Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 3.djvu/400

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39S FOKTESCUE. FORTESCUB, and FORTESCUE OF CASTLE HILL. Barony. /. Hugh (Fortescue), Lord Clinton, was, cn 5 July I 17-1G 1746 ' w - BARON FORTESCUE OF CASTLE HILL, ca Devon, with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to Matthew Fortescue, liis bf. (ex parte patcrna) of the half blood, He was, at the same date, er. EARL CLINTON with the ordinary rem. lie ( /. num. 2 May 1751, aged 55, when the Earldom of Clinton became extinct. See fuller particulars of him under "Clinton" Barony, er. 1299, sub the 14th holder. II. 1751. 2. Matthew (Fortescue), Baron Fortescue of Castle Hill, br. (of the half blood) and heir (under the spec, rem.), being 2d and yst. 8. of Hugh Fortescue, of Filleigh, Devon, and only b. of his second wife, Lucy, da. of Matthew (Avlmeu), 1st Bahon Avlmeu of Balkath [I.] He was b. 31 March and bap. 17 April 1719, at Greenwich ; was High Steward of Barnstaple ; took his seat in the House, 17 May 1751. He m. 8 July 1752, Anne, 2d da. of John Campbell, of Colder, alias Cawdor, co. Nairn, and of Stackpole Court, co. Pembroke, by Mary, da. and coheir of Lewis Physe, of Gogirthen. Ho d. 10 July 17S5, aged 65. Will pr. Jan. 1786. His widow il 26 May 1812. HI. 1785. 3 and 1. Hugh (Fortescue), Bahcn Fortescue of t. w Castle Hill, 1st b. and h., b. 12 March 1753; mat. at Oxford (Univ. Coll.). 10 May 1770; M.P. for Beaumaris, 17S5-S0. Lord I. 1780. Ueut. and ice Admiral of Devon, 178S— 1839 ; High Steward of Lanutaple and of South Molton. He was a: 1 Sep. 17S9, VISCOUNT EBBJNQTON, co. Gloucester, and EARL FORTES- CUE. He was cr. D.C.L. of Oxford, 3 July 1S10; was F.S.A., &c. Ho m. 10 May 1782, at the house of Karl Temple, in Pall Mall, St. James' Westm., Hester, sister of George, lit Marquess ok Buckingham, 3d da. of the Rt. Hon. George Ghenville, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir William Wynddam, Bart. He d. 16 June 16-11, at Castle Hill, Devon, aged 88. Will pr. Oct. 1841 under £50,000. His widow, who was b. 23 Nov. 1760, d. 13 Nov. 1847, at Wear Hall, Wear GiUord, Devon. Barony 2 and 4- Hugh (Fortescue), Earl Fortescue, Viscount IV 1839 Ebkincton and Baron Fortescue of Castle Hill, s. and h., b. 13 Feb. 17S3, in Pall Mall, St. James' Westm., and bap. the same day; Earldom styled V 1SCOTJNT EbbIKOTOK, till 1841 ; mat. at Oxford (Brasenose TT Ifiil Co11 ')' 7 Feb - 1800 ; B.A., 1803; M.A. 1810. He was M.P. for II. lfcil. Barnstaple, 1804-07 ; for St. Mawes, 1807-09 ; for Buckingham, 1812-17 ; for Devon, 1818-20 ; for Tavistock, 1820-30; for Devon (again) 1830-32, and for North Devon, 1832-39, being sum to the House of Lords, v.p., 1 March 1839, in his father's Barony of Fortescue. P.C., 1S39. Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1839-41. Lord Steward of the Household, 1810-50. K.G., 12 July 1856. He was also Lord Lieut, of Devon, 1839, High Stewnid of Barnstaple, of South Molton, &c. He m. firstly, 4 July 1817, Susan, 1st da. of Dudley (Ryder), 1st Earl of Hahkowby, by Susan, da. of Granville (Leveson-Gower), 1st Mabquess of Stafford. She (Viscountess Ebringtou), who was b. 20 June 1796, d. 30 July 1827. He Mi secondly, 26 July 1841, at the Vice-Regal Lodge, Dublin, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Marcus Somerville, Bart., da. of Piers Geale, of Clousilla, co. Dublin. He d. at Exeter, 14 Sep. 1861, aged 78. His widow living 1890. Barony. 3 and 6. Hugh (Fortescue), Farl Fortescue [1789], V. 1859. Viscount Ebwncton [1769], and Bahon Fortescue of Castle Hill [1746], s. and h., b. 4 April 1818, in Upper Brook street, Midx. ; cd. Earldom. at Harrow school, styled Viscount Ebrinoton, 1841-61 ; M.P. for TTT l QCl Plymouth, 1841-52; for Marylebonc, 1854-59; a Lord of the Treasury, III. 1C01. i 846 . 47 . Sec . to the Poor Law Board, 1847-51. He was (like his father had been) sum. to the House of Lords, v.p., 20 Dec. 1859, in liis father's Barony of Fortescue. Lieut. Col. Com. of North Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, &c He m. 11 March 1847, at C'alne, Wilts, Georgiana Augusta Charlotte Caroline, 1st da. of Col. the Hon. George Lionel Dawson-Damek (3d s. of John, 1st Earl of Portarlinoton [I]) by Mary Georgiana Emma, da. of Lord Hugh Seymour. She who was 6. 13 Juue 1826, d. in childbed, 8 Dec. 1866, aged 40, at Castle Hill afsd.