Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/306

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284 BEAULIEU — BEAUMONT. BEAULIEU. Barony. 1. Srn Ed wai?d Hussev-Moxtagu, K.B., formerly Edward L 1762. Hussey, s. and h. of James Hussey of Westowu, co. Dublin, and of Courtown, co. Kildare, by Catherine, da. of Richard (Parsons) 1st Earldom. Viscount Rosse [I.], sue. his father in 175!) ; and having n. 1743 I Isabella, Dow. Duchess ok MaMCHKSTSB, eldest of the two ear*. daughters and coheirs of John (Mont.uiu), 2nd Duke ok Montagu crn by Ml " y ' lla " ancl oolluir of Jolln ( Cl,l ' Bl -'""-t')> the celebrated Duke of lbOl. Marlbohouch, assumed the name of Montagu in addition to that of IIiissc;/, in 1749, on the death of his father-in-law aWenamed. He was M.P. for Tiverton 1758 to 1762 ; KB. 27 Dee. 1753, and on 11 May 1762 was er. BARON EEAULIE1" of Beaulieu, co. Southampton, with rem. to the heirs male of his body, by " Isabella, Duchess Dow. of Manchester, ( a ) 1st da. of John, Duke of Mon- tagu, deed." On 8 July 1784 he was cr. EARL OF BEAULIEU. In I7S6 he was made High Steward of Windsor Her Grace (for she retained the style of her former husband) d. 20 Dec. 1780. He d. s.p.s., 25 Nov. 1802, in Dover street, Midx., iu his 32nd year— when all his honour* became e.ctiiui,[ h ) and was bur. on 2 Dee. at Beaulieu. See "Montagu of Beauueu," co. Southampton, Baron; trr. 1885. BEAUMARIS. i.e. Lord Bulkeley, BARON OF BEAILMAEIS, co. Anglesey;" ct. 1784. See " B^ulkeley, Viscount [I.], a: 1G43 (under the 7th Viscount). Both BEAUMONT. Barony by 1. Henry Beaumont of noble, though not clearly "Writ. defined, French descent, ( u ) attended Ed. I in the Scotch wars in 1302, from whose successor he obtained large grants of laud, chiefly 1. 1309. in eo. Lincoln, being styled in (1307-08), 1 Ed. II, " consanr/uinais Rc/is." He was Joint Warden of Scotland (south of Forth) and a Knight in 1308, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD BEAUMONT) from 4 March (1308-9), 2 Ed. II, to 20 Oct. (1332), 0 Ed. Ill, and as EARL OF BOGHAX (i.e. BUCHAN) from 22 Jan. (1333-4), 7 Ed. Ill, to 16 Nov. (1339), 13 Ed. IHJ 4 ) This latter designation was from his having m. (about 1310) Alice, da. of Alexander Comyn and niece and heir of line to John, Eam. of BUCHAS [S.], with whom he had divers lauds, of which he had livery (1312-13) 6 Ed. II. On 16 March 1310 he had a grant of the LonDSHiP ok the Isle of Man(') for life " by the services which (=■) It is somewhat remarkable that, being the wife of a commoner, her style ns the relict of a Peer should thus he formally recognised. ( b ) Dittou Park in Stoke Pogis, Bucks (which had descended from Sir Ralph AViuwood, Sec. of State to James I, to the family of Montagu), passed at Lord Beaulieu's death to his wife's niece (the da. and sole 1l of her only sister) Elizabeth, Duchess of Buccleuch [S.], by whom, it having been destroyed by fire on 28 April 1812, it was rebuilt. (c) " Whose descent is by some deduced from Lewis, son to Charles, Earl of Anjou, a yr. s. to Lewis VIII, King of France, but by others from Lewis de Brienne, 2nd a to John de Brienne, the last King of Jerusalem."— See "Dugdale," aud see also note to p. 345 of Beltz's " Order of the Garter," where it is stated that on the first hypothesis, he is shewn to be " cousiu-german once removed to Eleanor of Castile, and, on the other, to be " Becond cousin to Margaret of France." The first appears to be the most probable as the Baron's sister Isabel, wife of John de Vesci of Alnwick, co. Northumberland, is, in a deed of her said husband (1279-80), 8 Ed. I, whereby he covenants on his death s.p. to pay to Queen Eleanor 550 pounds of silver, called Kinsu'oman to the said Queen, and the Baron himself is styled, 1 Ed. II, " Consanguiueus Regis," the said King being s. of Eleanor aud not of Margaret. ( d ) There is proof of his sitting iu the Rolls of Pari. (") See ante, p. 50, note " c," as to tho grant of this island by Robert I [S.J in 1324.