Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/249

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MARCH MONT— M A P. fS( HA L. ■2i7 (if Polwarth [cr. in 1090] devolved on the heir general. See that dignity. His will waa pr. Jfarch 1794. His widow d. 12 Feb. 1797, at Heniel Hempstead afsd. Her will pr. March 1797. [Patrick Hume-Campbell, styled Lord Polwarth, 1st s. and h. a p., by first wife. He d. young and v.p.] [Alexander Hume-Campbell, styhd Lord Polwarth, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. ap. by second wife, b. 1750; was it. v.p. 20 May 1770, BAllON HUME OF BERWICK. He d. s.p. and v.p., 9 March 1781, aged 30, at Wrest park, Beds. See fuller particulars under '"Hums of Berwick," Barony, cr, 1776; ex. 1781.] MARE or DE LA MARE, Seo "De La Mare, Barony (Dtlamaiv), of, 1299 ; ex. 1316. MARGAM. See " Mansell of Margam, co. Glamorgan," Barony (Manscll), cr. 1712. MARISCHAL. Earldom [S.] 1. Sir William Keith, Great Marischal op Scot- I 14581 i.A.ND,( b ) s. and h. of Sir Robert Keith, also Great MakiscHal [S.], by '" L his fii-st wife, the heiress of TrOUP, co. Banff, sue. his father between 1421 and 1442, and is stated^) to have cr. iu 1430, LOUD KEITH [S.] He is described in a charter, dat. 20 May 1442, confirmed by the King, 28 Oct. 1411, as William, Lord Keith, Mariichal of Scotland, and he sat in Pari. 20 Oct. 1451, as William, Lord Keith, the King's Marischal. He was cr. EARL MARISCHAL [S.j before 1 July 1458, as he is described by that title iu an Exchequer roll relating to the shire of Kincardine, under that date, and the acts of Pari. [S.], also, shew that he sat iu Pari, as Earl Marischal, 14 Oct. 1407. He m. Mary, da. of Sir James Hamilton, of Cadyow. He d. before 1476. David Home (the first of Wedderburn) therein called "pater atari tritavi." He d. 1823, and the claim was continued (1S38-43), by Capt. Francis Douglas Home, his s. and h. The evidence established his descent, altho' it did not prove the extinction of other lines from whom, if existing in the male line, a nearer heir male could be deduced. (*) His grandson and h. general, Hugh Scott, of Harden, was allowed that Barony in 1S35. () " The office of Marshal was even of still higher antiquity [then that of the Constable], but the original grant is nowhere extant. The oldest conveyance respecting it is a charter by Robert Bruce in favour of Sir Robert Keith, proceeding upon his resignation in plena consilio nostra, whereby he confirms to him (inter alia) terras de Keith cum officio Marcschalli, cidem terra pcrtinenti. From this it would appear that the office was not personal, but annexed to land and held by grand serjeantry as was frequent in England in the case of high hereditary offices. When the family had been raised to the dignity of Earl Marshal, the office still continued as before under its ancient denomination. [See ' Retour 10 Oct. 1637, of George, Earl Marshal, in various lands among others in Keith Marshall cum officio Mariscallatus Scotia;, &c.'] As the greater part of Keith or Keith Marshal, if not the whole, had been alienated previous to the forfeiture of George, Earl -Marshal in 1715, a question might possibly arise as to its present situation." [" Jiiddcll," 1S33, p. 119.] The Court of Session, 2 Feb. 1682, decided that the hereditary office of Marshal iu Scotland, so long in the noble house of Keith was of the nature of a Peerage, and uot in commercio." [" Riddcll," p. 24.] At the decreet of ranking iu 1606, the Earldom was given " official precedence " over some of more ancient creation. See p. 234, note " c," sub " Mar." ( c ) Douglas peerage, 1st edit., 1760. ( d ) "Hewlett," p. 156.