Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/102

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100 LINDSAY. which he greatly disapproved) and was present at the battle of Fludden, being one of the few Scotch nobles who survived that defeat. (*) He was one of I lie four Lords appointed by Pari., 1 Dec. 1513, to be of the council to the Queen Dowager [SJ He hail a grant of the Sheriffdom of Fife in July 1525. He m. Isabella, da. of ( — ) PlTCAlRN, of Foe than. He (/. 1520, and was bur. at St Andrew's. V. 1520. 5. John (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Pyres [S.], grandson anil h., being s. ami h. of Sir John Lindsay, of Piteruvy, Master of Lindsay, by Klizabcth, 1st da. of Sir Robert Li'SDIE, Treasurer of Scotland (1497 — 1502), which Sir John was s. aud h. Bp. of the late Lord, ami tho' living in July 1525 d. v.p. soon afterwards. He sat in Pari. 10 Dec. 15-10 ; was an extra- ordinary Lord of Session [S.] in 1541 ; was present at the death of King James V. was one of the nobles to whose charge the infant Queen Mary was Committed iu 1542, aud was in command at Ancrmn-Mnir, 154 1. P.O. [S.], 25 June 1545. It was chiefly thro' him that in 1559 a mediation was effected between the Lords of the Congregation (Protestants) of which he was one, and the Dowager Queen, the Kegent. He was confirmed in his hereditary office of Justiciary of St. Andrews.( 1 ') He m. Helen, 2d da. of John (Stewart), 2d Haul ok Attiolk [S.J, by Mary. da. of Archibald ((JaMPBELL), 2d Earl ok Ahgyi.i. [S.] He d. at a good age before 13 March 1502/3. His widow m. Thomas MottCUH, and d. May 1577. Will pr. 11 May 1577, confirmed 10 May 1580. YI. 15G3. 6. Patrick (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Pyres [S.], who before his succession to the peerage [S.] had as " Master of Lindsay " taken a lead among the Reformers, being one of the first of the nobles who joined that cause. He was P.O. [S.], 15 May 1505; sat in Pari., 1507 ; WHS chief among those who took part in the murder of Ki/.zio, the Queen's favourite, ami who obtained from the Queen [S ] at I.ochleven, 24 July 1507, her resignation of the Crown to her son, James VI. [S.j, and the nomination of the Earl of Moray [S.] as Regent. He also contributed to the Queen's final defeat, 2 May 1568, at the battle of Longsyde. Many years later in 1582 he was one of the nobles concerned in seizing the person of King James VI. [S.j at "the raid of Kuthven. He IH. Euphemia.C) 1st da. of Sir Robert Douoi.AS, of Lnchlcvcn, by Margaret, da. of John (Euskink) Earl ok Mar [S.], mother (by King James V. [S.]), of the Kegent, Karl of Moray [S.], abovenamed. She d. intestate June 1580. Adiuou. 13 Nov. 1591, at Edinburgh. He (/. at Strnthers, co. Fife, 11 Dec. 1589. Will pr. at Edinburgh, 13 Nov. 1591. VII. 1591. 7. James (Lindsay), Lokb Lindsay of the Pyres [S.J, only s. and h. He PI before 10 Feb. 1573,4, Euphetnia, 1st da. of Andrew (Leslie), 4th Kahl ok Rothes [S.], by his first wife, Urizel, da. of Sir James HAMILTON, of Finnart. He i. 5 Nov. 1001. His wife survived him. VIII. 1G01. S. John (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Pyres [S.], s. and h., served heir to his father, 13 April 1002 ; P.C. [S.J, 7 June 1005. He m. (contract 4 July 1599, at Dalkeith), Anne, sister of Laurence, 5th Lord OLIPHANT [S.], da. of Laurence OLIPHANT, Master of Oliphant, by Christian, 2d da. of William (Douglas), 2d Earl ok Morton [8.] He d. s p.m.( d ) 5 Nov. 1609.( e ) IX. 1G09. 9. PlOdert (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Pyres [S.], br. and h. male, served heir [male] to his father, 8 Dec. 1009. P.C. [S], 1010. He m. contract 20 June 1010, Christian, 1st da. of Thomas ( ;l ) See p. 03, note "l>," sub " Lennox," for a list of the nobles [S.] there present. ( b ) The ollice was retained in the family till the passing of the Heritable Jurisdic- tions Act in 1748. W She was one of the seven beautiful sisters known as " the seven fair porches of Loohleven." ( d ) Anne, his only da. and h., m. Alexander (Falconer), 2d Lord Falconer of Halkertoun [S.], and had issue. ( c ) The estate of Byres was sold in 1009 (according to his contract, carried out by his successor), to Sir Thomas Hamilton, w, 1013, Lord Binning and Byres, and sub- sequently Earl of Haddington [S.]