov. 1351 to 20 Nov. 1360. He d. s.p., 7 Oct. (1361), 25 Ed. Ill, when the Barony fell into abeyance between his sisters or their issue.O (») The arms of this family — " Voire, arg. ami az." — are entirely different from those uf the great house of Beauchamp of Warwick, and no connection is shewn between the two families. ( b ) This writ was not a regular writ of summons to Pari., such as would originate a Peerage. — See page 111, note " b," under " Ap Adam." ( c ) The following observations as to the titles of " Beaurhamp de Somerset," and " Beauchamp de Warwick," are made by Sir N. H. Nicolas and reproduced in " Cour- thope" (p. 102), under "Cherleton." "John Beauehainp, yr. s. of Guy, Earl of Warwick, was sum. to Pari. (1350-57 ), as ' Johauni de Bcllo-Gauipo de Warrctcyk,' probably to distinguish, him from John Reauchamp of Haehe iu Somersetshire who is described in the writs as John Beauchanip de Somerset ; but it cannot, for a moment, be contended that either So.mkr.set, in the one instance, or Vi'abwick, in the other, formed the titles of either of these Barons ; and that instead of being Barons Beauchamp they were Barons of Warwick and of Somerset Tliac addition* are to be found in the original writs, by which those dignities were created, whilst this Barony [Cherleton] existed for nearly 50 years before the words dc Pmces occurs in the writs of summons ; the presumption is, therefore, more strongly in favour of the Baronies in question being those of Warwick and of Somerset, than that this dignity [Cherleton) should be that of Powis." In spite of these remarks, the Editor is unable to see wdiy the respective writs of " Beauchamp de Somerset" and "Beauchamp de Warwick" (thus, apparently, purpose!;/ dis- tinguished from one another), did not create (as in other cases, c.ij. in the write issued to different members of the families of Grey, Willoughby, 4cc), Baronies of Beauchamp thus respectively desiynated, (tho', of course, not Baronies " of Warwick " or of Somerset " perse), instead of two Baronies each of the name of "Beauchamp " ttioric, as given iu " Nicolas " and " Courthope." See also post. p. 277, note " b." (*) It is not clear wdiether the father or the son is iudicated in the writ of $f Any. 1336. C) He was one of the Barons wdio signed the letter to the Pope in 1301. 0 The coheirs, according to " Dugdale," were (1) Cecily Ins eldest sister, then aged ftlm^ ('-) John Meriet, aged 15, s. and h. of Eleanor, another sister, winch John d. (13/9-80), 3 Hie. II, leaving Elizabeth, his da. and h. wdio m. (— ) Seymour. Later writers state there to have been another sister (3) Margaret, who «. Thomas Challons, out do not assign her any issue. As to the second sister aud coheir Eleanor, she »i j T y , S "' Jumi Meriet, by whom she had issue, as above : secondly Sir Walter Blount, and thirdly ii envy Lovet , But tlli; bulk o{ tlle esUtea aeem to ] uw devolved ou