Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/16

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14 LANGDALE. LANGDALE OF HOLME. Barony. J, Sin MATOJABTJKB T.angtialE, of Holme in Spnlding- I 1658 more in the East Hiding of en. York, only s. iinJ h. of Peter L., of ' ' Pighill, near Beverley, by Anne, rla. of Michael Wharton, of Beverley afsd., was knighted at Whitehall, fi Feb. 1027/8, and distinguished himself greatly in many actions, during the civil wars, on the part of the King,( a ) was taken prisoner at Preston but, having escaped abroad, was by the exiled King,( h ) by patent dat. at Bruges 4 Feb. (10 Car. II.) 16:17/8, cr. BARO (7 LANGDALE OF HOLME, in Spaldingmore, op. York. He m. Lenox, da. of Sir John Rhodes, of Barlborough. co. Derby, by his third wife. Catharine, da. of Marmaduke Constable, of Holderuess. He d. at Holme 5 Aug. 1601, and was bur. at Santon, eo. York. II. 1661. 8. Marmaduke (Langdale), Baron Langpale op Holme, .s. and h. .inc. to the peerage, 5 Aug 1C61 : was Gov. of Hull to James II., on whoso deposition be was made prisoner. He ni. Elizabeth, da. of the Hon. Thomas Savack, of Bees ton, Cheshire (2d s. of Thomas, 1st Viscount Savage), by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of William WniTMOiti:, of I.tightou, co. Chester. He </. 1703, and was bur. at Santon. Will pr. March 1 70:5. IH. 1703. .;. Marmaduke (La.vgdale), Baro.y Lan-gdale of Holmk. s. and h. He m. Frances, da. of Richard DraYcott, of Painesley, co. York. He d. 12 Dec. 1718, and was but. at Santon. IV. 1718. 4- Mabmabtjke (Langdale), Baron Langd.u.k ok Holme, s. and h. lie m. Elizabeth, da. of William (Widdrington), 3d Ration Widdhincton ok Blankney, by Alathca. da. and h. of Charles (Fairfax), 5th Yiscount Fairfax of Emley [I]. She d. in Golden Square, Midx., 7 Jan. 1765, and was bur. at Santon, He </. R Jan. 1771. Will pr. Feb. 1771. V. 1771, 5. Marjiaouke (Laxgdale), Barox Lang dale of to Holme, only s. and h. He m. Constantia, da. of Sir John Smythf, UTS. 3d Bart., of by ConstanHa, da. of George Blount, of Sodington. He (/.. s.p. m.s.,( c ) B April 177S, when the peerage became extinct. He was bur. at St. Pancras, Midx. Will pr. 177S. His widow d. about 1792, and was bur. at St. Pancras af*d.. Her will pr. Dec. 1792. (a) He is said to have lost no less than £1(10,000 in the King's servics. ( b ) This was one of the 18 peerages made by Charles II. in exile, previous to 1G00 the year of bis restoration. These creations were as follows : — Seven English Peerages, vis. (l) Wotton, Barony (Kirckhocen), ». 91 Aug. 1650 ; ex. 1 08-1 ; (2) Rochester, Karldom (Wilillot, Viscount Wilmot). cr. 13 Dec. 1652 ; ex. 1681 ; (3) Langdale ok Holme, Barony (Longdate), cr. 4 Feb. 1657/8 ; ex. 1777 ; (4) Chofts of Saxham, Barony (Crofts cr. 18 May 1658 ; ex-. 1677 ; (5) Behkeley of Stiiatton, Barony (tierketcit), cr. 10 May 1658 ; ex. 177:1 ; (6) Gloucester, Dukedom, with the Karldom of Cambridge {Stuart), cr. 10 May 1659 ; ex. 1660; and (7) Moifdaint of Avalon, Viseountcy, with the Barony of Mordaunt of Ryegate, (Mordaunt^, cr. 10 July 1659 ; ex. (with the Earldoms of Peterborough and Mon- mouth) 1814. Seven Scotch Peerages, vis. (1) Duffus, Barony (Sutherland), cr. 8 Dec. 1650; forfeited 1715 ; restored 1826 ; dormant 1S27 ; '2) Colvill OF Ochilthek (Coleill), cr. 4 Jan. 1651 ; dormant 1728 ; (3) Balcauuf.s, Earldom, with the Ravony of Lindsay and BaLNEIL (Lindsay), cr. 9 Jan. 1651 ; (4 1 ! Hollo of Dunchir, Barony (Itollo). cr. 10 Jan. 1651 ; (5) Kingston, Yiseoimtcy (Stton), cr. 6 Feb. 1651 ; forfcite<>, 1715; (6) Oiimond, Earldom, with the Barony of Bothwki.l and Hartside (Douglas), cr. 3 April 1651 ; exchanged in 1661 for the Karldom of Forfar and Barony of Wandale and Hartside. ; ex. or dorm. 1715 ; and (7) Kuthven of Frekland (Jiutlaen), cr. 1651. Four Irish Peerages, «fe (1) Taka, Viscountcy (/'ra(o)>), cr. 2 July 1650 ; ex. 1674; (2) Inchiqcin, Earldom, with the Bavony of O'Brien ov Rurren, co. Clare, cr. 21 Oct. 1054 ; c.r. (with the Marquessatc of Thomond) 1855; (3) Clancauty, Earldom (Maccarty), cr. 27 Nov. 1658 ; attainted 1691, and (4) Ulster, Earldom (Stuart), cr. 10 May 1659 ; merged in the Crown 1685. (°) Of his three daughters and coheirs (1) Elizabeth, m. Robert Butler, of Bnlly- ragget ; (2) Mary, m. 15 June 1775, Charles Philip (Stourton), Baron Stourtou, and