Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/162

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160 LOVAT. Justiciai-y o£ the North o£ Scotland. He m. firstly Anne or Catharine,(«) widow of John Hallyburton, of Pitcnr, da. of John Grant, of Grant and Frewchie. He m. secondly, before 19 June 1536, Jonet, da. of Walter Ross, of Balnagowan. He d. 2 June 1544, being slain (with his eldest sou) in a bloody engagement with the Macdoualds, at Lochlochy, co. Inverness. IV. 154 J. .'/■ Alexander (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.], 2d( b ) but 1st surv. b. and h., by second wife. He m. Jonet, da. of Sir John Caaii'BEll, of Cawdor. She was living 10 March 1554/5. He d. 1558. V. 1558. 5. Hugh (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.]. 1st s. and h.,( c ) served heir of his father 1560 ; had a grant of lands, 6 Nov. 1571, from the Prior of Beaulien. He m., about 1570, Elizabeth, 1st da. of John (Stewart), 4th Earl ok Atiioi.e [S.], by his first wife Elizabeth, da. of George (Gordon), 4th Eari. of Huntly [S,] He d. 1 Jan. 1576/7. His widow m. before 1579 Robert, (Stuart), Earl ok Lennox [S.], subsequently (1580) Earl of March [S.], from whom she obtained a divorce for iinpotency in or before 1581. She m. (thirdly), 6 July 1581, James (Stewart), Earl ok Arban [S.] {attainted in Nov. 1585), and d. April 1596. VI. 1577. 6. Simon (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.], only s. and h., b. about 1572 : served heir to his father 20 June 1578. He m. firstly Margaret, sister of Kenneth, Loud Mackenzie, of Kintail [S.], 1st da. of Sir Colin Mackenzie, of Kintail, by Barbara, da. of John Grant, of Grant. He m. secondly (contract 1590) Jean, sister of James, Eaiil ok Moray [S.], da. of James (Stkwakt), 1st Lord Docnb [S], by Margaret, da. of Archibald (CAMPBELL), 4th Earl ok Aroyll [S.] She was living 20 Dec. 1616. He d. 3 April 1633-( u ) VII. 1G33. 7. Hugh (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.], 2d. but 1st surv. s. and h.(') by first wife ; served heir to his father 10 May 1633. He m. in 1614, Isabel, sister of John, 1st Earl ok Wemyss [S.], da. of Sir John Wemyss, of Wemyss, by his second wife Anne, da. of James (Stewart), 1st Lord Dounb [S.] above named. He d. 16 Feb. 1646. VIII. 1G46. 8. Hugh (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.], grandson and heir, being s. and h. of Huon Fraser, Master of Lovat, by Anne, 1st da. of Alexander (Leslie), 1st Earl ok Leven [8.J which Hugh was 2d but 1st surv. son( r ) and h. ap. of the late Lord, but d. v.p. March 1640 or May 1843.(BJ He was 4. 1643 ; sue. his grandfather in the peerage [S.] 16 Feb. 1646, and was served heir to his father (the Master of Lovat) 30 March 1647 and 18 May 1655. He m. (when at College and aged 16) July 1659, at Tarbat, Anne, sister of George, 1st Earl ok Cromarty [S.J 2d da. of Sir John Mackenzie, 1st Bart. [S.], of Tarbat, by Margaret, da. and coheir of Sir George Euskine. He d. 27 April 1672, aged 29. (*) In Douglas' " Baronage," p. 343, she is called " Catherine," and her first husband is given as abo/e. ( h ) Hugh Fraser, Master of Lovat, his eldest br. (of the half blood) was slain (as abovementiened) with his father, 2 June 1544. ( c ) Thomas Fraser, of Knoekie and Strichen, co. Aberdeen, the second sou, was the lineal ancestor of Thomas Alexander Fraser, of Strichen, who in 1837 was er. Baron Lovat [U.K.], and who in 1857 became (on the reversal of the attainder) Lord Lovat [S.] ( d ) See p. 159, note "e," as to his protest, 9 Jan. 1630. for the precedency of the Barony of Lovat over all (but one) of the then (separately) existing Baronies. (") His elder br., Simon Fraser, Master of Lovat, had a charter of the Barony of Kinkell Fraser, 20 June 1611. He m. Jean Moucreiff before 20 Dec. 1616, but (I. v.p. and s.p. (f) His elder br. Simon Fraser, Master of Lovat (to whom he was served heir 26 July 1642). d. unm. and v.p. in March 1640. (S) Both these dates are given in Milne's Genealogical Notes, a manuscript "now (1884) at DoppUn Castle," but formerly at the Lyon office. Ex inform. R. K. Stodart