Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/264

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•J 6 2 .MARSHAL. as LORD Mowbray ami Skghave in 1383, was cr. in that year, Karl of Nottingham, and was, 10 Feb. 1307 (in his said grandmother's lifetime) constituted "EARL MARSHAL OF ENGLAND," beiug cr; in the same year), 29 Sep. 1397, Dike OF NORFOLK, but was banished and apparently deprived of his dignities in 1398, (a) He d. 27 Sep. 1400, aged 39 Lt 13'JS. V. TUOMAS (DB IIoLA.NU), DUKE OF SURREY, h.UiL ok Kent, &c., made "' MARSHAL OK KNOLAND, 30 Jan. 1398 and 17 Sep. 1398. (*) Beheaded 6 Jan. 1-100. III. 1399. I. Ralph (Xevji.l), Eaiil ok WESTMORLAND, wns made " EARL MARSHAL OF KNG LAN D," 30 Sep. 1399. He (I. 25 Oct. 1425. IV. 1 U3. 2. John Mowbray, 2d but 1st stirv. s. ami h.() of Thomas, Duke OK NORFOLK, and Earl Marshal abovc- nattie.l. h. 1390; was sum. to Pari., 22 March 1412/3, as KARL MAR- SHAL,i c i and was restored 14 July 1424 as Oiike ok Norfolk. &e. Ho acted as Earl Marsha', at the Coronation, 0 Nov. 1429, of Henry VI. He 19 Oct. 1432. V. U32. Si Joun (Mowbray), Duke of Norfolk, &c, and KARL MARSHAL.^') s. and h. He acted iis Earl Marshal, at the Coronation, 23 June 1461. of Edward IV. He d. 0 Nov. 1461, aged 40. VI. 1461. 4- •loiix (Mowuray), Duke ok Norfolk, [13 7], Eaiil ok NORFOLK i 13123, Karl ok Nottingham [1333], Karl ok Sl IUiKY AND WaIIENNE [14511, LolIU MoWUKAY, LoKD SKGItAVK, and KARL MARSHAL,! 1 ') only s and h. ; h, 1414; was o. v.p. in 1451, Karl of Surrey and Warenne, and me, to the other dignities in Nov. 1401. He. who appears never to have exercised the office of Earl Martha/, d. 8. p.m., 17 Jan. 1475/0, aged 31, when the Dukedom of Norfolk, end the Earldoms of Nottingham, Surrey and Wartime became ixtinct. VII. HTG^' 1 ) 7. Anne, »m jure Countess of Norfolk, Baroness Mowbray, Baroness Segrave and (presumably) COUNTESS MARSHAL,!*) only da. and h. She at her age of seven, m. 15 Jan. 1477 8. Richard (Plantagenet), Dike ok York (second s. of King Edward IV.i who, in contemplation of such marriage, was cr. on 12 June 1470, Eaiil of Nottingham, and on 7 Feb. 1477, Karl Warknne and DttKK of Norfolk. She appears to have d. s.p. (an infant) in the lifetime of her . prefix of " End." It is not, however, contended that such prefix would of itself indicate a peerage dignity, tho' it is dillicult not to allow such dignity to John .Mowbray after his summons to Pari., 22 March 1412/3, by writ directed " Vumili Mure.ichallo " more especially as he had inherited no petratje, his father having been attainted. In any case, however, a list of the various Earls Marshals" (each of whom is more fully described under his peerage dignity) is given in the text. ( a ) Johu (Montagu), Earl of Salisbury, was on 2.i Sep. 1398, made Doptlifr Karl Marshal of Kngland for three years. He was beheaded 7 Jan. 1400. ( b ) Thomas Mowbray, his elder bn, styled himself Karl Marshal. He d. s.p., being beheaded 1405. (*) The writ of summons to Pari. 22 March 1412,3(1 Hen. %), directed " Oomiti Mareehatlu " would appear to have cr. a Peerage dignity (similar to the " Karl Maris- ehal " in Scotland) as Earl Marshal. See p. 201, note " f." (•') Between 1470 and 1183 "Sir Thomas Grey, Knt.," is said by Camden to have held the oilice. The only Thomas Grey likely to have obtained such a post was tho .Marquess of Dorset (so cr. 1475) who in 1483 was made Constable of the Tower of London, 4cc. His son and successor (in 1501) another Thomas Grey, b. in 1477, would not be likely, when a mere child, to have been cr. Karl Marshal, especially as the family of Grey had not any hereditary claim to that office.