Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/394

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372 BOLTOX. BOLTON. Dukedom /. Charles (1', Makqvkss os W'ischestku, "I tftfifl EAliE Of WltlSHlRS and lj.MiiiN Skint John, was, on !> April 1689, o DUKE UF PULTON, lie was s. ;mil li. of John, olu Marquess of Winchester (the a Lo>,al Aiarqmss"), by his 1st wife Jane, da. of Thomas (Savage) VisvotN'v Sav.uie, was 4. aUmt 1G2"i j MP. for Winchester, 1660, and bn Hants, 1661-10?$ ; Lord Lieut. o{ Hants, 1667-1671) ; Keeper of the King's Ledge at Peter- sham* 1671. On 5 March 167-1/5, he Mir. to liis Father** Peerage. P.C, to Charles If, 1879. Being Col. of n Beg. of Foot (1689-16*88) ami having taken an active part in setting William (Hid MarV on the IhtOlie, he was made P.O., a Commissioner uf Claims at their coronation, Lord Lieut, pf Hants, and, finally, was rr. a DiuYu (as above), all in 1089. Jlc tirstly 28 Kb. 1651, Christian, 1st da. of John (Fuksciik- VlLUij li.UioN FrksciieVII.m; ('!■ STAVRT.KV by Sarah, da. of Sir John H.UlttfifGTnN, She </. in childbed 22 May 1653 and Uttm Inn. (with her infant at Slavclcy, eo. Derby. He »>» secondly, VI let) «t St. Dionis Fackchmch ( i Mary, widow of Henry Carey, ntjiiid Lord LKlTiSOToS, 1st of the ;i illegit. daughters of Kmrnnimel (Le SctlOI'E) EaRL OF>kiu.and, by Martha Jeanks, Spinster.! 1, She if. 1 Nov. 1 CsO at Moulins in France, and was bur. the 12th at Wcnslcy, co. York. He rf. 27 Feb. 1698/9 at Ainport, and was bur. at Wensley ai'sd. Will dat. !' Ajnil 16IM, pr. 11 June 1699.0=) WL 1G90. CiiAUi.i-s (' s Dcki: m- Uoi.iv.n &e., -Jinl but 1st eurv. s. ami h., being 1st s. by 2nd wife, b. 1661 ; M.l'. fur Hants 16SI-169S. Going over to Holland he returned villi the Prince of Orange, being one of those "'in arms " with him in ISS&Jf*) Col. of a lieg. of Foot. Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, 1689-1694, and leaver <if the (ffh at the coronation U At.vil 1689. P.C. HJl'O. due i.f the Lurds Justices of Ireland, 1697-161*9. Lord Lieut, of Hants ami Dorset to Will. Ill in 1699, and to Geo. 1 in 171 I. High Steward of Winchester. Oil 16 April 1705 eft LL.D. of Cambridge. In 1706 was a Couinii.- sioner ft r the Dnkn with Scotland. Gov. «.f the Isle of Wight 1 7i>7. One of the Lords Justices of the Kcalm 1 Aug. tu IS Sep. 1711, and again 1 1 May 171'.'. Elected KG. Hi Uct. ai.d iust. 9 Dec. 174L Warden of the lfev Forest, 1714. Lord Chnmherlain of the Household 1715-1717. Loud Likit. or Ihki.ami April 1717 to May 1718, and again March tu HOT. 1719. He m. firstly, 10 July 1679, at St. Giles in the fields, .Margaret, da. of George (Covintuy), 3rd 1'ai.ox CovEJPtav, by Miugsrot, da. of John (Tcnox), Earl OF Thaset. Lie. fimn Fac. off., lie agtil 19 she aged 21. She il. s.p. Web, 1682/3. He m. secondly, Frances, da. of William Hamshen of liyroui, CO. York, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of George of Nabiirn in that eo. She was bur. 28 Nov. 16116 at L'asing. Hew. thirdly, 1697, Henrietta Cruets, one of the illegit. children of James (, Di ke OF MoKSrOETH, (sometime James Crofts), by Eleanor NeeDHAM, Spinster, da. of Sir Robert Keedhnm of Lambeth. He il. 21 Jan. 1721, 2 in London, and was bur. 1 Fell, (in Woollen) at Basing. Will pr. Feb. 1724. 1") His widow it. 27 Feb. 1729/30, and was bur. 10 March at Basing. Adnion. 20 March 1729/30 toher s. Lord Nassau 1'owlett. III. 1722. J. Charles (Paatlbt or Pouxett), Ddkb op Bolton, &c, s. and h. by 2nd wife, 3 Sep. 16S5. M.P. for Lymingtuii, 1705-1708 ; for Hants, 1708-1710 ; for co. Carmarthen, 1710-1 717. Lord of the Bedchamber to ( a ) "Charles, Lord St. John and Mary, Lady Lcppiugton." (>>) Sho was "his servant, da. of a poor taylor living on Tiirfield Heath, Uiicks." See Dugdale's MSS. additions to his Baronage in "Cull. Top. and Gen." Vol. i, p. 223. ("■•) His " extravagant behaviour " affecting the " appearance of folly " to accomplish his crafty purposes, is narrated by P.urnet and quoted in " Collins " vol. ii. p. 3M. () See a list of these, ante, page 29 note " b," his style being then " Earl uf Wilt- shire." ( c ) Bishop Burnet's character of him, with Dean Swift's remarks thereon in italics, is as follows : "Does not make any figure at Court. Nor an yr, la re list. A. great JJuoby."