Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/145

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LORN — L'ORTI. 143 VI. 1528. G. Joiin (Stewart), 4th Loud Innermeath [£.], pro- bably br. but possibly s. and h. of the above;(*) Sheriff of eo. Forfar, 1541; one of the extra. Lords of Session [**.], 1 542. He »i. before 1540 Elizabeth (oue of the Mistresses of James V. [S.] ), da. of Sir John Bethuke, of Creieh. He was living lb' Jan. 1501/2. VII. 1565? 7. James (Stewart), 5th Lord Ixneriieatii [S-]' s - and h.; was one of the hostages( h ) iu 15u'9 for Mary, Queen of Soots. He m, before 7 July 1551, Helen, 4th da. of James (Ooilvi), 1th Loud Ouilvy of Aiulie [8.1 by Helen, da. of Henry (SlNCLAUt), 1st LoltD Sinolaih [S.l He (/. before 17 May 157».(") VIII. 1579 ] S. Joun (Stewart), 6th Lord Inner- meatii [S.], only s. and h. He was cr., 0 March 1SS5/6, EARL OF AT HOLE [S.], the Earldom of that name (cr. about 1457}, having become extinct by the death (28 Aug. 1595), of his cousin, John (Stewart), 5th Earl of Athole [».],<>) He d. 13 April 1G05. IX. 1G05, 9. John (Stewart), Earl of Atiiole to [1596], and Louu Innbu.meaTH [1439? J, iu the peerage 1G25. of Scotland, only s. and h. He d. s.p. 1825 when the Kurldom uf Athole became extinct, and the Uurony of Innermeath probably extinct, but certainly dormunt. i.e., "Lorn" Barouy [S.] The Lordship of Lorn, co. Argyll, was resigned ill 1470 by Walter Stewart (afterwards Lord Innermeath [&.]) to Colin (Campbell), 1st Karl of Argyll, who obtained, 17 April 1470, a crown charter ( Muy. Siy. Lib. vii, No. 189). of the " dominium lie Lome," ami who from that date (as were his successors) was usually designated '• Earl of Argyll, Lord Campbell and Lorn."l") See "Argyll " Earldom [S.], cr. 1157. i.e., "Kintykeand Loun," Marquessate [S.] (Cami>bdl),(*) cr. 1701 with the Dukedom ok Aucjyll [S.J which see. L'ORTI, or 1)E URTLVJO. Barony by 1. Hexrv de L'Outi, or de Uktiaoo, of Curry- Re veil, Writ Somerset, and Esseleigh, Wilts, s. and h. of Henry DE UuriACO, or I 1299 L'OkihaI, or de L'Outi, by Sabina, da. and h. of Richard Rkvku., of Curry Rovell afsd., Sherill' of Cornwall and Devon, and Mabel, sister and heir of Walter DE EssELEIGH, of Esseleigh afsd.; sue. his father ill 1241 and his mother after 1251, and, having served iu the wars iu Wales and (") "There seems some doubt whether John was son or brother of Richard. Nisbet says his son, on the authority of a yift of the ward of Richard, Lord innermeath, and of the marriwjc of John, Lord Innermeath, to the Luird of Lundie, in the rcyister. It appears extraordinary that the same person should have both the ward of the father and the marriage of the son." [Wood's "Douglas."] The note (as given iu italics above) in Niabet's Heraldry (vol. ii, appendix, p. 182, edit. lSlti), refers to " 15:28 " the date of Richard's death. It does not seem to refer to the relationship (which, probably, was that of brother) of the parties. ■ (»>) Of these, three were to be Earls aud the rest " Lords of Part" [Hist. MSS Com. 1st Rep. of Lord Salisbury's MSS., p. 120.] ( r ) At that date the King directs an inventory to be taken of his goods "now pertaining to his faderlcss bairns." [5th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. I, b'40.] ( d ) See p 141, note "a." ( u ) The family of Campbell do not, however, descend from the old Lords of Lorn. See p. 1-12, note " a." i W .- S.S" o . E ~ gag