Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/91

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GRENVILLE — GR EVILLE. 93 WOTTON-UNDER-BERNEWOOD, co. Buckingham, having the conduct, in the House of Lords, of the government business; Foreign Secretary/') 1791—1801, Hanger of St. James and Hyde parks, 1791, exchanging this post in 1791, for that of an Auditor to the Kxchequer,( b ) which lie held till his death, 40 yeais later. He was first Lord of the Treasury (Prime Minister), 11 Feb. 180(3 to March 1807, in the " All the Talent*" administration, but resigned Oil the ground of the King's opposition to the Roman Catholic emacipation, his last speech in the House, 21 June 1822, being in favour thereof. He was cr. D.C.L., of Oxford, 23 Dec. 1809, and installed as Chancellor of that Univ. on 10 Jan. 1 SI 0 ; F.S.A., Sec. He in. 18 July. 1792, at her father's house, St. Geo. Han. sq. Anne, da. of Thomas (Pitt), 1st Baron Camel- kord, by Anne, da. and coheir of Piukney Wilkinson, tie d. s.p., 12 Jan. 1S34 (having had a stroke of paralysis as early as 1823), in his 75th year, at Dropmore Lodge, Bucks, when the Barony became extinct. He was iter, at Burnham, Bucks. Will pr. Feb. 1834. His widow, who was 4. 10 Sep. 1772, in London, and who on 10 March 1804, became heir to her br. the 2d Baron Oamelford, d. 13 June 1864,( c ) aged 91, at 35, South street, Grosvenor sq., Midx. GRESLEY, or QUELLE. Barony by Thomas de, or De Ghelle, s. ami U. of Robert Writ. G., of Manchester, co. Lane, by Unwise, da. and coheir of John DE Burgh, >UC his father (1283-84), 12 Ed. I., aud sue. his mother I. 130S, (i n the estate of Pottslade, c, co. Sussex), in 1298-99, being then to aged 20; was made K.B. (with Prince Edward) in 1306 (34 Ed. I.) 1347 1 and was sum. to Pari, as n Baron (LORD GRESLEY or LORD GltELLK) from 10 March (1307/8), 1 Ed. II., to 16 June (1311), 6 Ed. II., by writs variously directed " Thomic de Ureslcy, or de Qrelegh, or de Grelle. He d. s.p. when any right to the Barony became extinct.( a ) Esch. (1347), 21 Ed. III. GRETTOxY. See '• Hatton of Gretton, co. Northampton," Yiscountov (Huttnn), cr. 16S2 ; ex. 1762. GREVILLE OF CLONYN. Barony. J. Fulke Southwell Greviile-A ugekt, of Clonyn I 1869 Castle, co. Westmeath, 2d s. of Algernou Grevii.le/ 1 -') of North Lodge, Barnet, Herts, by Caroline, da. of Sir Bellingliam Graham, Gth Bart., was b. 17 Feb. 1S21 ; M.P. for co. Longford, 1852-69, and having Hi., 28 April 1840, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Rosa Emily Mary Anne, only surv. da. and h. of George Thomas John (Nugent), 1st Marquess of Westmeath [I.], by his first wife, Emily Anne Bennet Elizabeth, da. of James v Cecil), 1st of Salisbury, took by Royal lie, 8 Aug. 1866, the surname of Nwjent after his (") He, as such, gave notice, 21 Jan. 1793, to the French Ambassador to "retire from the Kingdom." ( b ) This sinecure post is said to have been worth £ 4,000 a year. He was much blamed for obtaining an act in 1806 (when Prime Minister), to enable him to retain it together with his post in the Treasury. The rewards conferred on the Grenville party were so considerable at all times and especially during the Liverpool Ministry, in 1821-22, that Lord Holland's witty remark thereon was that " All articles are to be had at low prices, except Orenvillcs." ( c ) She left her large estates ( Boconnoc, co. Cornwall, &c), to her husband's nephew, the Hon. George Matthew Forteseue. ( d ) Joan, his sister, m. John de la Warre and brought the Sussex estates and a large inheritance to that family. (°) He, who d. 23 Nov. 1857, aged G6, was s. of William Fulke Greville, Capt. R.N., who was s. of Fulke G., of Wilburv, Wilts, s. and h. of the Hon. Algernon G., 2d s. of Fulke (Greville), 5th Baron Brooke, ancestor of the Earls Brooke of Warwick Castle, Earls of Warwick.