Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/111

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LISBURNE. 109 II. 1695. 1. John Vaugiian, of Crosswood, (Trawscoed) co. Cardigan, s. and h. of Edward Vauuhan,(») of the same, one of the T ords of the Admiralty, by Letitia, da. of Sir William Hookkh, was 4. about 1070 ; «. his father iu 1083, and having m. 18 Aug. 1092, at St. Giles in the fields ; (Lie. Fac.)', Mallet, sister and eoheir (10S1) of Charles, 3d Earl of Rochester, 3d da. of John Wilmot), I'd EARL OF Rochestkh (the well known favourite of Charles II.) by Eliza- beth, da. and h. of John Malkt, of Eninore, Somerset, was cr. BARON OE EliTHARU (" Eethers") co. Tipperary and VISCOUNT LISBURNE co. Antrim [I.] He was M.P. for Cardiganshire in several Paris., and in 171-4 was Lord Lieut, thereof. She, who was 4. about 1075, </, 1710. He was 4 nr. 5 April 1721 at Greenwich. Will pr. 1721. III. 1721. 3. John (Vaugiian), Viscount Lisiiurne, &c. [I.] s. and h., 4. about 1095 ; sue. tnthc peerage [I.] in 1721 ; Lord Lieut, of Cardiganshire, 1721 ; 11. P. for that county, 1727-34. He was refused his seat in the House of Lords [I.] by reason of the {latent not being enrolled, w hereupon he petitioned the said house, 29 March 1730, for his writ, but no resolution thereon was passed He hi. firstly, at her father's house in Essex street, Strand ( — ) da. of Sir John Bknnkt, Serjeant at Law. She d. s.p. 31 July 1723. He hi. secondly, 1725, Dorothy, da. of diehard Hill, of Henblas, co. Montgomery, He d. sp.m. 15 Jan. 1741 at (Trawscoed) Crosswood. His widow d. 20 Nov. 17'JO. IV. 1711. S. Wilmot (Vaugiian), Viscount Lisiiurne, &c. [I.], far. and h. male ; Lord Lieut, of Cardiganshire, 174-1-00. He Wi. ill 1727 Elizabeth 1st da. of Thomas Watson, of Berwick-upon-Tweed and (Jrindon Ridge, co. Durham. He d. at (Trawscoed) Crosswood, 19 January 1700. V. 17GG. 4. and 1. Wilmot (Vaugiian), Viscount Lishurne, &c. -p [I.], s. and h., 6, about 1730 ; was M.P. for Cardiganshire 1755-01, -kariaom l u i for Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1705-08, and for Cardiganshire (again) 1708- 1. 17G0. M« Lord Lieut, of Cardiganshire 1700; sue. to the peerage JLJ Jan. 1700 : a Lord of Trade 1708 and a Lord of the Admiralty 1770-S2. He lit. firstly, 3 July 175-4, at St. Geo. llan. sip, Elizabeth, sister and (in 173-1) h- to Washington Nightingale, being only da. of Joseph Uascoigne NldHT- IMiALK, of Miinihead, Devon, and of Enfield, Midx., by Elizabetn, da. and coheir of Washington (StllBLEY) 2d Eahl Kkhkeio.. She d. IB and was bur. 24 May 1755 at Enfield. He »i. secondly 19 April 1703, Dorothy, 1st da. of John SllAlTo, of Whit, worth, co. Durham, by Mary, da. ami h. of Thomas Jackson, of Nuuuiugton, eo York. He d. 0 Jan. 1800 aged about 70. Will pr. March 1800. His widow d. 12 Sep. 1S05. '2 and 5. Wii.mut (Vaugiian), Earl ok LlsmuiNE, &c. [I.J, s. and h. by first wife, 4. 9 May 1S00 1 ,r ' ' Louu VauuhaN from 1700 till he sue. to ' the peerage [I.J in 1S00. He d. num., 0 May 1820, in his 05th vear, near Stamford, co. Lincoln. (") Admon. Dec. 1S20. ,1 and G. John (Vaugoan), Earl of Lis- IlLliNK, &c. [I.], br. (of the half blood) and h., being s. i i^oq of the 1st Karl by his s- _ond wife ; 4. 3 March 1709 ; ' a Col. in the army ; M.P. for Cardigan, 1790—1818; sue. to the peerage (I.J, 0 May 1820. He hi., 2 Aug. 1798, Lucy, sister (whose issue in 1835 became eo- heir) to William, Eaul ok Dkvon, da. of William (Couiitknay), 2d Viscount C-ouktknay ok Powukuuam Castle [Ue jure Eahl of Dkvon), bj Prances, da. of Thomas Clack. She, who was 4. 13 June 1770, d. in Paris, 27 Jan. 1822, aged 51. He d. 18 May 1831, aged 02. Will pr. July 1S31. Earldom [I.] II. Viscountcy [I.] VI. Earldom [I.J III. Viscountcy [I.] VII. ( :l ) His father, Sir John Vaughtiii, was Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas 1608-74, and was bur. in the Temple Church, Loudon, near the grave of the learned Seidell, to whom he was executor. ( b ) His estates " near XI 8,000 a year" devolved on his half brother.