Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/108

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110 GREY. II. 1G74. & Ralph (Grey), Baron Grey of Werke, only surv. s. and li. ; bap. 27 Oct. 1030, at Isleworth, Midx. ; sue. to the peerage 1074. He m. Catharine, widow of the Hon. Alexander Cor.ErErER (who d. s.p. March 11548/9), only snrv. da. and li. of Sir Edward Ford, of Halting, Sussex, by Sarah, da. of German iRKTON, of Ireton, CO. Derby. He </. (a year after his father) at Harting and was bur. there 21 June 1675. Will pr. 1675. His widow, who was b. 22 May 1634, d. about 1682. 'Will pr. 1CS2. III. 1C75. J. Ford (Grey), Baron Grey of Werke, only s. and h. ; bap. 20 July 1655, at Hasting afsd., tue. to the peerage in 1675 nnd was sum. to Pari. 10 Feb. 1677, taking part, as a zealous cxclusionist, in the debates of 1681, having voted, the year before, for the conviction of Visconnt Stafford. His religious zeal did not, however, prevent him from seducing his wife's sister (Lady Henrietta Berkeley, then aged IS), and he was found guilty accordingly, 23 Jan. 16S2/3. He was arrested for concurr.iice in the Uye J louse plot but escaped from the Tower of London in July 1683. He joined the Duke of Monmouth in his rebellion and landed with him at Lyme Begis, 11 June 1 OS;", being in command of the Cavalry, the defeat of which on two occasions was caused probably by bis cowardice but possibly by his treachery. He was taken prisoner and condemned for high treason but by freely giving evidence against his former associates obtained pardon and was restored in honours and blood in June 1686. It was not, however, till the next reign that this cowardly and incestuous traitor was thought worth; of having honours showered upon him. He was then, by William 111., advanced two grades in the peerage, being er., 11 June 169"., VISCOUNT GLENDALE and KARL OF TANKEItVILLE ;(») P.C., 1695 ; a Commissioner of Trade, 1696 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1699 ; First Lord of the Treasury, Nov. 1699 to Nov. 1700; one of the Lords Justices of the Realm during the King's absence, June to Oct. 1700, and LoitJ) Privy Seal, Nov. 1710, till his death. He m. firstly, Mary, da of George (Berkeley), 1st Earl ok Berkeley, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John Ma.ssinc-ueard. He </. s.p.m.( c ) 24 June 1701, aged 47, and was bin; 1 July at Harting afsd.. when the earldom if Tunkerrille and the Vistout tc;/ of GltndaU became extinct. Will pr. Dec. 1701 and Dec. 1702. His widow hi. (— ) Booth, of Epsom, Co. Surrey, and «'. 19 May 1719. IV. 1701, J f . K.Lrii (Grey), Baron Grey of Werke, br. and h. to male. He was an officer in the Army and attended King William III. 170G. i" many of his campaigns. Gov. of Barbadoes, 1698; am: to the peerage in 1706. He d. uum. '_0 and was bur. 26 June 1706, at Bocking, Essex, aged 45, when the Barony of O'rrg oj Werke became cxtinct.( A ) Will pr. July 1706. ( c ) ( ;l ) The Earldom of Taukerville (Tancarville) in Normandy had been conferred 31 Jan. 1419, on Sir John Grey, s. and h. of Sir Thomas Grey, of Berwyke, co. Northumberland, whose second son, Sir Thomas Grey, of Heton, was ancestor of the Barons Grey of Werke. The 3d Earl, grandson of the grantee, was attainted (1460), 38 Hen. VI., but was ancestor in the male line of the Barons Grey de Powis. See that dignitj-. t b ) See vol. ii, p. 115. note "c," sub "Devonshire," for a list o£ these "Lords Justices." («) Mary, his only da. and h., mi. 3 July 1695, at Harting afsd., Charles (Bennet), 2d Baron Ossulston, who was cr., 19 Oct. 1714, Eati of Taukerville, being ancestor of the succeeding Earls. ( a ) Bishop Burnet's character of him, when aged 40 and upwards, with Dean Swift's additions thereto in italics is as under — "A sweet disposed gentleman. He joined King William at the Revolution and is a zealous asserter of the liberties of the people— a thin, brown, handsome man, middle Btature. Had very little in him." (») He devised most of his estates to his cousin William (North), Lord North and Grey, whose father, Charles, Lord North, having m. Catharine, da. of William (Grey), 1st Baron Grey of Werke, had been (v. p.) sum. to Pari, in 1673 as Lord Grey de Kolleston. Thisdevise excluded not only [his own heir] the da. and h. of his br. (the Earl of Tankerville) but also the issue of his sister Catherine, wife of Bichard Neville, ancestress of the Barons Braybrookc. See tabular pedigree in vol. ii, p. 9, note "a,', sub " Braybrooke."