Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/211

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.MANCHESTER. 209 Dukedom. IT. Earldom. V. $ and 5. William (Montagu), Duke of Manchester, Earl of Manchester, &c., s. and h. ; b. 1723 April 1700, in France; styled Viscount Mandeville till 1722 ; one of the Pages at the Corou. of Geo. L, 20 Oct. 1711; eil. at Cambridge; a Lord of the Bedchamber to Geo. L and Geo. II., 1722 and 1727; sue. to the peerage, 20 Jan., and took his seat, 1 Feb. 1721/2 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Huntingdon, 1722 ; K.B., 27 -May 1725 ; Bearer of the Spurs at the Coron. of Geo. II., 11 Oct. 1727 ; c>: LL.D of Cambridge, 25 April 172S ; Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard. 1737. He 16 April 1723, Isabella, 1st da. and coheir of John (Montagu), 2d Duke of Montagu, by Mary, da. and coheir of the celebrated John (Churchill), 1st Duke op Marlborough, He d. s.p., 21 Oct. 1739, aged 39, at Bath. Will pr. 1739. His widow m. 1743 Edward Hussey, afterwards (1749) HussEr- Montagu, who was <v., in 1734, Earl ok Beaulieu, and who d. s.p., 25 Nov. 1S02, in his 82d year. Her Grace (for she retained the style of her former husband), d. 20 Dec. 17Sti. I 1739. $ and (;. Robert (Montagu), Duke of Manchester, Earl of Manchester, Sec, only br. and h., b. about 1710 ; M.P. for co. Huntingdon, 1734-39 ; Vice Chamberlain to the Queen Consort, 1735-37 ; sue. to the peenjgc, 21 Oct. 1739 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Huntingdon, 1739; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1739; Lord Chamber- lain to the Queen Consort, 1701. He m., 3 April 1735, □f Edmund Dunch, of Little Witteuhaui, Berks, by Eliza- beth, da. of Col. Charles Godfrey, and Arabella, his wife, sister to John (Churchill), IstJDuKK of MARLBOROucn aboveuamed. She d. 25 Feb. 1755. Admon. Feb. 1803. He/ 10 May 1762, aged about 52. Will pr. 1762. Dukedom. HT. Earldom. VI. Harriett, da. and coheir Dukedorn. IV. Earldom. VII. 1 17G2. 4 and 7. George (Montagu), Duke of Man- chester, Earl of Manchester, &c, s. and h. ; 6. 6 April 1737 ; styled Viscount Mandeville, 1739 — 1762 ; entered the army, 1757, in which, in 1779, he became a Colonel during service ; M.F. for Huntingdonshire, 1761, till he sue. to the peerage, 10 May 1762 ; Collector of Subsidies in the port of London, (•'•) 1762 ; a Lord of the Beilchamber, 1762-70 ; Lord Lieut, of Huntingdonshire, 1763 ; er. D.C.L. of Oxford, 6 July 1763 ; P.C., 17S2; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 17S2-83 ; Ambassador to Paris, 1783. He m., 23 Oct 1762, at St. Geo. Han. sip, Elizabeth, 1st da. of Sir James Dashwood, 2d Bart,, of Northbrook, Oxon, by Elizabeth, da. of Edward Stencer, of ltendleshaui, co. Suffolk. He d. 2 Sep. 17SS, aged 51. Admon. April 1789, July 1832, and April 1845. His widow d. 26 June 1832, in her 92d year, in Berkeley square. [George Montagu, styled Viscount Mandeville, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 11 Nov. 1763 ; d. young and v.p., 24 Feb. 1772.] Dukedom. V. Earldom. VIII. d and S. William (Montagu), Duke of Man- chester, Earl of Manchester, &c„ 3d but 1st surv. s. - 1788 am * n " a,u ' "P" ^ et ' ^'71, at Marylebone ; styled Viscount Mandeville, 1772— 17S8 ; ed. at Harrow; entered the army, 1787, in which, in 1794, he became a Col. during service; sue. to the peerage, 2 Sep. 1788 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Huntingdon. 1793 ; Gov. of Jamaica, 180S — 1827 ; Postmaster General, 1827—1830, He m., 7 Oct. 1793, Susan, sister and coheir of George (Gordon), 5th Duke of Gordon [S.], 3d da. of Alexander, the 4th (") In 1830 the Dow. Duchess received an annuity of £2,928 for compensation for the loss of the office of Collector of Customs outwards, formerly held by the late Duke. This pension c sed on the death of the 5th Duke (her sou) in 1843. P