Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/314

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CLONEY — CLONMELL. 313 CLONEY. i.e. " Cloney," Barony of [I.] ( 'Dummy), a: 1680, with " Downe," Viseountey [■■]> which see. CLONLYOX. Seo " Bowes of Clonlyon, eo. Meath," Jlarony [I.] (Bwces), a: 1758 ; ex. 1767. CLONMELL. See "Ligonibb of Clonmell," Viseountey [I.] (Ligonier), cr. 17G2 ; Earldom, cr. 1776 ; both becoming ext inct in 1782. Viseountey [I.] t. John (Scott), Baron Earlsfort of Lissom Earl ] J 7Qi) [l.J, Chief Justice of thn Court of King's Bench [I.], was, on IS Aug. 1780, a: VISCOUNT CLONMELL [I.], and, on 20 Uec. Earldom fl.l l793 ' v } xiih UF CLONMELL [I.] Ho was s. of Thomas Scott, of Urlings, co. Kilkenny, by Kachol, da. of Mark Prim, of Johns- I. 1793. well ; was b. ,S June 1730 ; was cd. lit Clonmell, and was a scholar at Trin. Coll., Dublin, 175S ; B.A.. 1700 ; and subse- quently. 1 776. humus eaitsA, LL.D. ; was M.P. for Mullingar, 171 9-83, and for Port Arlington, 1783-84 ; Barristcr-at-Law [I.], 1765, and, subse- quently, 1770. King's Counsel [I.]; Solicitor-Gon. [I.]. '-774; Attorney-Gen. [I.], 1777-82 ; I'.C. [I.], 1777 : Clerk of the Pleas of the Court of Exchequer [I.] for life, 1783 ; Prime Surgeant-at-Law, Dec. 1783, being, six months afterwards, made Ch. Justice or the CocRI OF Knto'S Benck (an office which he retained till his death), and cr., at the same time, 20 May 17S4, BARON EARLSFORT OF LISSON EARL, co. Tipporary [I.], taking his seat in the House on tho next day. In 5 years time he obtained it Viseountey [I.], and 3 more yeais an Eaildom [I.] as abovementioncd. In Sep. 17S0 he was ono of tho three Commissioners of tho Great Seal. He m. firstly, in 170S, Catharine Anna Maria, widow of Philip Roe, sister of Francis, 1st Karl ok Llandafk [I.], da. of Thomas MatHew, of Thomastown, co. Tipperary, by (— ) da. of Richard Mathews, of Dublin. She d. s.p.s. 1771. He m. secondly, 23 June 1770, Margaret, da. of Patrick Lawless, of Dublin, Banker, by Mary, sister of Nicholas, 1st Baron Cloncukry [I.], da. of Robert Lawless, of Abington, co. Limerick. He d. 23 May 1708. His widow d. 5 Nov. 1820, aged 66, iu Portman Sq., Midx. Will pr. May 1830. Earldom and 2. Thomas (Scott), Earl of Clonmell, Viscount Viseountey [I.] Clonmell, &c. [I.], only s. and h. by second wife, b. 15 Aug. 1783; was M.P. for Romney, 1807-12. Ho m. 0 Fob. 1805, II. 1798. Henrietta Louisa, 2nd da. of George (Gueville), 2d Eaiil Buooke or Warwick Castle and E.uu. of Warwick, by his 2d wife Henrietta, da. of Richard Vehnon. Ho d. 18 Jan. 183S at North Aston, Oxon, aged 54. Will pr. Feb. 1838. His widow, who was b. 1785, d. 8 Nov. 1858, at St. Loonards-on-Sea. Will proved 9 Dec. 1858, under £00,000. III. 1838. 3. John Henry (Scott), Earl of Clonmell. tin, [I.] s. aodh., b. 4 Jan. 1817 in Hertford Street, May Fair, Midx. He m. 27 April 1S38, at Kilberry church, Ojieen's county, Anne, 1st da. and coheir of Ulysses (Buruh), 2nd BaBOH Downiss [L] by his 1st wife Maria, da. and h. of Waller BageHAL. Hu d. 7 Feb. 1S66, in his 50th year at Bishops Court, co. Kildarc. His widow, who was b. 18 Dec. 1818, d. 22 Nov. 1872.