Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/60

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38 AGHANVILLE— AILESBURY. AGHANVILLE. See "DOWNES OF AGHANVILLE," King's county. Baron III cr. 1822, ex. 1801. J AGHRLU. i.e. " AGHEIM, CO. GALAVAY." Baron [I.]. .See " GO'VYRAN," Earl of [I.], n; 1076, ex. 1077. /.-'. "AGHR1M, CO. GALWAY." Lawn [1.1. See "ATIILONE," Karl »!'[!.], cr. 1601-2, w, lS4i AOU1LLOX. Barons by tenure. I. RlC. I. MaXSEK AuUILU.X, >l. before (194 II. John. William Aocillox, living 1233, before 12">7. III. Hen. 111. Runsat Agutllox, </., 1285. Isabel, his da. and hi, was found to be aged 28 years (1201-02), 20 Kd. I, and then wife of Hugh id' Baroglpu. AIGLE, or DM A(ini,A. Barons by tenure. I. lien. J. J. Gilbert kmm, '> r Ds Aquu.a, was Lord of Pevk.nsk.y [called the Honour of the Eagle';. Sussex, liv grant of Hen. 1. He d. 1120. II. 1120. RiciiEH Aigle, ece., s. ami k, <l. 11715. III. 1176. J. Gilbert Aigle, &c, s. and h. </. 1201. IV. 1204. (filbert AfGLB, &c, s. and b. This Baron forfeited all his lauds for going into Normandy without the King's licence. He it before 1231, in which year an extent of his lands was ordered to be made for assigning reasonable dower to Isabel, his widow. AILESBURY. Earls. 2. Robert (Luuce), Eahl of Elgix-, Loud KinlOSS, and I 1G63-1 Loud Bbite of Kin-loss [S.1 also Baron Brlce ok Whoblton, co. York [E.], was on 18 March 1663-4 a: Bako.v BbCcK <>>' Skei.tox. at York, Viscoi'KT Burets okAmithiix, (") Beds, and Earn, ok Aji.esbiuv. Bucks. He was s. and h. of Thomas, 1st Eabl ov Elgin, &c. [S.], and 1st Baron Bkuck ok Whoblton, by his 1st wife Anne, da. of Sir Robert Chbijesteb of Kaleigh, Devon, K B. He was b. in the parish of St. Barth. the Less, London.^ 1 ') On 26 July 1660 he was, with the Earl of Cleveland, appointed joint Lord Lieutenant of Beds, and was M.P. for that co., 1661-63. He sue. his father 21 Dee. 1663, and, having been instrumental in procuring the Restoration, was, a few mouths afterwards, raised to the rank of an English Earl as afsd. ; on 2!) March 1667 he was sole Lord Lieutenant of Beds ; on 18 Oct. 1678 was P.C. ; he was also Gentleman of the Bedchamber, and one «f the Commissioners for the office of Earl Marshal ; a few months before his death, at the (") The Honour of Ampthill had been leased by the Crown in 1613 to Lord Bruce [S.], and was sold by the Earl of Ailesbury, in 1730, to the Duke of Bedford, as mis Houghton Park, the seat of the Bruce family (demolished in 1791), which was partly in tin's parish and partly in Houghton Conquest: Maniden, which was the lituiit! place of the Braces, was also included in the sale. ( b ) This fact (as well as the place of his marriage) is mentioned in the Earl's will