Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/373

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BERWICK — BESSBOROIJGH. 351 VII. 1SS2. 7. Richard Hesry (A t oel-IIiij.), Barbs Berwick of AxrtNOflAX, nephew ami h., being s. ami h. of Thomas Henry Noel- Hill, M.A., Rector of Berrington afsd., by Harriett Rebecca, 1st da. of John Hl'MFKHKVS of Lhvyn, co. Montgomery, which Thomas Henry waa next br. to the last Lord anil tl., v.f., 1 Mareh 1S70, aged 60. He was b. 13 May 1817 (being twin with his br. Thomas-Noel) and b'tp. at Berrington ofsd He ut. 9 June 18(39, Ellen, 1st cla. of Herr Brockspatrou Nystp.o.m, of Malinoe, Sweden. VamUy Estates.— These, in 1SS3, consisted ol 5,552 acres in Salop, valued at about £10,600 a year. See Bateman's " Great Landowners." Principal Residence— AttingUam Hall, Salop. BESSBOROUQH. Barony [I.] j. "William Ponsoxby of Bessborough, co. Kilkenny, I ] J2l, 2uJ of Sir JlJ h n of the same (a Col. of Horse in the service of the Commonwealth, who il. 107S in his 70th year) by his second wife Dorothy, widow oi Edward TREVOR, da. oi Henry (Fou.iott), 1st Loud Fouuott [I.] was h. about 1C57, We, his elder br. Sir Henry Ponsonby temp. Will. Ill, was a Colonel ill the arinv, HP. for CO. Kilkenny 1892-98, and 1703-21, P.C. [I.], 1715. On 11 Sep. 1721 be was er. BARON BESSBOKOUOHC) of Bessborough, eo. Kilkenny [I.], taking his seat as such on the 23rd of the same month. On 23 Feb. 1722/3 he was cr. VISCOUNT DUNCANNON(*) of the fort of Duucauuou, co. Wexford [I.J with tha animal creation fee of 20 marks. He m. Mary, sister to Brabazon Moohu of Ardee, da. of Hon. Handle Moork (Ith s. of Charles, 2nd Viscount Droghkda [I.]), by his 1st wife .lane, da. of Edward (Biuhazon), 2nd Karl of Meath [I.]. She rf. 2o May 1713 in wt 52nd year. Viscount DHiYBjvnTVOP d. 17 Nov. 172 1, aged t>7. Both are bin: ill the church of Fidowue. .M.I. II. 1721. BlIABAZOX (I'OXSOXBV), YlrjCOUXT Duncaxxox and ■PTrlrlnm rii Basoh Bessborouoh [l.J, s. and h., b. 1079, M. P. for Newtown, co. a ° m L1 ' J Mown, 1701-15 ; for co. Kildare 1715-24. Capt. of Grenadiers in the I. 1739. F.iuiiskillen or 27th Keg. in 1707 ; Sheriff and Governor of co. Kil- kenny, 1713: and of eo. Kildare, 1714. Took his seat in the House of tarda [I.J 7 Sep. 1725 ; P.C. to Geo. I. (May 1726), as also to Geo. II ; Commissioner of revenues, 1739. On 0 Oct. 1739 he wascr. EARL OF BESSBOROUGH [l.J and took his seat as such on the 9th. ( h ) Ten vears afterwards he obtained a Peerage of Great Britain, being or. 12 June 17 19 BASON PONSONBY OF .SYSONBV, co. Leicester, and took his seat as such on 17 Jan. 1750. Maresehalof the Admirality [l.J 1751 ; one of the Lords' Justices [I.] May 1754 and May 1756". Vice Admiral of .Monster 1755. He m. firstly Sarah, widow of Hugh Colviix, da. of James Maugbtsos,^) by AJice, da. of William (Caiii.fkii.d), 1st Viscount Uhahlkmont [I.]. She d. 21 May 1733 iiml waa 6«r. at Fidowue afsd. He m. secondly Elizabeth, Dow. Baiionkss Tcllamoue [l.J. 1st. da. and coheir of John SankEY of Teneliek, Co. Longford. By her, who d. 17 .Inly 173S aged 58, and was bw. at Fidowue, he had no issue, lie d. at lless- borough " of a surfeit of fruit " 1 July 17-5S and was bur. at Fidowue. Earldom [l.J 1 .], William (1'onso.vby), Earl of Bessborough, ti &c. [I.J also B.utoN Punsoniiv of Svsonhy, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. by 1st wife, b. 1704, M.P. for Newtown, co. H7. r >8. Down, 1725-27 ; for co. Kilkenny, 1727-5S ; for the town of Derby, 1742-51 ; for Saltash, 1754-50, and for Harwich, III. 1756-58, P.C. [I.J 1741. A Lord of the Admiralty. 1740 ; J of the Treasury, 17511, P.C. [G.B.J, Viee-Adiniral of .Mini- ster, &c. Joint Postmaster Gen., 1759-62 and 1705-G0. ( :l ) The preambles of these patents setting forth his illustrious descent frpffll Picardy in France and the staunch Protestantism of his Father are given in "Lodge," vol v, p. 274, note. () The preamble to the patent is in " Lodge," vol. v, p. 278, note. {") This James was s. and h. of James Margetsou, Archbishop of Armagh. Ho p issessed lands at Sysonby co. Leic. which consequently descended to the Pons mby family and gave the designation to their English Barony. 2 B a