Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/207

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MALTRAVERS. 205 The cohiirs to the Barony on the death of Lord Maltravers (16 Feb. 1363/4), were his two graudaughters, the sisters and coheirs of Henry Maltravers, (6. 1359 and d. young between 1360 and 1363), all three being children of Sir John Mal- travkks, by Wensiliana, his wife, which John was s. and h. ap. (by the first wife) of Lord Maltravers, but d. v.p., 13 Oct.- 1360. These coheirs were (1) Joan, aged 22 in 1361 (relict of Thomas Koos), but then wife of Sir John Ktmes. She d. s.p. when the right devolved to her sister (2) Alianore, aged 19 in 1364, who eventually became heir to her grandfather, as below. IT. 1377 ? 2. Alianore {<fo jure) sito jure Baroness Mal- travers, on the death of her sister, Joan aboveuamed, when she became the sole representative of her grandfather, John, Lord Maltravers, at whose death, 16 Feb. 1363/4, she was aged 19. She >a. firstly John Arundel, alias Fitzalan, yr. s. of Richard, Earl of Arundel, who, in consequence probably of such alliance, was sum. to Pari as a Karon from 4 Aug. (1377), 1 Hie. II., to 20 Oct. (1379), 3 Kic. II. [nut, however, as Lord Maltravers, but) as LOUD ARUNDEL, the writs being directed " Jokanni dc Arundel." '(•) He d. 15 Dec. 1379, being drowned in the Irish sea and was bur. in Lewes priory. His widow mi. about 1380(b), ;l s his second wife, Reginald (Cobuam), Lord Cobham [of Ster- borough], who d. 8 July 1 103. See that dignity, or. 1342, under the second holder thereof. She d. 10 Jan. 1 104/5, aged 60. Will in which she directs to be bur. in Lewes priory dat. at Lytehett Maltravers, 26 Sep. (1404), 6 Hen. IV., pr. at Maid- stone, 16 Jan. 140 1/5. («) Esch., 6 Hen. IV. III. 1105. 3. John Fitzalan, alia* Auundel, Lord Mal- travers, grandson and b>, beings. and b. of John, Lord Arundel (never, however, sum. to Pari.), who was s. and h. ap. of the said Alianore, by her first husband, John, Lord ARUNDEL abovementioned. who died before her in 1391. He was b. 13S7, but tlm' in Jan. 1404/5, he became, by his aboveuamed grandmother's death, entitled to the. Barony of Maltravers, he was never sum. to Pari, in that Barony. In 1415 he sue.tu the Castle and Earldom of Arundel and in Sep. 1416 was sum. to Pari, as EARL OF ARUNDEL. See Arundel " Earldom, with which dignity the Barony of Maltravers was (with others) entailed by act of Pari, in 1627 on the family of Howard. ( (l ) 32 4 Crowell, Oxon, being father of two sous, each named John, of whom (1) Sir Jnlm M- of Hooke and Crowell, (/. s.p.m., 13 June 1386 and (2) Sir Johu M. of Mclbury Sampford (jure uxoris) also d. s.p.m., when the male line of the family appears to have become extinct. ( il ) There is proof iu the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (h) The marriage was within the third degree (the lady's paternal grandmother Lady Maltravers, being Eva. sister to Thomas, Lord Berkeley, the maternal grand- father of her spouse, Lord Cobham), but absolution for it was given by the Pope, 11 Nov. 1381, and the issue legitimatised. ( c ) In it she (curiously enough) ignores her second marriage and styles herself " Alianor Arundell." See further particulars iu vol. ii, p. 322, sub " Cobham." () The title of Lord Maltravers was used by the s. and h. ap. of the successive Earls of Arundel, and three such sous have beeu sum. v.p. to Pari, in that Barony, viz. (1) Thomas Fitzalan, alias Arundel, (s. and h. ap. of William, Earl of Aruudel), who was so sum. by writs addressed " T/i. Arundell de Maltravers " from 15 Nov. (1482), 22 Ed. IV, till he sue. to the Earldom in 1487, beiug the first instance of any eldest sou of a Peer so sum. See vol. i, p 149, note " f," sub "Aruudel." He, indeed, seems to have sat in Pari, as Lord Maltravers, or Lord Arundel de Maltravers, as early as (1471), 11 Ed. IV., tho' no writ (those from 13 to 24 Ed. IV. being lost) is extant of his summons (2) Henry Fitzalan, grandson of the above, (beiug s. and h. ap. of William Earl of Arundel), who was so sum. by writ addressed " Henrico Fitzalan dc Maltravers C/d'r.," to the Pari, commencing 5 Jan. (1533,4), 25 Heu. VIII., till he sue. to the Earldom in 1544 (3) Henry Charles Howard, styled Earl of Surrey (s. and h. ap. of Bernard, Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Arundel, Surrey, lea.), who was so sum. by writ, 16 Aug. 1841, directed " Henry Churles Howard dc Multravers, Vlievalier," and placed in his ather's Barony of Maltravers till he sue. in 1S42 to his father's Dukedom, &c.