Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/358

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5oli B E RK EL E Y, Ellerton Abbey, co. York, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Edward Eiixi.k, Bart, of Charborough, co. Dorset. He d. 9 Jan. 1700, and was but: 17 at Berkeley. Will pr. Feb. 1?5S. His widow in. (as bis third wife) 2 Jan. 1707 Robert (NtJOKST), 1st EaRL Kuuent [1.1 who d. 14 Oct. 1788. She <(, '29 June 1792. Will pft July 1792. Earldom. V. Barony. XIII [or IXJ ■ 17")"). 13 [9] or 83. Frederick Axroustcs (Herkelky), EARL OP Berkeley, &e, s. and h., It. 21 March 1745. Lord Lieut, of co. Gloue., High Steward of Gloucester, Constable of St, Briavel's ami Warden of the Forest of Dean, 1766. Col. in Glouc. Militia, 1 70S ; Col. in the Army (during service) 1779 and 1791. (•') lie m. Mary, da of William Coi.e, of Wotcon-under-Kdiro. co. Glouc, This marriage is said to have been first celebrated " Publican and Butcher. 'V') (according to the oath in 1S11) of the Lady herself, before the Lords' Com- mittee for privileges, 30 March 1780 at Berkeley ;(«) and (subsequently) according to undoubted evidence (he and she being respectively styled " Bachelor " and " Spinster") 10 .May 1790 at Lambeth Church, Surrey. Ho V. 8 Aug. 1810, having settled Berkeley Castle, &c. (as well as other his estates) on his 1st s. William Kitz Hardinge Berkeley, who from 1790, t/m' nut previously, was sti/lni Viscount Durslev. (See " Kitz Hakuinue" Karl of, cr. ISM). Will dat. 12 April and pr, :J1 Aug. IST0(*) by his widow and by " William, Viteouni thtinlci/." The Countess d. 30 Oct. 184 I at L'ran- ford, Midx., aged 77, and was bur. there. Her will pr. May 1S45. Since the Earl's death in 1810, in consequence of the non-proof of the legitimacy of William his above-mentioned 1st s. and devisee (whose claim to his lather's honours was disallowed, without a dissentient voice, by the House of Lords, on 1 July 1S1 1, on the ground that the alleged marriage of 17S0( C ") had not been proved) the Peer- age dignities held by this Earl have been dormant.^) The ri'jlit to them is believed, however, to have devolved as under. Earldom. VI. Barony. XIV [or X.J Thomas MobetoN Fitz- apparently dc jure Eaiu. ok U [10] or fcf. H.mioixuk Berkeley Bf.iikhi.f.v, YiseoPNT Dl' and Lmin w. Berkbi f.v f IS 1 0. being the 0th 8. of his parents, but the Brat burn after the marriage of May 1796 and (as such) presumably heir. He was 6. 19 Oct. 1790 at Cranford, Midx., J but was never styled Viscount Dursley (as was the case with his elder br. William) nor, on his father's death, (■■)) As to his taste for "hare hunting" see post, p. 352, note "a," Uti Bern- borough." ( b ) An interesting account of this lady's career, who, until 1790, generally went under the name of "Miss Tudor," is given in the "Annual Register" for 1884, p. 278. ( c ) A fac-s ; .mie of this marriage-entry is given in the Minutes of Evidence, and in a narrative pub. (Svo.) in 1 Sll. Tho' numbered "74," the entry is at the end of the Berkeley Parish Register book, while a totally different marriage (ri:. the genuine " No. 74 ") is ih the right ]J«rc. The Marquess of Buckingham and others declared their belief that, with the exception of the signatures of Mary Vole and of [her br., one of the witnesses] William Tudor, the whole was in the handwriting of the Karl of Berkeley himself. () In this will is a clause, making null all benefits to bo derived thereunder to any who may "call into question or dispute the right of tho said William, Viscount Dursley, or any of my said sons, or their or any of their issue male to the Earldom of Berkeley, or his or their right and title to the benefit of the devised on the ground of thi! invalidity of the marriage solemnized by me in the year 1785." (") As to the claim made to the Barony of Berkeley 1823-1830, and again 1S5S- 1801 as a Barony by tenure, see observations (circa fincm) at the head of this article, p. 321.