Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/152

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154 HAMILTON — HAMPDEN. HAMILTON OF WISH AW. Barony. RoBEBT Montgomery (Hamilton), Lord Belhaven and I 1831 Stknton [S.], was n, 10 Sep. 1831.C 1 ) BARON HAMILTON OF j" ' WI8HAW, co. Lanark [U.K.] He rf. a. p., 22 Dec. 1868, in hid 75th 1 CCU year, when this Barony became extinct. See fuller particulars under 1 B6a " Belhaven and Steutou," Barony [S.j, cr. 1647, tub the 8th Lord. HAMLAKE. £*, "Eos de IJemelak" [Hamlake], Barony (.fftv), en 1264, the sea nd and other Lords being frequently so sum. from 1299 and downwards. See " Roos of Hamlake, Thusbut, and Belvoir,*' Barony (Manners), cr. (by patent) 1616 ; ex. 1632. HAMMOND OF KIRK. EL LA. Barony. The Rt. Hon. Edmund Hammond, 3tl and yst. s. of I. 1874 George Hammond (sometime Foreign Under Sec. ), by Margaret, da. . ' of Andrew Allen, was b. 25 June 1S02, in London ; ed. at Eton 1 Knn < 1812 ) and ,lt H «rrow (1815) i mat. at Oxford (Univ. Coll.), 20 Jau. 1BJU, lg20 . B A 1823 . M A) 182Ci being sometime Scholar but after- wards (182^-46) Fellow of his College ; Clerk in the Privy Council office, 1823-24 ; Clerk to the Foreign office, 1824 j permanent Foreign Under See, 1854, till Oct. 1873, when L<3 retired after 50 years service ; P.C., 1866. He was cr. (by the Gladstone Ministry) 5 March 1S74, BARON HAMMOND OF KIKKELLA iu the town and county of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull. He 3 Jan. 1846, Mary Frances, da. of Lord Robert Kerr (yst. s. of William John, 5th Marqless of Lothian [S.]), by Mary, da. of the Her. Robert Gilbert. She, who was b. 11 July 1815, il. 14 June 1888, at 25 Eaton Place, Midx. He d. s.p.m., 29 April 1890, of paralysis, aged 87, at Meutoue, in the south of France, when the Barony became extinct. HAMPDEN. Viscountcy. 1. Robert (Hampden}, Baron Trevor of Bromham, I 1776 formerly Robert Trevor, 3d s. of Thomas (Trevor), 1st BaRON Trevor OF BroJUU.v, being his 1st s. by his 2d wife, Ann, do. of Robert Weldou, was b. 17 Feb. 1705/6, at St. Clement Danes, Midx. ; mat. at Oxford (Queen's Coll.), 2] Feb. 1722,3; li.A., 1725 ; Sec. to the Hague, 1734-86 ; Envoy and Minister thereto, 1739-46 ; Commissioner of Revenue [I.], 1746. In compliance with the will of John Hampden, of Great Hampden, Bucks, whoso estates be inherited, ( ll ) he by royal lie, on 22 Feb. 1754, took the name of Hampden for himself and his heirs male in lieu of his patronymic of Trevor. He was Joint Postmaster Gen., 1759 to 1765. By the death of his elder br., 27 Sep. 1764, he became 4th Baron Trevor of Bhomham, Beds, and on 14 June 1776, he was cr. VISCOUNT HAMPDEN of Great and Little Hampden, co. Buckingham ; F.R.S., &c He jh., 6 Feb. 1743, at the Hague, Constautia, da. of Peter Anthony Dg Huybert, Lord of Van-Kruynmgen, in Holland. She d. 15 and was bur. (as "the Hon. Mrs. Hampden ") 17 Juno 1761, at Great Hampden, aged 34. M.I. He d. 22 Aug. 1783, at Bromham, aged 78, and was bur. there 9 Sep. Wfl] pr. Sep. 1783. II. 1783. 2. Thomas (Trevor afterwards Hampden), Viscount Haaiitjen, and Baron Trevor of Broiiham, lsts. and h., b. 11 Sep. 1746, at the Hague, and b«j>. 6 Oct. ; ed. at WcRtm. school and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; matric. (as "Thomas Trcror") 23 April 1763 ; cr. D.C.L. (as "the Hon. Thomas Hampden ") 8 July 1773. He was M.r. for Lewes, 1768— 1774 ; site, to the peerage, 22 Aug. 1783; was Col. of the Bucks Volunteers, 1803 ; (Civil) 1 April 1816. He m. firstly, 13 June 1768, at St. James', Westm. (under the name of "Hampden") Catherine, only da. of Gen. David Grjewe, of Braco Castle, co. Perth. She, who was ( n ) This was one of the 22 Peerages [U.K.] cr. at the coronation of King AVilliam IV. See a list thereof, vol! ii, p. 312 note " a," tub " Cloncurry." (") Seep. 155, note "a."