Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/375

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BESSB0R0UG1I — BETTESHAXGER. 353 Bavor>y [I.]. V. Eaiidoin [I.]. 1 John WttttAM (Poksonbt), Earl of ISess- y r.nnorr.H, &c. [I.],also Baron Ponsoxrv of Sysonhy,s. and h,, 6. SI Aug. 1781 and lap. at St. Marylebone. IfatricatOx- ? f<ml(U.CU.)14 0ct.l799. M.P.fov"Knnresborougn,lS05.G; for Righam Ferrers, 1S10-12 ; for Malton, 1S12-2G ; forco. Kilkenny, 1820-32,and for Nottingham, 1832-34. Lord Lieut, (if co. Kilkenny. P.O. [I.]. Took an active part in the prepara- tion of the Reform Bill of 1S31. Warden of the Forest of Dean. Constable of St. Briavcl's Castle. First Commissioner of Wools and Forests, 1S31-31 and 1885-41. On 19 July 1831 he was cr. (v.p.) BARON DUNCAXNOH OF BESSEOROUGU, go, Kilkenny '[U.K.] Limo l'mvv Sk.u., 183-i-iQ. Lord Lifxt. ov Iueiand, July 1840, which office ho retained till his death in the next year.(») He m. Hi Nov. S05 Maria, 3rd da. of John (Faxf.) 10th Earl of Westmoiif.i.aN!), by his first wife Sarah Anne, da. and h. of Robert Child of Osterley Park. Midx. She, who was 6. 11 May 1787, d. 19 March 1834, He d. 10 May 1847 at Dublin Castle in his BSth year. Will nr. Aug. ISIS. Earldom [I.]. V. Barony [I.]. VI. da. of John (I G. John George Brauazox (Poksokby), Eaul of BksSBOKoPcii &e. [I.], also Baron PoNSONBY ok SysoSBY, &o., s. and h., b. 11 Oct. 1S09. Ed. at Charterhouse r ltf 17. School. M.P. for Bletclmiglev, 1831 ; for Higham Ferrers, 1831-32 ; and for Derby, 1835-47. Lord Lieut, of co. Carlow, 1838. P.O. 183*8. Master of the Buckhouuds, is -18-52, and 1S50-86. Lord Steward of the Household, 1S0S-74. He hi. firstly S Sep. 1835, Frances Charlotte, 1st (La.mutox), 1st. Earl of Durham by Harriet, his first wife, formerly Harriet ClIol.MONOELKY, Spinster. She, who was b. 16 Oct. 1812, d. 18 Dee 1S35, 3 months after her marriage. He m. secondly, i Oct. 1819, Caroline Amelia. 1st da. of Charles (GokDon-Lexnox), cth DuKK or Richmond, by Caroline, da. of Henry William (Paokt), 1st MaBQBESS of Anglesey. He d. s.p. 2S Jan. 1SS0, at Bessborough, co. Kilkenny, aged 70. His widow, who was b. IS June 1819, is now (1SS5) living. Earldom [I.]. VI. Barony U.]. VII. 1 7. Ekeheiihk George Kraisazo.v (Ponso.nbv), Karl of Bessborouch [1739], Viscount Duncannon [1723] and BARON BessiioROUGII [1721] in the Peerage of Ireland, .^1S80. also BARON Poxsoniiv of Sysonhy [1740] and Baron Dux- cannon of Bessrorough [1831], next surv. br. and h., b. 11 Sep. 1 SI 5 in London. Ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge;; M.A. 1S37. Banister (Line. Inn) 1S40. Family EaUtla.— These, in 1SS3, consisted of about 24,000 acres in co. Kilkenny, worth about £15,500 a year ; about 10,000 in co. Carlow and 200 in co. Tipperary, also of about 700 acres ill Leicestershire worth about £900 a year. Total 35,440 acres, worth about £22, 384 a year. See Bateman'8 " Great Landowners." Chief Seals. — Bessborough House, near Piltown, co. Kilkenny, and Garry hill, co. Carlow. U " BARON DUNCANNON OF BESSBOEOUGH, co. Kilkenny*," cr. 1834. See " Bessborough." Earldom of [I.] cr. 1739, under the 4th Earl. BETTESHANGEE, Hoo " Nobthbopbnb of Bettesiianger, co. Kent and of Jarrow Grange, co. Durham," Barony, cr. 1881. (•') It was just 00 years since a similar case of death during the tenure of thatollicehad occured, viz., that of the Duke of Rutland, who d. wlieu Lord Lieut. [I.], 24 Oct. 1S47.