Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 3.djvu/294

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292 I. 1419. Sir William Bourciiier, s. and h. of Sir William E., by Eleanor dr Lovain, beings of Little Eastou, co. Essex, which Sir William, last named, was a yr. s. of Robert] Lord BOUHCHIF.R (Lord Chaueellor, 1340-49), was aged 23 on 5 Oct. 1307, at the death of his mother whom he sue. in her lands in Essex and Suffolk, and having m. in 1 104 Anne, Dow. Countess of Stafford, da. and eventually sole h. of Thomas (Plantaoknet), Duke of Gloucester, by Eleanor, da. and coheir of Humphrey (Uohun), Earl of Hereford, Essex, and NORTHAMPTON, served in the wars in France under (his wife's cousin) Henry V., was, by that King, made in 1415 Constable of the Tower of London ; in Feb. 1418/9 Governor of Dieppe and finally 1 0 June 1 1 19,( ; >) COUNT OF EU in Normandy( b ) with rem. to his heirs male by his said wife. Ho d. 28 May 1420, and was bur. in Lanthony Abbey, co. Brecon.^) His widow d. 16 Oct. 1438, aged 56, and was bur. there also. II. 1120. Henry Bourciiier, Count of Eu in Xor- mandy, 3. and h.,6. 1 106, sue. his cousin 1 July 1 133, as LORD BOURCIIIER, and was sum. to Pari. 5 July 1 135, to 13 Jany. 1444/5, by various writs, some being directed " Henrico Bourgehicr Comitide Eice."?) He was cr. VISCOUNT BOURCHIER before 14 Dec. 1446, and EAIIL OF ESSEX 30 June 1461. He d. 4 April 1 183, aged 77. III. 1483. Henry (Bourciiier), Earl of Essex, &c, also Count of Eu in Normandy, grandson and h. lie d. s.p.m. 13 March 1539/40, aged 68, when the Earldom of Euex and the Viscounty of Bourehier became extinct. IV. 1540. John (Bourciiier), Earl of Bath, &c, also de jure Count of.Eu in Normaudy,(°) cousin and h. mala, being s. and h. of John, 1st Earl of Bath {d. 1539), s. and h. of Fulke, Lord Fitzwarine [d. 12 Sep. 1479), s. and h. of Sir William BOURCHIBR, K.Q., jure uxoris Lord Kitz warine, who was 3d s. of William, 1st Count of Eu in Normandy. With the Earldom of Bath, the Countsliip of Eu continued united till both became extinct 15 Aug. 1654, by the failure of the male line of the grantee. See " Bath " Earldom, cr. 1536 ; ex. 1651. restore to Alfonso, Count of Eu, the honours of Hastings and Tiekill, the inheritance of his wife, da. and h. of Ralph, Count of Eu, the s. and h. of the Countess Alice, the last possessor thereof. The reply was " when the King of France restores to Englishmen their lands in Normnndij, I will give back to Frenchmen the lands and tenements which were theirs in England." ( a ) The following Norman Earldoms were conferred by Henry V., viz, (1) that of Harcourt, 1 July (1118), 0 Hen. V., on Thomas (Beaufort), Duke of Exeter (2) that of Tanquerville or Taniceuville, 31 Jany. (1418/9), 0 Heu. V. on Sir John Grey, K.Q., slain at Range, 22 March 1421, ancestor of the Lords Grey of Powis (3) PfiBCBB 26 April (1419), 7 Heu. V. on Thomas (Montacute), Earl of Salisbury (1) Eu, 10 Juno (1419), 7 Hen. V. on Sir William Bourehier, father of Henry, 1st Earl of Essex, and (5) Lojjgueville, 11 June (1119), 7 Hen. V. on Gaston do Foix, Captal de Buch, who circa 1438 was made K.G. ( b ) Charle3 of Artois, Count of Eu (to whose ancestor, John of Artois, that "County" had been granted by the King of France in 1352) refused in 1119 to acknowledge Henry V. of England as his suzerain, who accordingly dealt with that dignity as an escheat, and regranted the same as stated in the text. ( c ) Of his five children, the only da. Eleanor beeanio Duchess of Norfolk, while of the sons (1) Henry, Count of Eu, was cr. Earl of Essex 1401 (2) Thomas, Cnrdinul Bourehier, was Archbishop of Canterbury (3) Sir William Ilotirehier, K.GK, became Lord Fitzwarine and was ancestor to the Earls of Bath and (1) Sir John Bourehier, K.G-., became Lord Beruers. ( d ) Ho continued in possession of the revenues of Eu till 1 150 when the English were driven out of Normandy since which period the barren title was all that remained to the Bourehier family. (°) " It is a curious fact that whilst none of the four Enrls of Bath, who were dc