Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/11

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LANCASTER. 9 - March (13S9,,90;, 13 Kie. II., cr. Duke of Aquitnine in Normandy by imposition of the cap of estate, &e. He m. firstly (aa above stated) 19 May MS9j Blanche (" of Unleash,-"), 2d and yst. da. (who on 9 May 1361, became coheir and on 10 April 1362, by her sister's death, sole heir) of Henry (Plantaukxet), Duke of Lancaster, by Isabel, his wife, both abovcuamed. She d. 1369 and was bur. in St. Paul's, Loudon- M.I. He m. secondly, about June 1X72, at Bordeaux, Constance, 1st surv. da. and heir of line of Pedro (the cruel) King W Castile and Leon (1350-69), by his 2d or 3d wife, Maria Padh.i.a. She, who Wag 6. 1354, U. 8.p.m.( a ) June 1394 and was bur. in the Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Leicester. He >«. thirdly, 13 Jan. 1396/7, at Lincoln, Katharine, widow of Sir Hugh Swmonn (who d. 1372). da. and coheir of Sir Payue Uoklt (a native of Hainanlt), Gnieune King of Arms. He d. at Klv Palace, Holborn, 3 Feb. 1398/9, aged 68, and was bur. in St. Paul's, London. M."l. Will dat. 3 Feb. 1397.( b ) His widow who was 4. before 1350 and who for some 25 years or upwards before their marriage (in the lifetime apparently^) of each of their respective Consorts) had fulfilled the post of Mistress to the Puke himself and of Governess to his children, d. 10 May 1103, and was bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. M.I. Dukedom. -,1309, ..'and 0. Hexuy (Plantagexet, styled " ok III. j Feb. Bol.lNUHHOKE "), 1>UKE OK L-ANCASTEH.C) DDk'b OK HKHK- EarldomC). f to >'ono, Earl ok DskBT, Eaul ok Lincoln and Haul ok yr I q LEICESTER, Hiijh S'ac.ird of A'ni/luud, also Duke OF J oe 5> AtiVfr.MNE in Normandy, s. and h., being only son by first wife, Blanche "of Lancaster," b. 1367, at Bolingbroko, co. Lincoln ; staled Haul ok Dekby ; KG, 23 April 1377 : Hearer of the Principal Sword at the Coronation of Kichard II., 16 July 1377 ; sum. to Purl, as EARL UP DEKBY, 3 Sep. (1385), 9 Hie. II. lie m. as his first wife) between 27 July 1380, ami 0 -March 1381, at Itoche- fofd,( <> ) Mary, 2d. and yst. da. and coheir (1373), of Humphrey (de Bohin), Eaul ok Hereford, Essex and Northamfton, by Joau, da. of Kichard (Kitzalan), Eahl ok AUONDBL. She d. (as Collides* of Verb;/), 1391, and was bur. iu Canterbury Cathedral. In consequence of this match I by which he is sometimes considered as Hurl of Hertford and Northampton), he WHS (some 3 pears after bis said wife's death), CT. 29 Sep. 1397, DUKE OF HEHEFuKl). He was, however, shortly afterwards, banished from the Kingdom, but having on 3 Feb. 1398/9, sue. his father, as Duke of Lancaster, Sto,, he returned to England and was 30 Sep. 1399, elected Kiug thereof as Henry IV ; when all his honours merged in the UroKn.{ ( ) (») Her only child, Katharine, pi. in 1397, her cousin Henry, afterwards (1390-1 106), Henry III. King of Castile and Leon, who was s. and h. of John, Kiug of Castile, &c. (1379-90), the s. and h. of Henry II., King of Castile, kc, the bastard br. of Pedro the cruel, who was maternal grandfather of the said Katharine. Uu their posterity these Kingdoms were settled and accordingly devolved, passing iu 1504 to Charles, afterwards Charles V., Emperor of Germany, the great great grandson and heir of line of Henry 111., by the said Katharine of Lancaster. ( b ) See Nichols's, " Royal Wills." (") Their eldest sou John (Beaufort), Earl of Somerset (great grandfather to Kiug Henry VII. tor parte material), who was a Knight iu 1391 (while his younger br. Henry was a Bishop iu 1397), was probably born before 1372, the date of the death of his mother's husband, Sir Hugh Swiuford; indeed Kichard III., expressly says of him that he Was •' in double adtoutrow [i.e. adultery], yoKoi. The character of the mother may be inferred fiom the fact that the legitimacy of her son, Thomas Swiuford (undoubtedly born during her coverture) was questioned and had to be declared by letters patent, 5 Oct. 1411, before he could inherit as her heir. An interesting account of the Swiuford family and of the issue of Katharine Koelt, both by Sir Hugh Swiuford and by John of Gaunt, and the respective legitimation of each such issue is iu the " Excerpta liislorica" (1831), pp. 152-169. ( <l ) See p. 7, note " d." (<-') See "iV. and Q," 7th s., vi, p. 73. ( f ) One of his first acts, as King, " was to grant in Pari, a charter, in which the lauds and possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster were declared to be a separate inheri- tance distiuct from the lands aud possessions of the Crown. The prerogatives of the