Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/428

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406 CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. p. ST! line 20. For " 1S01," rend " 1731." . Uii, line 16. After "eafiiefr" insert "His admoii. as SB 1 [?jfte»'J I'mfrarille, Knt. is at Lambeth, chit. 19 Feb. 1421." p '.a;, line 7. Fur "da." raid "generally considered to have been ila.," line S ; after " Obknev [S.]" /»?(>•/ "but who mnre probaWy was ;i titter oi the said Sir William." p; 114. After line IS, insert "AKANK" i.i. "Lord ok Arane and Hamilton" |s.| Sec " AltUAN " Earldom nf. [SJ, »'. 1 T» S 1 ; attainted ] ftSf,." p. IIS. .(/?()• line 7, insert " A HI) EX KB IE." " John ur dk Burro, alius Mac William Ewghter Boiiikf, Knt was in Mav (between the 10th and 20th) 15S0 rr. BARON OF AHDENERIE [I.] with (imitation to the heirs male of his b»«ly, l*at. lh.ll. no. J17J5, 21 Khz, p. 2, BJ. 2 (41)." See " Appendix." p. 3 20, line 21. For " 1704," read "1707." p. 128, line 5. F<n " Aug. 1822," re«(/ "Aug; 1SC2." p. 133, line 11. Ft<r " A vane," raid " A hank." p. 144, line 30. For "Buys ok Vehdon," read. " IhiiKsi.v ok VkRDON .heiress nf Crox- den anil Ki undress of Grace Pico Monastery, en. Leicester 1 whose children bore her name of Verdun, their Father [V < whom she was Second wife, being '1 heubnlil JifTi.Kii [Pmetrna] the second Bamn [I.] of name." p. 151. At the end of last line insert "His widow was bar. 10 Jan. 1580/1, at Cnsfield as -Inn, l.adij Matrarers, uxor William Bcane, AV/m'rr. Her will dat 20 March 1573 in which she styles herself the Lady Ann Mautrmrrs toU. v-ft nf the liitjlit lit, n. /ftrtrff f I.'arl of Arundel, bequeaths her residue to " my xtreunt" VUtmut Deanc whom she makes executor. It was pr. 15 Feb. 15S0, 1, at the Consistory Court of London by the said William lleane." p. 157, line 42. After " s. anil )).," insirl "bap. 23 Feb, ) C07/S at St. Andrew's Holborn." p. 158, line 9. For "Dorothy his wife, read " Dorothy, da. of John Stacy uf Lontloii and Ellenor, da. of Thomas Blake nf Eastou. Hants." p. 159, line 41. After "secondly," insert "14 Feb. 1692/3, at Allhallows Staaiiug, London." p. 160. After line 22, insert " ASHBOFItNE." The Ut. Hon. EDWARD UlUSON [Lord] Chancellor of Ireland, was, on 4 July 1SS5, er. BAIiON ASHDOL T HN E of Ash- bourne, co Meath. See " Appendix. p. 161. After line I. Emily Theophila, Dow. VisggontessAsiibuook "d 9 April 1 ssr> at Queen's (late Terrace (No. 265, Midx. in her 9-Hh year. Will pr. !) May following, above £73,000 ;" line 11. Mary Anno, Dow. VISCOUNTESS AsUBKOOK, " d. 15 June 1SS6, in her 84th year, at Knockatiina, near Durrow." p. 167, line 14, &c. Dele " Maud," down to " Creek," insert " Sibilla." p. 172, lines 9 and 30 ; Dele " 1214," insert "1254»" Line "7, lee, Dele "or possibly," down to " el. v.p." p. 178. After line 10, insert " ATHERDEE, See ABDEK." p. 181, lines 27 to 29. Dele " He d. 1284," down to "s. and h." The Earls, of Athoi-K [S.] here given as " IX " and " X " respectively were one and the same person, riz. the 9th Karl who d. in 1306. Alter the succeeding numbers ac- cordingly. See " The Genctdoyist " [N.S.] Vol. ii, p. 314, Vol. iii, p. 04 and p. 324 where also it is mentioned that lie m. Marjory, da. of Donald, Earl of Mir [S.], by Helen, (widow of Malcolm, Kahl of Fife [S.]) ila. of Llewellyn, Prince of North Wales. This alliance accounts for his joining the party of Bruce, whose first wife was sister to the said Mnrjory. p. 192. Insert to "AUBIONY" this note. " For a reliable account of these Lords see a tal ular pedigree ill the proceedings of the " Arrhtcolojiu Vautiomi, VoL > ii, p. 305, very carefully compiled by the I ally Elizabeth Cost. A'i/ir, also, the viiil, marked 23!>4!>, of the Addit. MSS. in the British Museum contains the accounts of Aubigny." p. 193, line 25. Zlele " Longueville," insn-J " LA QuEUILIE, da. and coheir of Francois, Seigkf.UB df. DA Qleuille." Line 32, insert " He m. Anne db la Qiiei'ille, yr. s-istcr of Jacqueline abovenamed. lie d. 1567. His widow's will is dat. 4 Dec. 1:79." Line 33; For " 1570 t" read " 1567." p. 195, hi e 11. lirfe"!." Lines 12 and 13; dele, "or X," also "or 1656." Liues 14 to 16; e/ele "sue. to the same" down to " abm cimnied ;" insert " x.-ismiwti the same to the detriment of the issue of his said br. George." Line 5 ; dele