Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/154

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152 LOUDOUN. Earldom [S.] lit Barony [S.] IV. 3 and 4- Hugh (Campbell), Earl of Loudoun, &c. [S.], s. and h., styled Lord MiCcmm: 1 c<i± till he sue. to the peerage [S.] in 1 6S4, taking his neat, 8 Sep. 1696 ; P.C. [SJ, 1697 and 1703, and [E.], 1708 ; an extra. Lord at Session [S.], 1699—1731 ; a Com- missioner of the Treasury [S.], 1702-0-1 ; Sec. of State [S.], 1705-07 ; K.T., 10 Aug. 1706 ; one of the Com- missioners for the Uniou [S.J He resigned hit pierage dignities and obtained a norodnmiis thereof, 7 Feb. 1707, with rem. to the heirs male of his body, rem. to heirs gen. of the body of the 1st Earl, rem. to the heirs male whatsoever of the 1st Karl. He was Rep. Peer [S.] iu seven success. Paris., 1707-31, being one of the original sixteen. Loud Keeper [S.] (being the first since the Union), 1708-13; served as a volunteer at the battle of Sheriffiuuir iu 1715; High Commiss. to the gen. assembly of the Kirk during six years, viz., 1722, 1725, 1726, 1728, 1730, and 1731, having a pension of £2,000 a year settled on him in 1727 ; Lord Lieut, of Ayr- shire. He in., 6 April 1700, at Kirkliston, Margaret, da. of John (Daluymple), 1st Eakl ok Stair [S.j, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir John Dundas. He (/. 20 Nov. 1731, at Loudoun. Will pr. 1732. His widow, who was 4. 4 Sep. 1677, at Kirkliston, d. 3 April 1777, in her 100th year, having lived, during her widowhood, at Lom Castle, co. Argyll. Earldom [S.] * and 5. John (Campbell), Earl of iy Loudoun, &c. [S.], only s. and h., 4. 5 May 1705, ! i >7 o -1 aud styled Lord Mauculine till he sue. to the peerage Barony [S.] |" [S.] in 1731. Rep. Pekr [&] in eight Paris, for 48 ■y years, 1734-82. Having entered the army in 1727, he J was aide-de-camp to the King, 1713 ; raised in 1745 (as Colonel) a regiment of Highlanders of which nearly all were killed at Preston by the Jacobite insurgents, tho' shortly afterwards he effected the capture of Lord Lovat. Early in 1756 be was made Gov. Gen. of Virginia and Com- mander in Chief of the Forces in America (where the French had taken Ontario and Oswego) and prepared for making siege to Louisbourg. His measures were, however, unpopular and dilatory( a ) and he was recalled in 1757. In 1762 he was second in command of the troops sent to Portugal against Spain. He had become Major Gen. in 1755 ; Lieut. Gen. in 1758, and full General in 1770, being at his death the third Field officer in the army. He was Col. of the 30th Foot, 1749-70 ; Col. of the 60th (Royal American), 1755-57, and Col. of the 3d Foot Guards, 1770-S2 ; was Gov. of Stirling Castle, 1741 ; P.C, F.S.A., &c. He d. unm., 27 April 1782, in his 77th year, at Loudoun Castle.( b ) Admon. July 1782. Earldom [S.] V. Barony [S] VI. 5 and 6. James (Mure-Campbell), Earl of Loudoun, &'c. [S.], nephew and h., being s. and h. of 1782 Lieut. Gen. the Hon. Sir James Campbell, K.B. (Col. of the Scots Guards), by Jean, da. of David (Boyle), 1st Earl op Glasgow [S.], eventually sole heir of her mother (the Earl's second wife), Jane, da. and h. of William Mure, of Rowallan, co. Ayr, which James Campbell was 3d and yst. son of James, 2d Enrl of Loudoun, abovenamed. He was 6. 11 Feb. 1726; sue. his father (who was slain at Fontcnoy) 30 April 1745, in the family estate of Lawers ; assumed the name of Mure before that of Campbell, having sue. (by the death of his mother) iu Dec. 1729, to the estate of his maternal grandmother above- named ; was Capt of the Scots Greys (his father's regimeut), 1745 ; Lieut. CoL of 2cl Dragoou Guards and then of the 21st Dragoons, 1757 to 1763, becoming finally, 1781, Major Gen. in the army ; was M.P. for Ayrshire, 1754-61. He sue. to the peerage [S.], 27 April 1782. He m., 30 April 1777, Flora, 1st da. of John Macleod, of Rasay, co. Inverness. She d. 2 Sep. 1780, at Hope Park, near Edinburgh. He d. B.p.m., 28 April 1786 , in his 61st year. (") "It was said of him by a rhiladelphian that he was like King George upon the siynposts, always on horseback, but never advancing." [Nat. Biogr.] ( b ) Under the act of 1747 for abolishing hereitable jurisdictions he received £2,675 (iu full of his claim of £11,000) for the Sheriffship of Air and the regalities of Maucline and Loudoun.