Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/13

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LANESBOROUGH. 11 Hon. George Ponsonby, of Woolbeding, Sussex (4th s. of William Brabazon, 1st Baron Ponsonbv ok I.mokilly), by his 2d wife, Diana Juliana Margaretta, da. of the Hon. Edward BOrjVBBIK. He d. s.p. 8 Oct. 18S0, aged 70, at 29 Grosvenor square, when his peerage became extinct, His widow living at Woolbeding 1892. L A XKS BOROUGH. La., "Clifford ok Laxesborough, to. York," Barony {.Boyle), cr. 1041, with the Earldom ok Bl'hlinuto.v, which MM ; ex. 1753. Viscountcy[l.] 1. Sir George Laxe, Bart., of Tulske, co. Kns- t lpTP. common, 3. and h. of Sir Richard Lank, Bart, (so cr. 11 Feb. J ' 0 1600/1), by his first wife, Mabell, da, and h. of Gerald Fitz Gkrald, of Clonbolg and Rathaman, sue. his father 5 Oct. 1063 ; was Sec. of War, Clerk of the Star Chamber, Keeper of the Records, P.C., and Sec. of State for Ireland, and was cr., 31 July 1076, VISCOUNT LANESIJOltOUGH, co. Longford [Li He m. firstly, 21 March 1644, Dorcas, da. of Sir Anthony Brabazon, of Tallnghstown, co. Louth (br. to William, 1st Earl OF Meath [I.] ), by Margaret, da. of Christopher Hovf.nden, of Chisnor, Oxon. She d. IS July 1071, and was bur. at St. Catharine's, Dublin. Ho m. secondly, 11 Dee. 1073, at St. Giles in the fields, Frances, da. of Richard (Sackvillk), 5th Haul ok Dorset, by Frances, da. of Lionel (CrankikldI, 1st Eaiii. ok Middlesex. He d. 11 Dec. 10S3, and was bur. at Lanes- borough. Will dat. 10 July 16S3, enrolled on Close Rolls. His widow </. about 1722. Will pr. 1722. II. 1083, :i. James (Laxe), Viscount Laxesborough [I.], also to a Baronet [1061], b. and h. by first wife, 6. 7 Dec. 1646, or 7 Jan. 1721. 1W9. He ni.,15 May 1070, at Fulham Chapel, Midx., Mary, da. of the Hon. Sir Charles Comi'Ton (2d s. of Spencer, 2d Earl OK Northampton), by Mary, da. of Sir Ration Febmob, Hp d. s.p. at Laaesborougfa House,(") Hyde I'ark corner, 2, and was bur. 11 1724, aged 7S, at St. James, Westm., when the peerage became e.ciiucl.[ h ) Will dat. 15 Oct 1722, pr. 13 Aug. 1724. His widow d. 21 May and was bur. 1 June 1733, at St. James' afsd., aged 93- Her will dat. a Aug 1735, pr. 27 May 1738. III. 1728. 1. Biuxsley (Butler), Barox op Newtown-Butler, co. Fermanagh [I.], 2d s. of Francis BOTHER) of Belturbet, co. Cavan, by Judith, da. of the lit. Hon. Sir Theophilns JoNKS, of Osberstown, co. Meath : was Gent. Usher of the Black Rod [I.], 1711 ; Lieut, and sometime (May to Aug. 1714) Col. of the Battle-axe Guards [I.] ; M.P. for Kails, 1703-13, and for Beltmbet, 1713-23 ; sue. his eldest br. 11 March 1723, in the Barony of Navtmcu- Butler [I.] under the spec. rem. in the creation (21 Oct. 1715) of that dignity, taking his seat 7 Sep. 1725 ; P.C. [L] to Geo. I. in 1726 as also to Geo. II. by whom he was cr , 12 Aug. 1728, VISCOUNT L AN ES BO 110 U G H , ( c ) of co. Longford [I.], taking his seat 27 Oct. 1731. He m. about 1700, Catharine posthumous da. and coheir of Nevill POOLET, of and to grant our Koya! authority for Olive, our said niece, to bear and use the title and arms of I,n»msler should she be in existence at the period of our Uoyal demise. Given at our Palace at St. James's May 17th, 1773. Chatham. J. DirxxiNa." See " Annual Jttgitter " for I860 (pp. 227-259) for an interesting account of this curious trial. {") Converted into an infirmary about 1710, being the site of St. George's Hospital. ( b ) His only sister was mother, by her husband, Henry Fox, of throe sous (1) George Lane-Fox, cr. Baron Bingley 1762, rf. s.p.s. 1772 ; (2) James Fox who inherited the Surrey estates and d. s.p. 1773, and (3) Sackville Fox, ancestor of the family of Lane-Fox, of Bramham Park, co. York, and of the Lords Couyers. (°) It does not appear that this family was ih any way connected with the previous Viscounts Lanesborough,