Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/222

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220 MAR. who, in such case, claimed to be the rightful heir.( J ) Ho iraa one of the nobles at the treaty of Newcastle, 1244 : was Great Chamberlain [S.], 1252-55, and again from 1202, or earlier, to 1267, having in 1270 been sent to England to recover the Earldom of Huntingdon for the Crown [8.] He m. first!}-, Elizabeth, da. of William (Omits), Earl ok Biciian [S.], by Marjory, wo jure, Countess of BUOHAN [S.] She 1207. He m. secondly, Muriel, da. of Malise, Earl ok Stratiiern [S.], by Marjory, da. of Robert de Muschamk, to whom .-he was coheir. He </. about 12S1.() His widow, who, only a few months before her death, did homage to King Edward I., </. s.p., before 12 Nov. 1191. YI. 1281 1. (>. Don-ai.ii, Eahl of Mar [S.], s, ami li., by first wife. He had been Knighted at Scone, 29 Sep. 1270 ; was a party to the marriage contract, 15 July 12S1 of the 1'rincess Margaret [S.] also to the convention at Brigham, 17 March 1289/90; and, as one of the " Septan Comitcs reyni Scotice"(?) protested against the choice of Balliol and in favour of Bruce as King of Scotland. He swore featly to King Edward I., 13 June 1291, anil again, 10 July and 28 Aug. 1276, having been in arms against him at Dunbar in April 1296. He m. Helen, widow of Malcolm, EauL ok Pike [S.] (who d. 1266), da. of Llewellyn, PRINCE OK North Wales. He was living, 25 July 1291, but d. very soon afterwards. VII. 1292? 7. Ghatney, Earl of Mar [S.], g. and h. Ho was thanked by King Edward I., on 11 June 1297, for his zeal. He in. Christiana, sister of Robert, King of Scotland [1306-29], da. of Robert (Bruce), Earl ok C'arric'K [S.J, by Margaret, ma jure, Countess of CarrH'K [S.j With her he obtained the castle of Kildrummie and the Lordship (sometimes called Earldom) of Garioch.( d ) He (/. before the end of 1305. His widow m. Sir Christopher Seton. She m. (thirdly), Sir Andrew Moray, of Bothwell (/j. 1298) before 22 July 1326, for which (they being related in the 4th degree) dispensation was granted 20 Sep. following.( e ) She d. at a great age in 1357. VIII. 1305? S. Donald, Earl of Mar [S.], b. and b., who sue. to the Earldom when a child. He was brought up in England, who3e cause he at first favoured till 1327, when he opposed the same. He m. Isabel Stewart, O who, thro' maternal descent, inherited from the Baliol family part of the lands of Cavers. He was chosen Regent [S.] in July 1332, " and to his incompetency and imprudence has been ascribed the disastrous defeat at Dupplin in Aug. follow- ing,^) where he was slain. His widow m. before 13 Sep. 1344, Geoffrey Mouuray. suggested that his mother was dn. and h. of Earl Gilchrist. It is manifest that his claim shews that at this period the Earldom was feudalised, so as to descend to the heir general, for the family of Lundin could have descended from that of Mar only thro' female descent. ( a ) Alan had obtained a commission from the Pope to the Prior of Aberdeen, Oct. 1257, for investigating the legitimacy of Morgund, having alleged that " William of Mar withheld the Earldom of Mar, of right belonging to the aforesaid Alan," and "it seems," says Burnett, " to have been in compromise of this claim that the Doorwards [Durwards] acquired the district between Don and Dee, known as Coull and Oneil." ( b ) " He was dead before 1281," say Burnett [see " C " as in note " b " on p. 218] who adds, that Earl Donald (his s. and h.) was living " as Earl of Afar" 15 .Inly 1281, tho', in another place, he states that Earl William " was alive as late as Michaelmas, 1281," for which the (unimpeachable) authority of Haiti's Calendar, ii, 202 " is given. ( c ) The names of the other Earldoms, excepting only that of Fife, do not appear in this protest which was edited by Palgrave, for the Record Commissioners. ( d ) See vol. iv, p. 14. note " d," sub " Garioch," for Mr. Burnett's remarks "as to the Garioch dignity." ( e ) See Mr. Bain's note on this marriage in " the Genealogist," N.S. vi. p. 63. 0 There is " writes Mr. Burnett " record evidence that she was a Stewart [Food, ii, p. 1019]" but not that she was (as commonly asserted), da, of Sir Alexander Stewart of Bonkyl." " If so she must have been by a different mother from the Earl of Angus anil [have] inherited [Cavers], thro' her mother." [See " C," as in note " b." p. 218.] is) See " C " as in note " b " on p. 218.