Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/379

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BLACKBURN — BLAKENEY. 357 or title of BARON BLACKBURN, OF KILLEAEN, co. gtirjfeg,{»j He was 2nd s. of John Blackburn of Killearn afsd., by Rebecca Leslie, da. of the Rev. Colin Gilliks, was/». 18 May 1813 at Levenside, co. Dumbarton ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll.' Cambridge ; B.A., and i>lh Wrangler, 1885 ; M.A., 1S3S ; Student of Law (Line. Inn); ]S35 : Hamster (Inner Temple), 1S3S, when he joined the Northern Circuit. Justice of the Queen's Bench, 1850, being Knighted in June of the same year, and continuing in office till in 1876 was promoted as a Lord of Appeal ami a: a Peer as above named. Principal flwirfenff.— Boonholm, co. Ayr. BEACKMERE. Sec " S'I'kaxck" Barony by writ, <■,-. 1308, under fcije second Lord who was sum. to Earl, as " STUANC.E DM BLACKMERE," 1343 to 1349, and whose sou in law was sum. ns "TALBOT DE BLACKMERE," 13*4 t.. 188?, BLACKMQ< >K. U ■■ VIS0< H'XT V<> EM EH, OF IiEVCKMCx »K, co. Southampton," Sec " Sianoitxi:," Earldom of, cr. 1SS2. ELAIH. i.r. « EOKD Ml'HHAY OF BLAIR, MOULIN AND TILLEMOT," [S.J. See " DUXltORK," Earldom of [S.], cr. 1GS0. BLAKESEY. Barony [L] /. Sir William Blakeiiey, s. and h. of William I), of Thomas- T | Trjg town, co. Limerick, sometime M.P. for Kilmallock, b. at Mount Elake- ney in that co. 1072 ; when only IS organised a force to keep the 1701. ' ftapparecs " at bay: joined the army in Flanders us q voluilt err became Ensign after the niege of Veliluij in 1702 ; but, owing to the long peace, mil not become a Colonel till, aged (55, in 1787 ; Major- Gen, in 1714. and Lieut.-Cov. of Stirling, where, in 1745. he distinguished himself by the defeat of the insurgent Highlanders in their siege of Stirling Castle J Lieut.-Gcn. in 1747 and Lieut.-! inv. of Minorca, where lor 10 years he was in chief command. His gallant defence of Fort St. Philip in that island in 17. r >6 (at his age of S4) for 70 days, (n defence rendered desperate by the retreat of Admiral Hyug therefrom) and the honorable capitulation thereof to the French are matters of history. On his return home he was made K.B. 27 Nov. 1756 anil (next month! on 18 Dec. 1756 was cr BROX BLAKKXKV. OF CASTLE P.LAKENEY. co. Oahvay [1.]. Col. of the Eimiskillen Reg. of Infantry. This most popular General ti. unm. 20 Sep. 1761, aged SO, when the title became extinct* He was bur. with some state on 0 Oct. in Westm. Abbey. Will flab 4 Jan. 1745>, pr. 7 Oct. 176], by his br. Robert Ulakeney of Mount Blakeuey afsd., whom he made his sole heir. (') The billowing extracts indicate the nature and extent of the CREVTIONS UNDER THE APPELLATE JURISDICTION ACT (39 and 40 Victoria, cap. 59)— Clause 17. " Every Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, unless he is otherwise entitled to sit as a Member of the House of Lords, shall, by virtue and according to the date of liis appointment, be entitled during his life to rank as <( Baron by such style as Her Majesty may be pleased to appoint, and shall, during the time he continues in his office as a Lorn of Appeal in Ordinary and no longer, be entitled to a Writ of Summons to attend and to sit and vote in the House of Lords : his dignity as a Lord of Pari, shall not descend to his heirs." Letters 1'atcut. " We, etc.. do nominate and appoint him the said [Sir Colin Blackburn], being a person qualified as in the Act is prescribed, to be a LoitD ok Appeal in OltDINARV bij the sti/lc and title of Baron [BtACKJltTRN of Kir.LKAiix in the co. of Stirling] to have, hold, enjoy and exercise and occupy the said office of a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary unto him the said [Sir Colin Blackburn] during his good behaviour, &c, together with all powers and authorities, rights, privileges, rank and precedence to the said office belonging, or in anywise appertaining and to hold llic said style or title of Bauds [Blackburn ok Killearn in the co. of Stirling] unto him the said [Sir Colin Blackburn] for and during the term of his natural life."