Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/205

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CHANDOS. VI. 1621. 6. George (Brydoes), Baron Ciiandos of Sudeley, s. and h., b. 9 Aug. 1620, being a year and a day old at his Father's death. He was nom., by Pari., Lord Lieut, of co. Glouc. in Fob. 1642, but was n zealous royalist, being, iu that year, Col. of a Keg, of Dragoons in the King's service. At the first battle of Newbury (20 Sep. 1643) he had 3 horses shot under him ami was mainly instrumental in breaking the enemy's cavalry. He is said to have been offered the Earldom of Newbury, accordingly, but to have declined it till more peaceful times. In 16-12, and again in 1644, Sudeley castle was taken by the Pari, forces ami reduced to ruins, the owner being iu London where he had given himself up " to the pleasures of that place. "(") His composition, as a delinquent, was no less than £3,973. Un 13 May 1652 in a duel on Putney Heath he mortally wounded Col. Henry Compton, and was, after a year's imprisonment, found guilty 17 May 1653 in the " Upper Bench " of manslaughter. He m. firstly 14 Dec. 1637, at Totteridge, Herts, Susan, da. of Henry (Montagu), 1st Earl of Manchester, by his 3rd wife, Margaret, da. of John CROUCH. She was bur. 20 April 1652 at Hareh'eld, Midx. He in. secondly Jane, da. of John (Savage), Eaul RlVEllS, by his first wife, Catharine, da. of William (Parker), Lord Mokley. He d. of the small pox, s.p.m. Feb. 1654/5 and was bur. at Sudeley. His widow who acquired from him the estate of Sudeley and other family inheritances, m. Sir William Sidlkv, Bart, of AUesford, Kent, who d. s.p. ICfili. She m. thirdly 1657, George Pitt of Strathfield Saye, Hants, who d. 27 July 1604. She herself d. 6 June 1676.(>') VII. 1655. 7. William (Brydges), Baron Ciiandos of Sudeley, ( c ) br. and h. male. He m. Susan, da. and coheir of Garret Kehh or CAKE of London. She was bur. at Harefield, Midx. 15 Oct. 1672. He d. s.p.m. s. ami was there bur. 22 Aug. 1676. VIII. 1676. S. James (Brydges), Baron Chandos of Sudeley, cousin and h. male, being only s. and b, of Sir John Brydges, Hart , of Wilton Castle, co. Hereford, by Man-, da. and h. of James Peari.e of Dewsal and Aconbury in that co., which Sir John "was s. and h. of Sir Giles Brydges of Wilton Castle, afsd., Baronet (so cr. 1628), who was s. of Charles B. of the same, 3rd but 2nd surv. s. of John, 1st Baron Chandos of Sudeley. He was 6. Sep. 1642, and sue. his Father as 3rd Baronet, 21 Feb. 1651/2. He took his seat in the House of Lords 15 Feb. 1676/7. Ambassador to Constantinople 16S0/1 to 1685. He is. Elizabeth, 1st da. and coheir- of Sir Henry Bernard of London and of Bridgeuortli, Salop, Turkey-merchant, by Emma, da. of Robert Charlton of Whitton Court, Salop. He( J ) d, 16 Oct. 1714 and was bur. at Aconbury, afsd. Will pr. Dec. 1714. His widow d. 26 May and was bur. 5 June 1719 at Aconbury. Her will " near the age of 75 " dat 8 Dec. 1717/8 [sic] and pr. 9 July 1719.(«) ( a ) Clarendon's rebellion. ( b ) Their great grandson and b. George (Pitt), Baron Rivers of Strathfield Saye, was on 1 April 1802 cr. Baron Rivers of Sudeley Caslh co. Glouc : which peerage became extinct 31 March, 1380. ( c ) He is spoken of by Pepys ("Diary " 21 Dec. 1662) as "my simple Lord Chandos." ( d ) Bishop Burnet's character of the 8th Lord and his son, with Dean Swift's comments thereon in italics, is that he " was warm against King William's reign, and doth not make any great figure in this [i.e. that of Queen Anne] but his son Mr. Bridges [afterwards, 1729, Duke of Chandos] does, being a member of the House of Commons, one of the Councellors to the Prince and a very worthy gentleman. But o great compiler IBitfc even/ Court." ( e ) " I die, my dear children and grandchildren, in very poor circumstances, but you have a good brother." She had no less than 22 children of which 15 only were christened, and but 8 of these (3 sous and 5 daughters) survived infancy. In her wdl she mentions two of her sons viz. " the Earl of Carnarvon ' ' and " the Rev. Dr. Brydges," giving to each s. and each da. a ring.