Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/252

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250 MARIS! HAT, Edinburgh, 7 March 1729, and was bur. in the Abbey church there. Tun. eutry in Lyon oflice. X. 1712, 10. George (Keitii), Karl Marischal, Lqhd Keith, to and Lord Ai.thik [S.]. s. and h.,( a ) b. about 1002 ; sue. to the peerage [S.] 1710. in May 1712 ; was of the Scotch troop of Qren. Guards, 3 Feb. 1711 ; signed the proclamation of George I. on 1 Aug. 171 1, but, being deprived of nil command, joined the Jacobite rising in 1715, receiving the Chevalier at his house at. Ncwburgh, 22 Dec. 1716. I le was attainted accordingly whereby all his honours were t'orfeitcd.( h ) In 171!' he again lauded in Scotland with some Spanish troops but was defeated at Glenshiel and again escaped abroad. He is said to have been made K.T. in ] 725 by the titular King James III. by whom he Has sent on au embassy to Spain. He, however, took no part in the Jacobite rising of 1745, at which date he entered the service of Frederick, King of Prussia. In 1751 he was Prussian Ambassador at Paris, receiving the Prussian Order of the Mack Eagle in 1752, and beiug made Gov. of Neufchatel. In 1750 he was Prussian Ambassador to Spain, whence he sent intelligence of the Bourbon intrigues to England and was accordingly pardoned, 20 May 1750, by George II. and enabled to inherit any real estate. By the death, 22 Nov. 1701. of his second cousin, William (Keith), Earl of Kintore [S.], he became entitled to the Earldom of Kin tore, &c. [SJ (under the spec, rem. in the novndamus of that dignity <•>'. 1077) which peerage, however.hi consequence of hisattaiuder, remained dormant till his death 10 years later (see " Kintore" Earldom [S.1 «*. 1677), tho', under the act of 1750, he sue., in 1701, to the estate of Keith Hall for his life. In 1764 he re-purchased Duuottar and other family estates. He </. num., 2S May 1778,( c ) in his 80th year, at Potsdam, where for many years he had resided in close intimacy with the King of Prussia, having survived the forfeiture of his houours( d ) 62 years. stant and passionate : does everything by starts ; hath abundance of Bash; wit, anil, by reason of his quality, hath good iuterest in the country ; all Courts endeavour to have him at their side for he gives himself liberty of talking when he is not pleased with the Government. He is a thorough Libertine, yet sets up mightily for Episcopacy ; a hard drinker ; a thin body ; a middle stature ; ambitious of popularity." ('>) His only fm, the Hon. James Francis Edward Keith, b. at Innerugie, 4 June 1090, was (likewise) attainted for the Jacobite rising of 1715. He became Field Marshal in the service of Frederick III., King of Prussia, and was slain 13 Oct. 1758, at the battle of Hoch Kirchen by the Austrian! in his 03d year. He (/. uum. ( h ) See vol. iii, p. 192, note "a," tub "Duflus," for a list of the peerages forfeited by the insurrection of 1715. ( e ) His two sisters (1) Mary, Countess of Wigtoun [S.], and (2) Anne, Countess of Galloway FJ8.J both left issue, of whom Lad; Clementina Fleming, the only da. and heir of the elder one, hi. in 1735, Charles, 10th Lord Elphinstone [S.], and became, on her uncle's death, Ids heir of line tho' not such heir to the tirst Earl Marischal. Her second son was cr. Viscount Keith in 1S14. ( d ) These honours were in tail mule, the heir general having been twice (1475 and 1061) passed over. This heir male in 1778, was apparently Alexander Keith, of llavelstou, whom the attainted Earl acknowledged as such and to whom in 1700 he sold the lauds at Duuottar accordingly. He, who was descended from Alexander Keith, of Pitten- druin, 4th and yst. s. of William, 3d Earl Marischal, was b. 9 March 1705, and apparently, but for the attainder, would have been the 11th Earl, after his cousin's death in 1778 till his own death, 12 Sep. 1792. Of his four sons, Alexander, his s. and h. (12th Karl, apparently, but for the attainder) Knight Marshal of Scotland, and kniyhtcd, 20 July 1810, d. s.p.m. about 1833, leaving an only da. and h. whose h. and h. (Sir Patrick Keith Murray, 8th Mart. [S.J, of Ochtertyre), sold the estates of Duuottar and of Havelston. Of the three brothers of the said Alexander, -Itobert and George d. uum. but William Keith (»i. 3 Nov. 1779), left at his death in 1803 four sons, viz., Alexander, James, William, and John.