Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/381

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BLANTYBE. 3-59 V. [1(370?] 5. AtESANMSB (Stuabt), Lord Blantyre [S.] s. and h. was very zealous for the Revolution, raising a regiment for William III, who granted him a iiension. Ho protested against the legality of the convention of <J June 1702, and wan iu 1700 Sited ,t'5,000 "after apologising for midutiful expressions uttered against the High Commissioner." Ou 15 Oet. 1702 he inherited a considerable fortune on the death of his cousin Frances Teresa, Dow. Duchess of Hiehmond and Lennox.^) He w. firstly, Margaret, da. of Sir John llKNDUtso:; of Fordel, CO. Fife. She (/. s.p. He m. secondly, in or before 1CS3, Anne, sister of John, 2nd Loan P,ki.hayen and Stjjstos [S.] and da. of Robert Hamilton of Piessmelinan, one of the Judges of Session [Si] under the slijlc of Lord Pi-essmeiinau, by Marion DgxUOLH. He <f. 20 June 1701.^') His widow was living 30 Hep. 1713. VI. 1~<J I. (if. Wai.tkk (Stuart), Lord Bla.vtyke [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 1 Feb. 1082/3, took his seat in Pari. [S.J 5 Aug. 1701, and was a vehement oppuser of tlie Union. Kki'. Peek [S.] in the Pari, of 1710. He d. umii. 23 June 1713 in his 31st year, and was bur. the 24th "in the Duke of Richmond's vault" in WestW. Abbey. Adinon. 30 Sep. 1713. VII. 171:!. ;. EoJiEax {STU AM')) Louit Blaxtybe, [S.] br. ami h. , Capt of a Heg. of Foot and Fort Major of Fort St. Plnlin, Minorca, io 1713. He 111. firstly, Helen, 1st da. of John (LYOS) -1th Kaiii. OF STli.vrllMiutE [S.] by Elizabeth, da. of Philip (STANHOrE) 2nd EaIU. M? Ciif.stkiu IEI.D. She d. s.p.s. He m. secondly, Margaret, da. of the Hon. William Hay of Druminei/.icr, by Elizabeth, da. of Alexander (SkTGX), 1st Viscount KlNusTON [S.] He d. at Lennoxlove 17 Nov. 17J3, and was bur. at Ulantyre. His widow d. there 13 Dee. 1782 in her 8&tl) year. VIII. 1743. &'. Walter (Stuart), L»iw Blastyre [SJ 8> aud li., by 2nd wife, sometime a student at. Utrecht. He d. uum. at Paris 21 May 3751 in his 25th year, and wa.s bur. at Man tyre. IX. 1751. ft William (Stuauv), Lord Blastyhe [S.] br. and h. He was a Col. in the service of the States of Holland. He tl, uum. at Erskine, eo. Renfrew. 10 Jany. 1770. X. 177G. 10. Alexander (Stuart), Lord Blaxtyre [8.] br. and li. He also resided at Erskine, taking great interest in the management of bis estate. He m. 23 July 1773 at Eaglescairnio, co. Haddington, Catharine, 1st da. and coheir of Patrick Lindsay of the same, by Margaret, da. and h. of Thomas HAUiiuino.v of Eaglesciu'rnis afsd. He <!. at Clifton, Co. Olouc. 5 Nov. 17S3. His widow d. 29 Dee 1S22. AYill nr. June 1824. XI. 1783. 11. KmnutT Walter (Stuart), Lord Blaxtyre [S.] % and h., b. 10 June 1777. Ensign 3rd Foot Guards, 1795 ; Cant. 31st Foot aud 7th Dragoons ; Lieut. Co!., 12nd Foot ; Lieut. Gen. in the Army. He served in Holland, 17119 : in Egypt, 1S01 ; in Pomerania and Zealand, 1S07, and in the Peninsula, ISO!), obtaining a medal for Fucnlcs tj'0»« BBS. Pkku fjgtl 1S00. C.B. I June, 1813. He ui. 20 Feb. 1813 Fanny Mary, da. of Hon. John Rodney (s of tb« 1st and famous Louu RoDNKy) by his first wife Catharine, da. of Thomas, (Xfi.-E.VT) 0th Kakl of IVkst.iika™ [I.] He d. (being slain during the conflict at Brussels] 22 Sep. 1S30. Will pr. Jany. 1S32. His widow, who was b. 17 April 1791, d. 19 Nov. 1S75 in her 84th year at Irtiinoxlove. (■) With this he purchased the estate of l.eithitigt'jii, near Haddington, changing its name in her honour, to " Lennox love." The lady was first cousin to his father, being da. and coheir of Hon. Walter Stewart, M.D., yr. br. to William, the 2nd Lord Blautyre, () He is described by " Mucky " as a little active man, very low in stature, short sighted, fair complexioiied, towards 50 years old.