Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 3.djvu/287

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ESSEX. 285 Hereford and Bowchier,!*) Lord Ferrers of Charllcy, Bourr/ftchier and Lovayne,"^) dat. 14 June and pr. 12 Nov. 1576. His widow, who was b. in 1539 or 1510, m. (as his second or third wife) 21 .Sep. J 578, pubMcIy(«) at Waustead, Essex, Robert (Dudley), Eabl ok Leicester (the well known " favorite " o£ Queen Elizabeth) who d. 4 Sep. 1588, aged 53. The Countess m. thirdly (within a year) before Aug. 1589 Sir Christopher Blount, one of the gentlemen of the late Earl's Horse (who was executed for high treason 18 March 1000/1, on Tower Hill), and d. 25 Dec. 1034, aged about 95, at Drayton Basset, being bur. (with her second husband) at Warwick. M.I. XIX. 157ti 2. Roueut (Deverecx), Earl of Essex, &c, 1st s. to and h., 6. 10 Nov. 1507, at Netherwood, co. Hereford ; beinn- sti/lcd 1601. Viscount HEREFORD till 157G; ed. utTrin. CulL, Cambridge (1 July 1579), becoming M.A., 0 July 1581, and being incorporated M.A., at Oxford, 11 April 15S8. He was eft Knight Banneret, 21 Sep. 15S6, by his stepfather, the Earl of Leicester, at the battle of Zutphen. Master of the Horse, 1587—1600; K.G., 23 April 1588; Gen. of the Horse, at Tilbury camp, 1588 ; P.O., 1593 and Lord President of 1 lie Council ; Lieut. Gen. of the Forces against the Azores, effecting, 15 Sep. 1596, the capture of Cadiz; E.UtL MaushaL ok England 1597 — 1600; Chancellor of the Univ. of Cambridge, 159$ ; Chancellor of the Uuiv. of Dublin, 159S; Loud Lieut, ok Ikeland, March to Nov. 1599, whence returning (without leave) to justify his measures, he was imprisoned, but eveutually released. He shortly afterwards took the lead in a foolish plot against the Queen and Wiis bchcadtdfy for high treason 25 Feb. 1600/1 on Tower Hill, and bur. in the Chapel of the Tower of London, aged but 33 ; being attainted, all his honours became forfeited. Admon. (now lost) Feb. 1662/3 in the Court of Delegates and again (in C.P.C.) 8 July 1676. He in. about 1590, Frances, widow of the famous Sir Philip Sidney (d. 17 Oct. 15S6), da. and h. of Sir Francis Walsi.vuhajt, Priuc. Sec. of State, by his 2d wife, Ursula, widow of Sir Richard WOBSLKT, da. of Henry St. Babee, of Ashiugton, Somerset. The Countess m. secondly, before S April 1603, Richard (de Bubcih), 4th Karl of Clanbicarc f. [I.], and 1st Earl of St. Albans, who d. 12 Nov. 1635, aud in whose will (dat. 5th inst.) no mention is made of her. . * * * * XX. 1604 KoiiEiiT pEYEriETjx, 1st s. and h., b. at Lady Walsing- to ham's [his grandmother's] house in Seething lane and bap. 22 Jan. 1646. 1590 1, at St. Olave's, Hart Street, London ; styled Viscount Hereford, till 1601, in which year, on IS April 1604, he was restoreihx blood and honours, by act of Pari., becoming thereby( u ) Earl ok Esses 1572], Viscount Heuekobd [1550], Loud Ferrers [1299] ami Lord Bquchiek 1342] ; cr. M.A. of Oxford, 30 Aug. 1605 ;(f) Lord Lieut, of co. Stafford, 1612. ( a ) The Viscountcy of Bourchier, cr. 1416, had become extinct in 1510 by failure of the issue male of the grantee. ( b ) The Barony of Lovay ue never existed as a Peerage dignity ; one Eleanor de Lovaiu, heiress of Little Easton, co. Essex, »i. Sir William Bourchier aud was mother of William, cr. Count of En in Normandy ill 1419, the father of Henry, cr. Earl of Essex in 1461. (') There is reason to suppose there had been a private marriage previously. She was strongly suspected of over familiarity with this Earl of Leicester in her first husband's lifetime. ( d ) The romantic story of the ring given by the Queen, aud kept back by the Countess of Nottingham, is shewn to be " quite apocryphal," in the masterly account of this Enrl of Essex by " S. Lee," in Stephen's " Nat. Biogr. (") The titles of Earl of Eicc, Viscount Bomchier <£• Lord Lotaync are attributed to him in the following private act in the " Certiorari bundles," temp. Jac. I., No. II. viz. "an act for restoration of Robert Devereux, son, aud Frauccs aud Dorothy, daughters of Robert, Earl of Essex." In this occurs a recital that " the said Robert, late Earl of Essex, before his said attainder was lawfully aud rightly invested

  • * * with the mime, state, place, and dignity of Earl of Essex and Ewe, Viscount

Hereford and Bourchier, Lord Ferrers of Chartley and Lord Bourchier and Lovainc." Ex inform. "Walford D. Selby. See as to the Earldom of Ewe, or Eu, p. 284, note " e," and as to the Viscountcy of Bourchier and the Barony of Lovainc, notes "a" and " b " next above. ( f ) See p. 236, note " a," sub " Effingham," as to the creations of that day. .