Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/24

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LATIMEB IATIMER) by writs directed " WUlidno Le Latimer, Seniort "{*) from 29 Dee. [12991 28 Ed. 1 to 22 JaB. (1304,5), 33 Ed. I.( b ) His name AS Wiiefnitia U Latimer, Dommu de Corby," is affixed to the Barons letter to the Pope in I301. v «) He d. 1305. His widow d. 1316. EE. 1299, J and 2. W illiam (Latimer), Lord Latimeii, s. ;m<I and who had in his father's lifetime, some 10 or 11 months his 1305 father's summons, been himself sum. to Pari, ns a Baron «5 Fob. (1298/9), 27 Ed. L(°) This writ and subsequent writs down to 22 Jan. (1804/5), 33 Ed. I., were directed " WHlidmo Lc Latimer, Juninri," bttt from that date to 3 Dec. (1327), 20 Ed. II., to " U'illielm" Lc Latinur." Be was Go*, of Rockingham Castle, 1307 ; fought at Banuuckburn, 1311 ; was one of the confederate nobles in 1320 but fought against them at Boroughbridge in 1322 ; Gov. of York, 1327. Having m. in or before 129S Lucy, da. ami h. of Robert OS THWBNOi of Danby,( f ) co. York, he acquired that estate" which was thenceforth the principal one of his race. From her, however, he was divorced by sentence of the Pope(R) pronounced at York. He m. secondly in 1314 Sybil, widow of William DE Hunting] iKt.D. He d. 1327 and was bur. at Guisborough priory. III. 1327. 8. William (Latimeii), Lonn Latimer, s. and h. by 1st wife, b. about 1300, being 36 years at the death of his father. Ho was sum. to Pari, as a Baron from 6 Aug. (1327), 1 Ed. 111., to 1 April (1885), 0 Ed. III. He (and his wife) received from the King a grant of the manor of Iselhampsted (afterwards called Latimem), Bucks. He IB. Elizabeth, da. of John (dk BOTKTOtruT), 1st Loud BotetoUUT, by Matilda, da. of Thomas Fitz-Utho. He d. 1335 aged 84. His widow in. in or before 1337 Robert DK dFFOBt), who was s. and h. ap. of William, 1st Earl or Suffolk, which Robert was sura, to Pari, in 1342 as Loud Ukfoud but d. v.p. and s.p. before 136!). IV. 1335. -'/. William (Latimer), LoHD Latimer, b. ami !»., a^eil six years at the death of his father. He was sum. to Pari, as a BavonC 1 ) from 21 Feb. (1367/8), 42 Ed. III., to 20 Oct. (1370). 3 Ric. II. ; was in the expedition to Gascony, 1359; Gov. of Beeherelle in llritannv. 1300; Capt. Gen. to the Duke of Britanny, 1361, distinguishing himself greatly in 1301 by defeating at Doveroy a French army of 3.600 with only 1,600 men. K.G., 1361. Warden, north of Trent, 1368 ; Steward of the Household, 1369 ; Gov. of St. Sanveur in Normandy, 1370 ; Chamberlain of the Household, 1376, but was deprived of all his ottices shortly afterwards tho' restored by the new King, Richard II., in 1377. He m. Elizabeth said to have been a da. of Edmund (FlTZALAN), Eaiu. of Am'NivBL.(') He if. s.p.m, 28 May 1381, and was bur. at Guisborough priory. Will dat. 10 July 1377, pr. 30 May 1381. His widow d. 11 March 1384. Will pr. April 1384 at Lincoln. (*) This was to distinguish him from his son, William, who had been sum. to Pari, some nine months before him. ( h ) His name occurs in the Rolls of Pari, before the record of writs of summons commenced. ( c ) See full account thereof in " Nicolas," pp. 701 — 809. ( d ) His br., Sir John Latimer, acquired the estate of Duntish, co. Dorset, by marriage, where for five generations this family remained in the male line. (') The precedency, therefore, of this Barony is above that which he inherited from his father. ( f ) The manor of Danby (some 12 miles west of Whitby) was about 129S granted, or rather confirmed, by the King to William Latimer, the elder, " with rem. to William Latimer, his son, and Lucia, his wife, and to the right heirs of Lucia." (8) She appears to have been incontinent, leaving, in 1303-04, her husband's bouse at Brunne and living with Nicholas de Meiuill. She subsequently m. Robert de Everingham and finally Bartholomew de Fancourt and d. in 1347, Icing bur. (with her ancestors) at Guisborough priory. ( h ) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (') In Beltzs *' Knights of the Garter," p. 148, is a note to the effect that it is so stated in a ped. by Vincent, No. 5, p. 33, but adds the writer * wc have not seen upon what authority."