Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/322

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COBHAM. 321 Baron;/, subject to the attainder, fell into atcjancc(") between his 4 daughters and coheirs-C') His widow, to whom and to whoso children by him the Pari., in 1647, voted .£4,000, ni. tho Hon. Edward RC88EU, (s. of Francis, 4th Eaiii. ok BkDKOuG), who d. 21 Sep. and was bur. 19 Oct. 1665 at Chenies, Bucks. She was bur. there 12 July 1604.] COBHAM. Barony by Sin Ralph hr Gobbam (whoso relationship to tho other writ members of that great family is very obscure) was sum. to Pari, as a I 1324 r,aron (LORD COHHAM), by writs 30 Dec. (1321) 18 Ed. II. to 20 Feb. (1324/5) 18 Ed. 11 and never afterwards. According to '" Court- hope " be d. 1325, leaving a s. and h., John, aged 1 year. According to " Dugdale, however, he m. (in, or after 133S) Mary, Dow. Coi ntess of Nokfolk (widow of Thomas, Earl of Norfolk and Earl Marshal, son King Edward I.), da. of William (de Ros), Loud de Ros. This lady d. as late as 1302. Their s. and h., " Sir John Cobham, commonly called the son o{ Mary, the Countess Marshal,"( c ) made proof of Ids age (1346) 20 Ed. Ill, and 14 years later was in the wars of France, and was living (1377-7S) 1 Ric. II, when he states that (from affection to Edward the Black Brinee) he had made the Crown heir to all his lauds after his death. COBHAM (of Rundale). Barony by Stephen de Cobham, of Eundale and Alington, co. Kent, writ,. „ illm 1, of s; r Henry de Cobham,^) of Rundale, Kent, Warden of I 1326 t,ie Cinque Ports, by Joan, da. and coheir of Stephen de Pencksthe, was Knighted (with Prince Edward) in 1306. Having, on the death of his mother in (1324-25) 18 Ed. II, inherited her lands, he was sum. to Pari as a Baron (LORD COBHAM) by writs 3 Dec. (1326) 20 Ed. II to (posthumously) 20 Janv. (1333/4) 7 Ed. III. He w. Avice. He d. (1332) 0 Ed. 111. His widow A (1340) 14 Ed. III. [John de Cobham, s. and h., aged 13 years at his father's death, was in the French expedition 1342. Neither he nor any of his descendants were sum. to Pari., and can hardly be supposed entitled to any hereditary dignity. He d. 1 4 Sep. 1362, seized of the Castle of Aliugton and the manors of Rundale and Hover, co. Kent, leaving Thomas Cobham, his s. and h., then aged 19 years old, who d. (1393-94) (") The resuscitation of the title in 1645 in the person of the heir male must be considered a new dignity, in spite of the precedency clause therein contained. () These were (1) Pembroke (by the 1st wife) who m- Matthew Tomliuson (who d. 5 Nov, 1681) and d. 10 June 1633 and was bur. at East Mailing, Kent, her issue becoming extinct in 1703. (2) Hill (by the 2nd wife) who m. 6 April 1657 (as his 2nd wife) Sir William Boothby, Bart, and d. 24 March 1706 aged 6S (bur. at Ash- bourne, co. Derby), leaving issue. (3) Margaret, m. 25 May 1665 (as his 2nd wife) Sir John Denham, K.B., the Poet. She d. s.p. 6 and was bur. 9 Jan. 1366/7 at St. Margarets, Wextui. (4) Frances, who in. firstly, before. May 1665, Sir Thomas Whit- more, K.B , who d. 16S2, and secondly Matthew Harvey of Twickenham, Midi,, who d. 1693. She (/. 1690 and her issue was extinct in 1694. Of these Ladies, the 3 younger, daughters of the 2nd wife, were by royal warrant 19 May 1665, raised to the same precedency they would have enjoyed had their father sue. .to Barony of Cobham. This favour was probably obtained by Sir John Deuham, who, within a few (lays, m. one of these coheirs. It was not extended to the eldest sister, whoso husband, Col. Matthew Tomlinsou, was one of Cromwell's " House of Lords," and even one of the RegieideB. See, ante, p. 84, note " c," No. 56. The representation therefore of the Barony of Cobham, after 1703, devolved on the of issue Dame Hill Boothby, the 2nd da., alone. Her representatives, "in 1837 were Robert Thorp, M.D., Disney Alexander, M.D., Mrs. Lucy Cockerell and Miss Harriet Lund." See " Courthope." ( c ) "Sandford,"p.20S. ( d ) This Henry was yr. br. of John do Cobham, of Cobham and Cowliog, Kent, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, who was father of Henry, Lord Cobham, so cr. 1313 X