Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/331

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330 COLERAINE. II. 1667. 2. Henry (Hare), Baron Coleraine [I.], s. and h., bap. 21 April 11336, at Totteridge, Herts. He was a wdl-fcttowo anti- quary, and was author uf a history of Tottenham, Mitbc, He Hi. firstly Theodocfa, da. of Sir Richard Lucy, 1st Bart., of Broxbourne, Herts, by his 1st wife, Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Sir Henry Cock, of the same. Ho hi. secondly (gen. lie. from Vie. Gen., 17 July 1682), Sarah, Dow. Duchess ok Somkksrt (then about 40),yst. da. and coheir of Sir Edward Alston, M.D.. by Susan, da. of Christopher Ht'Dsox, of Norwich. She (whose 1st husband, George GhimsTo.n, had </. 5 June 1655, and whose 2nd husband the Duke, had d. 29 April 1675), d. s.p. and was bur. 2 Nov. 1692, in Westm. Abbey. He m. thirdly 4 Aug. 1G96, at Charter House Chapel, Midx,, Dame KM'zabetli Kkad, of Basiughall Street, Loudon, and Edmonton, Midi., widow, aged about 50, probabl) da. of Thomas WbbO. He wan bur. 15 July 1708, at Tottenham. Will pr. July 1 70S. His widow d. 2 and was bur, there 19 Jan. 1731/2, " aged 90." Will pr. Feb. 1731/2. III. 1708, 3. HtMiv (Hake), B.uion Coleraine [I.J, grandson to and h , being s. and h. of the Hon. Hugh Hare, of Bettesworth, 1749. Surrey, by Lydia, da. of Matthew Carlton, of Edmonton, which Hugh was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord (by his 1st wife), and d. v.p., being bur. 1 March 1706/7, at Tottenham. He matric. at Oxford (Corpus) 2 Feb. 1711/2, being then 17. He was a great collector of prints ami drawings (during three tours lie made in Italy) which he gave partly to Corpus Coll., Oxford, and partly to the Soc. of Antiquaries, of which he was a member, In 1 7u0 lie was M.P. for Boston. He fit. (lie. from Bp. of London, S Jany. 1717, S, I.ein^ then 24, Bach.), Anne (aged 17, spr.),da. and coheir of John Hanc.kk, of Trinity Miuories, merchant, of London, sometime Gov. of the Bank of England. ( n ) lie il. s.p.s. 10 and was bur. 24 Aug. 1749,at Tottenham, when the peerage became extinct.!}') His widow d. 10 Jan 1754. Her will pr. Jan. 1754. IV. 1762. J. Gabriel Hanobk, of Driffield, «». Gloucester, 3rd s. of Sir George H., of Driffield, merchant of London, by Anne, da. and coheir of Sir John Beale, Bart., of Farningham, co. Kent ; was M.l in two Paris, for Maidstone, and subsequently for Bridgewater, and was, on 26 Feb. 1762, cr. BARON COLERAINE,(<0 of Coleraine, co. Londonderry [I.] He hi. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Richard Bomd, of Cowbery, co. Hereford. He d. 27 Jan. 1773, at his seat at Bray, in Berkshire, but was bur. at Driffield M.L Will, in which he strictly entails his estates on his 3 sons and his only dau ., and their issue in tail male, dat. 22 May 1771, pr., with 17 codicils, 10 March 1773. His widow rf. Dec. 17S0, at Windsor, and was bur. at Driffield afsd. Her will dat. 27 May 1779, pr. 8 Feb. 1781. V. 1773. 2. John (Hanger), Baron Coleraine [I.], s. and h. He matric. at Oxford (Queen's Coll.), 30 May 1761, aged 18. He d. unin. Nov. 1794. YI. 1794. 3. William (Hanger), Baron Coleraine [I.], br. and h. He (also) matric. at Oxford (Queen's Coll.), 30 May 1761, aged 17. He was M.P. for East Retford, 1775-78 ; for Aldborougli, 1778-80, and for St. Michael, 1780-84. He d. unm. 11 Dec. 1814, at 81, Gloucester Place, Midx., and was bur. at KempBford, co. Olouc. Will pr. 17 Dec. 1814 by William Vansittart, clerk, the nephew and residuary legatee. YII. 1814, ^. Geohoe (Hanger), Baiion Colehaine [I.], br. and to h. He entered the army when young, serving through the whole of 1824. t' ie American war. He is better known as " Col. Hanger " (for a long time he never assumed the peerage), but retired with the rank of Major Gen. He was " at one period a distinguished character in high life, and even admitted among the convivial associates of bis present Majesty [George IV], but though he mixed much in fashionable dissipations, he devoted much of his (a) On 20 May 1739, by the death of Mary Hanger, ' her fortune of £13,000 " went " to her two sisters, Lady Coleraine and Eliz. Hanger." (t>) "The Hon. Henry Hare, Esq., h. ap. to the Barony of Coleraine," died Oct. 1733. Mint. Jiey. («) The Dow. Baroness Coleraine [I.], who d. 1754, waa fust cousin to his father.