Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/403

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BOSTON — BOTELER. 381 III 1825. 3. George (Iriiy), Baron Boston, s. and K, h. 27th December 1777, and i:i/>. 28th January 1778, the king (by proxy.) being one of the sponsor* Was sometime an officer iu the army. He m. 1 7th October 1801, at Catton, Norfolk, Rachel Ives, 1st (la. and co-heir of William Drake, of Amersham, Bucks, by (his 2nd wife), Raobel Elizabeth, sun', da. and h. Eii Jeremiah Ivks, of Norwich. She d. 6th September 1830, in Park Crescent, Portland Place. He d. 12th March 185(5, at Hedsor Lodge. Will pr. May 1S5G. IV. 1858. 4. George Ives (Ibby), Baron Boston, s. and h. b. 14 .Sep 1802. Matrie. at Oxford (Ball. Coll.), 1 Feb. 1821 ; B..V. 1821. He in. firstly 25 Jan. 18:10, Fanny Elizabeth, 1st da. of William Richard Hopkins- JTORTHBT, of Oving House, by Anne Elizabeth, da. of Gerald Fortescue, of Dromiskin, co. Louth. She d. 14 April 1880, He m., secondly, 20 July 1SG1, Caroline Amelia 1st da. of John St. Vincent (Sau.uarkz), 3rd Baron DE Saumakez, by Caroline Esther, 1st da. of William Rhodes, of Bramhope Hall, co. York. He d, 22 Dec. 1S09, at (No. 12) Wilton Crescent. His widow who was b. 9 Sep. 1839 is now (1SS5) living. V. 18G9. .'7. Florance George Henry (Irby), Baron Boston, 1st and only surv. 9. and h. by 1st wife b. 9 March 1S37. lie m. 17 Oct. 1859 (the sister of his Father's second wife, viz.) Augusta Caroline, 2nd da. of John St. Vincent (Saumarez), 3rd Baron de Sacmarkz. by Caroline Esther, 1st da. of William Rhodes, of Bramhope Hall, co. York. He d. 4 Jan. 1S77, at Portlamel, Anglesey. His widow, who was b, 25 Nov. 1S41, m, 16 April 18S3, at Hedsor, Bucks (as his 2nd wife), Sir Henry Percy Anderson, K.C.M.G. VI. 1877. (1. George Florance (Irby), Baron Boston (17G1) and a Baronet (1704) s. and h. b. 6 Sep. 1SG0. Ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; B.A., 1S82 ; One of the Lords in Waiting, 1SS5. Family Estates. — These, iu 1SS3, consisted of 9, 507 acres in co. Anglesey ; 98 in co. Carnarvon ; 1,200 iu co. Lincoln ; 1,103 in co. Warwick ; 562 in Bucks, and 4 iu Berks- Total 1 2,471 acres, valued at £15,172 a year. Principal Residences— Llaudidan,co. Angle- sey, and Hedsor Lodge, Maidenhead, Bucks. BOSWORTH. •/'.'•. "Baron of Bosworth, co. Leicester." See " Berwick " Duke- dom of, cr. 1687 ; forfeited 1695. BOTELER, see also mider BUTLER. Note. — Three distinct families of this name have been ennobled— viz. : (1) The illustrious race, early settled in Ireland (of which the Marquess of Ormonde [I. | is chief), which in this work is treated of under "Butler," being the form of spelling most generally adopted by that line ; (2) the family of lioteler of Warrington, co. Lancaster ; and (S) the family of Botelev of Wcrauif, co. Salop (and of Oversley, co. Warwick), of winch the Botelers of Brautfiehl, Herts, ennobled iu 162S, were a cadet branch. [COTELER] LE BOT1LLER or LE BUTILLER DE WERIXGTOX 0>. 1 1. William Le Boteler,( :1 ) of Waninstoii,( lj ) co. writ. Lancaster, s. and h. of Henry (who d. v.p.) and grandson and I 1295 • °' William Le Boteler, of the same (who was Sheriff of co. Lane. 125S-59, and Gov. of Lane. Castle), ski-, his grand- father about 1280, and in (1293-91) 22 Edward 1. was sura- (*) The name was assumed by his ancestor Robert, who held the oibee of Boteler or Butler to Raniilph de Geruous, Earl of Chester, and who founded au abbey for Cistercian monks at Pultune, co. Chester, in 1158. () The Lordship of Warrington wis acquired by the marriage of Beatrix, da. and -heir of Matthew VUlera of Warrington, with Almaric Le B< (who d 1 great grandfather of Lord Le Botiller. 2 D