Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/82

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60 ALBEMARLE. Earls, &c. 1. Anxom-JoosT Tan* Keppel, Enron Van Keppel, XIII 1696-7 Lord of Voorst in Guelderlaud. s. and li. of Osewolt Van Keppel of the same, by Reiiiira-Anna-Gertruyde, da. of Johan Van Lintello In this case, indeed, there remains the constitutional question, whether Ireland, being "a dependent, subordinate kingdom," and " inseparably united" to the Crown of England (see Blaekstone, i, 99-104, and Coke, Inst., iv, 349, &e.), an "Abdication" in England would not override all kingly rights in Ireland, and the soundest legal opinion would, in all probability, be that it did so. Such Irish Peerages however as were cr. by James II in 1689 — at a time when he was in full possession of all his Regal Rights ;is King of Ireland, all of which creations, moreover, were duly enrolled on the Patent Rolls of that Kingdom, from which they have never been erased — stand in a very different category from other Peerages cr. by that King since his (so called) "abdication" of the throne of England on 11 Dec. 16S8. By a singular coincidence, however, nearly all these Irish Peerages, at no long time after their creation, became either ex. or merged. In 1S39, in the case of "Nugent of Riverston" (the only one then existing per sc), the dignity was claimed but no decision was pronounced thereupon ; and in 1871 this peerage also (assuming its existence) merged into the Earldom of Westmeath.[I.]. The Inisu Peerages, cr. by James II, in 1689, (while he was de facto King of Ireland) are as follows, — being (besides the minor incidental creations) one Dukedom, three Viscounteiea and three Baronies, viz: 1689. March 30. Richard (Talbot), Earl of Tyrcon-nell [I.], cr. MARQUESS AND DUKE OF TYRCONNELL [J.] Attainted by William III, 1691. He d., 14 Aug. 1694. 16S9. April 1. Sir Alexander Fitton, Lord Chancellor [I.], cr. BARON FITTOX OF GOSNORTH, co. Limerick [I.] He d. 16S9. April 2. John Bouhke, cr. BARON BOUKKE OF BOPHIN, co. Galway [I.] In 1705 anv Peerage so cr. became merged in the Earldom of Clauricarde [I.] 16S9. April 3. Thomas Ntoent, cr. BARON NUGENT OF RIVERSTON, co. Westmeath [I.] In 1871 any Peerage so cr. became meryed in the Earldom of Westmeath [I.] 1G89. May 20. Sir Valentine Browne, Bart. [I.], cr. BAB ON CASTLEROSSK AND VISCOUNT KENMARE [I.]. Attainted by William III. On 14 Feb. 1798, lib great grandson and h. male (the attainder by William III never having been reversed) was cr. a Peer by the same titles, and subsequently (2 Jan. 1801) was cr. Earl of Kenmare [I.] 16S9. May 23. Justin McCarty, cr. BARON CASTLEHENCH AND VISCOUNT MOUNTCASHELL, both in co. Tipporary [I.] He </. s.p. 16S9. Aug. 23. Edward Cheevers, cr. BARON BAN NO, co. Wexford, AND VISCOUNT MOUNT-LEINSTER, co. Carlow, [I.] He d. s.p. PEERAGES CREATED BY JAMES II AFTER 11 DEC. 1688, Other than the seven Irish Peerages, mentioned above. As far as these can be ascertained they are, in chronological order, as under, vh.— 1088 or 1689. [ ]. Richard (Graham), Viscount Pheston [S.], cr. BARON OF ESK, co. Cumberland, On 1 1 Nov. 1689, he claimed his writ in right hereof, hut the creation wa.s disallowed. Attainted- (by Will. III) 1690. His issue male ex. 1739. 1689. July 9. HUSKY (Jkhmyn). Loud DoybB, cr. LORD JERMYN OF RAYSToWNE, BARON OF IPSWICH, VISCOUNT CHEVELEY, co. Suffolk, and EARL OF DOVER. He d. s.p., 1708. 1689. Aug. 7. John (Drummond), Earl of Melfort [S.], cr. BARON OF CLEWORTH [i.e. CLEWER], BERKS, with like spec. rem. as that with which that Scotch Earldom had been conferred.* See "Melfort," Duke of, cr. 1692, by James II, as below. 3689 or 1690? Williaji (Herbert), Marquess op Poms, a: MARQUESS OF MONTGOMERY and DUKE OF POWIS. Attainted (by Will. Ill) 3690. KG. (by Jac. II) 1092. His iBsue male ex. 1748. •See "Riddeli," pp. 963-865.