Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/215

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MANOR G ORE — MANSE LL. 213 the age in the Scotch wars, 13:54-36, and more particularly iu the French wars at the battle of Cress? and at the taking of Calais where the King and Prince fought under his banner. He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MANNY) by writs from 12 Nov. (1317), 21 Ed. III., to S Jau. (1370/1), 44 Ed. Ilt.( a ) KG-., 1359. He m. about 1 335 Margaret, nun jure Countess of Norfolk, widow of John (Skiiuavk), Lord Keuravf., da. and h. of Thomas (, styled "of Brother- ton " ), Eari. ok Norfolk, who was 2d s. of King Edward I. He d. s.p.m. in Lon Ion, 13 Jan. 1371/2, and was bur. ill the Charter house, of which he was joint Founder. Will dat. 30 Nov. 1371, pr. at Lambeth, 13 April 1372. His widow, who was 4, about 1320, and who was cr., 1!) Sep. 1307, Dl'CHESS OF NORFOLK (see that dignity) was ancestress (by her first husband) of the succeeding Dukes of Norfolk. She rf. 24 May 1398. II. 1372. 2. Anne, Countess of Pembroke, and mo} | £ jure Baroness Manny, only da. and h.() of her father, | «  at whose death, in 1372. she was aged 16, having in. iu 1368, as his second „ g wife, John (Hastings), 2d Earl of Pkmuimikk. who d. 16 April 1375, =3 aged 28. She d. 2 April 1334. = «  III. 1381, 3, John (Hastings), Earl of Pembroke s- to [1339], Lord Hastings [1295], and Lord Mannv [1347], u J2 1389. only child and h. He sue. his father in 1375 in the Karl- | a J 8 dom of Pembroke, See., and his mother, in 13S4, in the ■2 c-- Barony a/ Manny. He d. num., 30 Dee. 13S9, aged 17, wheu the Earldom | % ^ ^ of Pembroke and the Barony of Manny became extinct. J m . 2 MANOR GORE. />., " Gore of Manor Gore, eo. Donegal," Baiony [I.] (Gore), a: 1764; see "Ross" Earldom [t.J, Or. 1772 ; ex. 1802. MANOR HAMILTON. i.e., " Leitrim of Manor Hamilton, co. Leitrim," Barony [I.] {Clements), cr. 1783; see " Leitrim" Earldom [I.], cr. 1795. MANSELL of margam. .Barony, l. Sir Thomas Mansell, Bait., of Margam, co. Glainor- 1 1712 but 1st surv. s. of Sir Edward Mansell, 3d Bart, [a dignity cr. 22 Nov. 1611], by Martha, da. of Edward Carne, of Ewenuy, eo. Glamorgan, was b. about 166S; uiatric. at Oxford (Jesus Coll.), 7 March 1684/5, being then aged 17 ; B.A. (Triu. Coll.) 16S0 ; M.A. (New Inn Hall) 1699 ; was M.P. for Brecon, 1678 till void 1 April 1679; for Cardiff, 1689-98, and for co. Glamorgan (iu six Tarls.) 1699—1712 ; Sheriff of co. Glamorgan, 1701 ; P.O., 1704 ; Comptroller of the Household, 1704-08 ; sue. his father as ith Hart., 17 Nov. 1706 ; a Commissioner of the Treasury, 1710; a Teller of the Exchequer; Vice Admiral of South Wales and Gov. of Milford Haven, and was cr. 1 Jau. 1711/2,( c ) BAKON MANSELL OF MARGAM, co. Glamorgan, taking his seat the next day. He en IS May 1686, at Westm. Abbey (Lie. Vie. Gen., she being about 17), Martha, da. and h. of Francis Millinoton, of London, Merchant, aud of Newick place, near Lewes, Sussex, by Martha, da. of Samuel VvNKlt, of Loudon. She rf. 10, aud was for. 17 June 1718, aged 49, in Westm. Abbey. Will dat. 16 Aug. 1717, pr. 17 May 1719. He d. 10 Dec. 1723, aged about 55,( d ) at Margam, aud was iur. there. Will pr. March 1724. (") There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( b ) Thomas Manny, her only br., rf. v. p., being drowned in a well at Deptford. ( c ) He was one of the 12 Peers cr. within live days to give a majority iu the House of Lords to the Tory ministry. See vol. i, p. 209, note " d," sub "Bathurst" for a list of them. ( d ) It appears from Macky's 'Characters " (about 1705), that " he always made an agreeable figure in the House of Commons " and " was generally [an] opposer of the