Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/175

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LUCAS — LUCY. 173 Baroness (his widow), d. a-p-m., 10 Jan. 1797, aged 74, in St. James' square, when the Mare/uestalc of Greii became extinct, but the Barony of Lucas of CrttdweU devolved as below. Will i>r. Jail. 1797. V. 1797. 5. Amabel, mo jure Baroness Lucas of Crdd- ") wkll, 1st da. and h. : sue. to the petraye on the death of her mother aboveuamed, 10 Jan. 1797, under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity. She, who was 6. 22 Jan. 1751,111. IB July 1772, Alexander HlJME- Cami-bkll, stilled Loud Poi.warth, who d. 2 March 1781, aged 31. She was cr. 2.5 Oct. 181(1, COUNTKSS DE OBEY OF WREST, co. Bedford, with a spec- rem. of that dignity. She d. s.p., 4 May 1S33, aged 82. VI. 1833. 0. Thomas Philip (Weddell, afterwards db Grey and J'urmcrl// Robinson) Haul db Ghey of Wrest, Baron Lucas ok Crddwbix and Baron Grantham, nephew and h., being s. f £ oo and h. of Thomas vRobinron), 2d Baron Grantham, by Mary Jemima, only sister of Amabel, sua jure Countess de Grky ok Whest and Baroness Lucas ok CuunWKLL, aboveuamed. He was -6. 8 Dec. 1 7S1 ; sue. his father, 20 July 1786, as Baron Grantham: took the name of Weddell in lieu of his patronymic of Robinton, by Royal lie. 7 May 1803 ; sue. his aunt above- named in the peerages or De Gray and Lucas, 1 May 1833, and took the name of De Breg in lieu !>f that of Weddell by Royal lie., 24 June 1S33- Me d., s.p.m., 14 Xov. 18. r »9, aged 77, whetl the Earldom of lie Grey of Wrest, &c, devolved on his nephew and heir male, but the Barony of Lucas of Crudwell, — ~ as below. > ? VII. 1859. 7. Anne Florence, How. Countess Cowper, If*" &c, and suo jure, Baroness Lucas ok Chudwelt., 1st da. and h., sue. to that Barony, 14 Nov. 1S59, under the spec. rem. in the creation thereof. She was I). 8 June 180o' : nt. 7 Oct. 1833, George Augustus Frederick (CowfkR), 6th Eaui. CowruR, who had sue. to that dignity, 21 July 1S37, and who </. 15 April 1856 in his 50th year. The sun li 3 ft C o 13 jure Baroness (his widow) d. 23 July 1SS0, aged 71. ^ "§•«  I i VIII. 1880. 6'. Francis Thomas de (1 hey (Cowper), Earl | .= Cowi'f.r, Ac., and Baron Lucas ok Crudwell. s. and h. ; i 3 o b. 11 June 1831 ; sue. to the Earldom »/ Cowper, &c, 15 April 1850 on the | u death of his father, and sue. (.) the Baron}/ of Lnca s>f Crudirell, 23 July I .(g^T 18S0 on the death of his mother aboveuamed. J ; | LUCY. (Geoffrey de Lucy(") was sum. t" [Jfo«#brfV] Purl. 14 Dec. (1264), 19 Hen. III. Such summons, however, does not originate a hereditary Barony. ( b ) He d. in or before (1284). 12 Ed. I. Geoffrey de Lucy, s. and h., ai»ed IS at his father's death, wh'^se lands in Northumberland were in ward from (1284). 12 Ed. L, till he proved his age in (1288), 16 Ed. I. He was sum. to attend the King at Salisbury 26 Jan. (1296/7), 25 Ed. I., but such summons does not originate a hereditary Barony. ( c ) He d. 1301, leaving Geoffrey his s. and h., aged 16. s l1 ) (») He is called by Mr. Courthope " s. and h. of Geoffrey de 1 i.ey, Lord of Newiugtou, co. Kent, and nearly allied to Richard de Lucy, Justice of England," which Geoffrey is said to have </. in 1252. GeoHrey de Lucy (possibly this GeoHrey) bore the Cap of State at the Coronation of Richa'd [. (>>} See as to this writ vol. iv. p. 365, note " d," sua " Fitz John," where also is given a list of those so summoned. ( 1: ) See vol. i, p. 111. note " b," tub " .Vji Adam." ( tt ) Courthipe adds, "neither tins Baron nor anj r of his posterity were ever after- wards sum. to Pari., but his descendants continued in the male line at Dallington, co.