Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/243

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MARCH. 241 Which, by act of Pari., 1 Oct. 1 IS", the Earldom of March, the Raronies of Dunbar and Coldbrandspath and the Lordship of Annandnle, with the Castles of Dunbar, Gold- brandspath, and Loehmaben, weiv annexed to the Crown. VI. 1580, Robert (Stuart), Euu. of Lennox [S.], was, on resign- to ing that Earldom (to which he had been advanced 16 June 1578). cr., 1586, r, March 1579/80, EARL OP MARCH and LORD OF DUNBAR [S.], which creation was confirmed by Royal charter, 5 Oct. 1582. He was •Jd s. of John, 2d Earl OS Lennox [S.], by Anne, da. of John (Stewart), Earl of Atuoi.k FSJs was Pnwost of the Collegiate Church of Dumbarton, anil was in 1542 Bishop of Caithness but, was kept out of that See by the Regent Arran [8.1 against whom he had joined with his brother, the then Earl of Lennox. Taking part with the Reformation he had the Priory of St. Andrew's conferred on him by the Crown. In 1507 the Earldom of Lennox [S ] which had vested in the Crown (by the accession thereto of his great nephew James VI. [S.] ). was conferred on him by charter, 10 June 1578, but (the King being anxious to dispose of this Earldom elsewhere) he shortly afterwards resigned the same for the Earldom of March, kc. [$•], as above stated. He m. Elizabeth, widow of Hugh (Phased), Lord Lovat [S.] (who d. 1 Jan. 1 fi70), 1st da. of John (Stewart), 4th Earl ok AtiioLf. [S.], by his 1st wife, Elizabeth, da. of George (Gordon), 4th Pari, or Mostly [S.] She obtained a divorce from him for impotency.( :1 ) He </. s.p. at St. Andrew's, 29 March 15St3, in his 70th year, when all his honour* became cAinet.p) Marquessate rs.j John (Maiti.anp), Earl of Lauderdale [S.], was cr. , t fi7 o 1 May 1072, DUKE OF LAUDERDALE and MARQUESS OP ' ' MARCH(<=) [S.l Ued. s.p.m., 21 Aug. 1682, in hia 67th year, when the dignitiei thus conferred, became extinct. See " Lau- DEBDADg," Earldom [S.]. eft 1621, under the 2d F.arl. Earldom [S.] 1. Lord William Douolas, 2d s. of William (DouffLAs), VTT 1PQ" '** DUX« ok Queknsuerry [S.l, by Isabel, Gth da. of William ii. iu»<. jrjiouaLAS), 1st Marqikss of Douct.AS [8.], was J. about 1665 ; was Lieut. Col. of a Reg. of Horse to James II.; obtained (on his marriage) from his father, 12 Oct. 1093, the Castle of Niedpath and a considerable estate in co. Peebles, in tail, and, tho' a non-juror during the greater part of King William's reign, was, having at last taken the oaths, cr. 20 April 1607, EARL OF MARCH (•') "VISCOUNT OP PEEI'.LES, LORD DOUGLAS OP NIEDPATH, LYNF. AND MUNARD, with a rem. to the heirs male of his body, with (if genuine), a further limitation, riz., " to the other heirs male and of entail contained in the infeofmentof the land and Lordship of Niedpath," under the entail of 1693 above alluded to.( L ") He took his seat in Pari., 21 July 1098; was Gov. of the Castle of (a) She m. (as her 3d husband) 6 July 15S1, the notorious James (Stewart), Earl of ARRAS [S.]. who was attainted in 1585. (•>) The Earldom of March conferred 7 Juno 1619, on his great nephew, Esme (Stuart), Duke of Lennox [8.], was unquestionably an English dignity. See p. 245 and note "a" thereto. (°) This title was selected to commemorate his descent from Patrick (Dnnbar), Earl of March, or Dunbar [S.], 1309-6S. wdiose da., Elizabeth, m. his ancestor, John Maitland. (d) The Douglas family having in the 15th century been gorged with the estates of the family of Dunbar, Barb of March [SJ, whose ruin they chiefly accomplished, apparently felt, in the 17th century, a predilection towards their ancient peerage, tho' not in possession of any of the lauds, from which the title of March wxs taken. (°) The limitation is to him H et lueredes masculos de ejus corpore, rjuibus deficien- tibttt, alios ejus hecrcdes meesculos et talliev contcntos in ejus infcofeimcntis tcrrarum et Dominii etc Niedpath. Mag. Sig. H. Kxiv., No. 98. Mr. Foster, however in his Peerage (18S3), p. 724, states that "the words in italics, are not to be found in the R