Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/405

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BOTELER. 383 III to 20th October (1379), 3 Hie. II. directed Robfo do Fermi de Wemm («}. Ho </. (1380-81), 1 Rich. II.. His widow m. secondly (1381-82), 5 Itie. fit Sir John S.vv. alio iii. thirdly Si' - Thomas Molistok, who was never sum. to I'arl. as a Baron, but who in bis will, dated 7th May, 110;?, styles himself Lord of Wcinme. He was bur. in the chapel of the Brothers of the Holy Cross, Loudon. She d. June 1411. Will in which she styles ker&eii Elizabeth Fcrrcrt, Jiaroneu of Wcnvnc, dated Gth June 1110 and pr. 10th June 1111. directing her burial to be at Holy Cross aforesaid. On her death the Barony (whether considered as originating in the writ of 130S or in that of 137-)), fell into ubci/uncc between her two granddaughters aud co-heirs, children of her s. aud h. ap. Kobert Ferrers, who d. v. m. in 1396.( b ) BOTELER OF BRANTITELD, Barony. j. Sir John Boteler, Bart., ( c ) was, on 30 July 1C2S, I lfioq cr. BAROX BOTELER OF BRAXTFIELD, eo Hertford. He was S. andh. of Sir Henry Boteler, of Hatfield, Wuodall, Herts, and of Brant- field afsd. by his 1st wife Catharine, da. of Kobert Waller of Hadley, Mills., was knighted at Greenwich, July 1607, sue his Father 20 Jan. 1603/9, being then aged 43, aud having m. before 1609, Elizabeth da. of Sir George VlLLIEBS, of Brokesby, co. Leicester, by his 1st wife Audrey, da. and b» of William Salwdeks of Harrington, co. Northampton (which Elizabeth was sister of the half-blood of George, Duke of Buckingham, the all powerful favorite of the King), was cr. a Baronet 12 April 1620 by James I, and eight years afterwards was cr. a Peer as above by the succeeding monarch. He d. at St. Martins-iu-the-fields, 27 May Hi37, and was bur. at Highain Gobion, Beds Will dat. 19 May and pr. 29 Nov. 1637. Imp pod mortem •25 June 1637. II. 1G37, 2. William (Boteler), Baron Boteler op Braxtfield . (162S) and a Baronet, 6th but only surv. s. and h. was found by the inquisition of 1637 to have been an idiot from his birth. He d. 1 G 17. num. 1047 when aft kit honours became extinct. Admon S Oct. 1664 to his sisters the Countess of Marlboro' and Dame Ellen Drake Widow (•) ( :1 ) In strictness this writ would constitute a new Barony, as, to continue the old Barony, it should have run "Bobto de Ferrers dc Lc Botitlcr de Wemme," — S3e ante, p. 373, note " a." () These were (1) Elizabeth, then aged IS, who m. John (do Greystock), Baron de Gioystock, of whom the representation passed in 1 IS7 to the Lords Daere da Gillesland, and thence in 15611 to the family of Howard (2) Mary, then aged 17, who » Sir Ralph Nevill, of whom the representation pAsse.l through the families of Gaseoigne, Wcutworth, Watson and Southwell, to the heirs of Lord de Clifford, who d. s.p. 1S32. ( c ) See pod in Clutterbueks' " Herts " vol. ii p. 46. and, with additions aud emenda- tions, in R.E. Chester Waters' " Chester of Chieheley " page 1 10 &c. ( J ) Sir Henry Bolder his s. and h. ap. (Knighted at Windsor, 7 Sep. 1816,) who w is a favorite with his uncle, the Duke of Buckingham, d. v.p. having been sent with a tutor to Spain in 1617 " to cure him of the disease of drinking, which, young as he was, he was already much given to." See Chester Waters' " Chester of Chieheley " p. 1 13. (°) His six sisters and coheirs " h id the good fortune to be marriageable, whilst their uncle, the Duke of Buckingham, was at the height of his power, and had, in conse- quence, all married persons of consideration at Court." These were [1] Audrey »!. Francis (Leigh), Karl of Chichester [2] Helen in. Sir John Drake, of Ash, co. Devon, aud d. his widow 2 Oct. 1666, being mother of Sir John Drake, cr. a Baronet [3] Jane Ml. James (Ley) Earl of Marlborough [1] Olive m. about 1260, Endymion 1'orter, (•room of the Bedchamber and (/. his widow 13 Dec. 1633 [5] Miry, m. Edward (Howard) Lord Howard of Eserick, aud [d] Anne in. Mouatjoy (Blount) Earl of Newport. An account of these ladies aud their descendants is given in Chester Waters' " Chester of Chieheley." 2 D"