Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/257

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MARLBOBOUGH". 255 W. 1022) of Agnes Court, eo. Kent. The Duke d. g.p.m *,(•) 1 6 June 1722, aged 72

it Craubourne Lodge, near Windsor, and was bur. 6 Aug. in Westm. Abbey, being

removed thence, in or before 1744, to the chapel of Blenheim palace. On his death the Baroni/ of Churchill of Ei/cmouth [S.], became extinct ; as also, probably, the Princi- pality 'of 'the Holy Komaii Em|.irc.( ! ') Will dat. 19 March 1721.2, pr. 6 July 1722. His widow, who was b. at Holywell, near St. Albans, Herts, on (the restoration day), 20 May 1000, is well known for the influence she exercised over Queen Anne, to whom she was Groom of the Stole, Keeper of the Privy Purse, Mistress of Robes, being also Hanger of Windsor park, but was dismissed from all her otliees in 1711. ('•',' She bought Wimbledon manor,( d ) Surrey, and other large estates, In 1742, she published an account of her "Conduct" to the year 1710. She d. (probably at Marlborough Bouse, Westm.), 18 Oct. 1744, aged 84, and was bio: in the chapel at Blenheim. Will dat. 11 to 18 Aug. 1744, pr. 1744.C-) [John Ciilrcjjiu,, ti yffd 1GS9— 1709, Lord Churchill, ami, since 1709, MaBQUBSB ok Bi.andkoud, s. and h. ap., b. 13 Feb. 1089/90. He d. of the small pox, v.p. at King's Coll., Cambridge, 20 Feb. 1702/3, aged 13.] II. 1722, :?. Henrietta, C'ountkss of Godolpiun, nnd sua jvm Dl'CHKSS OK Mablbobodoh, MaHCHIoNESS ok Blandkohd, Col'NTKSS OF Marlborough, and Uaho.vkss Churchill Of SaNDRidge, 1st da. and coheir, who, as eldest da., inherited the said honours under the act of Pari., 21 Dec. 1 700. She was b. 20 and bap. 29 July 1681, at St. Martin in the fields. She »i. (lie. fac, 23 April 109S), Francis (GobolPKIN). 2d Eari. ok Godoli'UIN (sttjhd Viscount Kialtox from 1700 to 1712) who <l. 17 Jan. 1700, aged 87. See fuller particulars of him under " QoDOLPHlW " Earldom, cr. 1684, tub the 2d Earl. Her Grace, who was patroness of William Coiigreve, the Dramatist, d. 24 Oct. and was bur. 9 Nov. 1733, s.p.m.s.C) at Westm. Abbey, in. her 53d year. Will dat. 11 July 1732 (in which she expresses her desire that her remains should never lie removed to Blenheim) pr. 19 May 1730. [William Gokoi.phin, styled Viscount Rialton from 1712 to 17'22, and Maiuji kss of Hi.andkord from 1722 till his death, only s and h. an. : 4. about 1700; M.P. for Penrhyn, 1720-22. and for Woodstock, 1727-31 ; cr. D O.L. of Oxford (Ball. Coll.), 30 Aug. 1730. He <«.. 86 April 1729, Maria Catherina,(B) da. uf Peter Dl JORGE, of Utrecht, in Holland. He d. s.p. of apoplexy, at Oxford, in the lifetime of both his parents, 21 Aug. 1731, aged about 31, and was bur. at Blenheim. Aduion. 10 June 1731, to Cornelia Alietta de Jong, spinster, the principal creditor. His widow mi. (as his 2d wife), 1 June 1734, at Harlingtou, Midx., Sir William WvKDHaM, 3d

  1. ho d. 17 July 1740. She was bur. 13 Sep. 1779, at Mortlake, Surrey. Will

pr. Sep. 1779.] ( a ) Of his four daughters and coheirs (1) Henrietta, sac. as Duchess of Marlborough, and d. 1733 ; (2) Anne, Countess of Sunderland, was mother of Charles (Spencer), Duke of Marlborough after 1733, ancestor of the succeeding Dukes ; (3) Elizabeth, Duchess of Bridgewater, (/. 22 March 1712/3, whose male issue became extinct live years later, and (4) Mary, Duchess of Montagu, who d. without surviving male issue. (•>) The grant of that dignity is in the usual form, which it is considered entitles all male descendants to the dignity, as also for their lircs (but not with right of trans- mission) the daughters of such male descendants. ( c ) See p. 2fl4. note "a." (<>) This she left to John Spencer (ancestor to the Karls Spencer) the 3d and yst. a. of her second da. Anne, Countess of Sunderland. («) An abstract thereof is in "Gent Ma:/." 1744, p. . r >S8. ( f ) Of her two daughters and coheirs (1) Henrietta, Duchess of Newcastle, (/. s.p. 1770, and (2) Mary, Duchess of Leeds, who </. 1704 (the only child that had issue) was mother of the 5th Duke and ancestress of the succeeding Dukes of Leeds, who, failing the Earls of Sunderland of the Spencer family (heirs male of the body of Anne, sccotul da. of the great Duke of Marlborough), are next in rem. under the act of Pari, of 17U0 (as heirs male of the body of the first daughter of the lirst da. of the great Duke) to the Marlborough peerage. (B) She was sister to Isabella, Countess of Denbigh.